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Everything posted by Eva.L

  1. No you will not receive any message for nomination approval. These are two different applications. The company receives notifications and the MA following the case.
  2. Yes they requested skills assessment, experience evidence, PTE results and birth certificates for my children on 26 March submitted all on 27 March. Apart from birth certificates all the other documents were provided with the original application but requested again for a second time. To be noticed that the visa was finalised not by the same CO that requested the documents on the 26. Hope this helps.
  3. The time that I received the email as I applied by myself. The application was processed in NSW.
  4. Hey Ratu, The nomination is valid for 6 months so yes you can apply for the visa using the existing nomination approval. Rather than waiting for your visa to be refused you can withdraw your application and re apply.
  5. Over the moon, Received my PR yesterday at 3.10pm. Nearly 7 weeks after request for more information. Bought the Champagne on Sunday just in case and could open it the day after...(Followed the trend of this forum) Thank you for all the info you share In this forum as make you feels you are not alone. Good luck to all of you waiting on your visa,
  6. Nikimino really sad. Could you include the details in your signature please. Has the nomination been approved?
  7. I believe once S56 request for more information is received the CO is assigned. At least this happened to me. 35 days today since the requested documents were submitted.
  8. Worth sharing. Interesting noting that as stated in the link below "Lack of timeliness where an application for Permanent Residency is less than 12 months old" https://www.igis.gov.au/complaints/immigration-matters
  9. Usually not. Seems like Immi sometimes check both nomination and application at the same time. I would be really mean with MA that miss definitions or not upload documents. They are being paid for their professional job so this can`t be a human mistake.
  10. A HAP ID is generated at the moment of application. I applied on my own and the next day I had my health check required. MA can`t generate the HAP.
  11. Personal experience; Nomination applied 28 Feb 2018 Application 31/07/2018 Documents requested for the nomination Feb 2019 exactly 6 months after the application was submitted. How I see it Yes it delays the process. But obviously each case is different. Just my opinion
  12. The bridging visa states "No Travel" "No Condition" It`s a month I have not renewed mine. But I`m still not sure about it.
  13. Yep true Hex, and his nomination has been approved so automatically the status is on the visa.
  14. Same mine. Nomination approved. Documents requested for visa application 26 of March submitted 27 of March. Status "Received".
  15. Thanks. I just checked the application again and have answered yes so I`m not uploading this Doc.
  16. Can anyone share a link for the declaration form "Paying For Visa Sponsorship"? All I find is the one related to the company. Cheers
  17. If they ask documents for your application yes your MA will receive an email and you can also see it in the messages at immi account if you have already imported the application. If the documents requested are in regard of the nomination then no you don`t receive any email or message just your MA does.
  18. @MMHF keep tight and be patient. I`m in the same situation as most of us here. Stressful? A lot, both mentally and physically. It`s 3 years I`m paying lots of money to send my children to a public school. Very tiring managing all the expenses. But still I think we are lucky as there are a lot of people out there that would love being in our position, waiting rather than looking for a sponsor. I check my immi account twice a day or maybe more. Some days I`m stressed some days I`m not. This will hopefully end up soon and it will just be a memory. Good luck Cheers
  19. Hi Sydney, Did you uploaded them by yourself or your MA did it? I have uploaded mine today but nothing changed.
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