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Posts posted by TanC7

  1. 3 hours ago, CEP said:

    Happy new year all!

    So by my reckoning we've got the following outstanding:

    CEP - Lodged w/c 28/05/18 - Request for Info w/c 5/11/18

    @GemTrae Lodged w/c 28/05/18 - Request for Info  w/c 12/11/18

    @Katiebobbles Lodged w/c 11/06/18 - Request for Info w/c 29/10/18

    @Heather Kennedy Lodged w/c 07/05/18 - Request for Info w/c 05/11/18

    @ZoeHoulding Lodged w/c 30/07/18 - Request for Info w/c 26/11/18

    @ATE Lodged w/c 07/0518 - Request for Info w/c 05/11/18

    @SydneyBound Lodged w/c 04/06/18 - Request for Info w/c 12/11/18

    @Ausgirl42 Lodged w/c 20/08/18 - Request for Info w/c 03/10/18

    @Kylied Lodged w/c 23/04/2018 - Request for Info w/c 29/10/18

    @Thisforumisalifesaver lodged w/c 11/07/18 - Request for Info 19/11/18

    @TanC7 Lodged w/c 09/04/18 - Request for Info w/c 22/10/18


    Is there anyone I've missed??

    I've got a lovely little excel Chart as a visual if anyone is interested?... I sooooo need to be back in work!!

    Happy New Year to you All

    good luck to everyone awaiting good news, looking at your info I so hope we are first.....but not likely

  2. 50 minutes ago, dondons1uk said:

    So I went to New Zealand with my ticket to stay 5 days as requested. The visa was granted Monday UK time - woke to the news Tuesday morning. I rapidly booked a return flight and here I am landed in Melbourne. 


    I walked through the auto gates no problems. Felt guilty so immediately went to an immigration officer and asked if that was allowed when permanently migrating. She looked at me like I was mad and said yeah of course. 


    And here I am. Now eligible to work and progress my life here!

    Congratulations, great news. Best wishes for the future

  3. 22 minutes ago, Katiebobbles said:

    Another week begins and another wait resumes..... who is left from the additional info list and who is just waiting atm????
    Come on Santa .... need a pressy before Xmas!!!!

    I’m in the same boat....hoping for the best Xmas present!!

    its so frustrating reading on other forums too, of people applying months after us and only waiting about 6 months. Now over 8 months and it’s been 7 weeks since uploading additional info. I really feel that when you are paying that kind of money your application should be processed in some order rather than just random.

    im sure they can understand that people have houses to sell and maybe businesses to tie up, dogs to transport etc which takes months to organise after visa been granted. I really hope they want to clear their desks for Xmas. 

    Fingers crossed for everyone waiting X  good luck


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  4. 1 minute ago, dondons1uk said:

    So I can't quite believe I'm writing this but


    I now just have to leave the country for 5 working days and when I come back I can begin finding a job and then we can begin finding a house. It's all so exciting.

    Thank you to everyone on this board for helping to keep me sane!

    Jon you were right to have that good feeling. I'm hoping it happens for the rest of you too!  Come on KatieBobbles you must be next. 



    Congratulations I’m so happy for you. Please let me be next......

    Best wishes for your future plans

  5. 3 minutes ago, Katiebobbles said:

    We are the same ... I have re-read the request letters twice to see if I missed anything but can't see it.
    All I have done is click the button at the bottom which is now greyed out.
    Wouldn't it make the best Xmas pressy if we all hear beforehand

    We have done the same! Thanks for the reassurance. It certainly would be great to start the new year being able to plan your future. Good luck , fingers crossed

    • Like 1
  6. 2 minutes ago, CEP said:

    @GemTrae your time line is pretty much the same as mine. Hoping for a Christmas present!

    @TanC7 I just clicked the button to say I’d supplied the requested information. Unfortunately the templates used on the letter don’t seem to be up to date and make reference to contacting the case officer directly but with no means of doing so. Also the links at the bottom of the letter weren’t working for the “contact us”part of the website. Tried navigating the website but again was full of broken links 😬

    Thank you, that’s what we thought too. Thanks for the reassurance. Fingers crossed we all hear before Xmas....

  7. Hi, can I ask if anyone contacted the department in any way to let them know that the information they requested has been submitted through the Immi account?

    we were asked for further correspondence on the 26th October and submitted everything that was requested within 7 days instead of the 28 days given. I couldn’t find anyway to contact them by email or enquiry form so just clicked on the final submission button. I’m hoping that is enough and they can now see it’s complete as we still havnt heard anything. Would hate to think there was something else we should have done...... thanks

  8. 3 minutes ago, Ausgirl42 said:

    Hi guys, well, we've gone from received to "initial assessment" today and been asked for more information, namely any countries my partner (the applicant) has lived in for more than 12 months for past ten years (he's only lived in England so that one is easy), and more proof of our relationship. 

    I am really surprised as we applied in August, but it does seem like they are putting on a big push before the end of the year to clear or move to the next stage as many applications as possible. 

    Not sure what more "proof" we can give them of our relationship as I've given them 3 affidavits, 14 pages of timestamped screenshots and photos etc from ours and our friends social media since we got together 7 years ago, receipts of all our joint travel and holidays, and full statements explaining how we met, the development of our relationship, how we run our household etc. We don't have any joint finances at the moment as I moved into my partners house (so mortgage and bills were in his name) and we share one car which is in my name and I pay for sky and groceries.  Any ideas what else we can send them? One of our pals suggested a sex tape but I don't think I'd wish that on anyone!! 😆

    That’s good news, glad to hear you still have a sense of humour! Think most of us have lost ours in this process.....

    good luck, hope it comes through soon. Not sure what else to suggest.... car insurance document with a named driver?

    • Like 1
  9. Hi,

    Im new to this forum, glad I found it as it’s been the most helpful forum I have found. I’m so pleased for everyone who has received their visa’s over the past months. Just wanted to share our experience so far.....

    applied 12th April 2018

    requested more info on 26th October, which was more evidence of relationship for past two years instead of evidence given for past 9 years in order to be considered for 100. Also police check as one supplied was the wrong type. 

    All documents uploaded within 7 days instead of the requested 28 days, final button clicked.

    its now 30th Nov and still showing as ‘further assessment ‘

    all we want for Xmas is our visa to come through, fingers crossed!

    good luck to everyone

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