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Everything posted by AJSAJS

  1. Your home is beautiful. May I suggest you upload some pictures of your view? Nothing is too much of a long shot and I will also keep an ear out if I hear of anyone wanting to move/go back to Ireland. I think pics of your view will really help. Best of luck.
  2. That's great news Stella. You have been waiting so so long. Please keep us all updated. Best of luck to you. It should happen this week. Fingers crossed for you xx
  3. Yes, checked with MA, they say they cant do anything as it is still within published timeframe! If I reach 15 months then they MAY be able to contact DIBP! Also rang DIBP and was told I am still in the queue and just have to wait! Same old story! Best of luck to you.
  4. No need to delete your post. It gave us hope. Our frustrations are with DIBP not you. We're always happy for people to get approved but more so were happy to see some movement with approvals. The buck lies squarely with Immigrations allocation process, its a mystery to us who have been waiting so long but believe me we are all happy for you. The less people who have to go thorugh what we are going thorugh is a good thing, even if it makes no sence. Enjoy your PR, you deserve it as much as anyone does. We just hope were next.
  5. @zanfo I dont see you on the Spreadsheet in December. Or are you under a different name on it?
  6. The problem with this is that they keep moving the Service Standards, one week its 8-10 months then its 9-13 months then back to 8-10 months and now its 8-12 months. I feel like were chasing a rainbow and when it gets to 12 months they will just say we are part of the 10% and just have to wait! I want to remove the word 'Received' from the English language and replace it with 'Finalised'. Lets hope we dont get to the 12 month mark. Let the rainbow come to us! I no longer want to check my Immi account. That sick feeling you get hoping it no longer says Received! Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr! If you call them let us know what they say. I hope they dont just fob you off like they did to me. Best of luck.
  7. Hi Manish. I used the number at the bottom of my Acknowledgement letter. NSW office. Check your acknowledgement letter it is on the end of each page.
  8. Lol, come back to me with that comment if you end up waiting over 11 months!! You have no idea how stressful the entire process is and especially when were almost a full year waiting. Everyone has their own reasons to be worried and or complain, we may not give the full details as to why because its private. Having freedom and options is what we desire most. Some people have been told the business may sell (voiding their visa application), some have been told they may be made redundant (voiding their visa application) and some people simply wish to move on because of bad employers and being used and abused by the employers because they know they have us by the balls.......there are many reasons for the rush and impatience. We should be supporting each other and not judging or making assumptions on our worries. Try on our shoes! I hope you don’t end up in our situation. Good luck with your application. We're all here to help so if you need some advice in the future let us know.
  9. Not for us 2016 People. Should have applied in 2017! Probably have it by now! Grrrrrrrrrrrr
  10. I finally plucked up the courage to call Immigration today as I have now reached 11 months waiting. Phone was answered surprisingly fast, they asked for my file number and simply said "It has not been allocated yet, you are still in the queue". Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!! Still hoping that this call may make them open my file. Gotta keep the hope.
  11. You should go back in to the spreadsheet and update your details. Someone deleted mine too so I fixed it up. Its always good to keep updating, especially if we are in the same month of Application.
  12. My file still says Received and my Occupation is Project/Program Administrator. Arent you in the December Tab too or is that a different Stella?
  13. I applied on shore. I moved house 4 months ago so changed it straight away on my Immi Account, hoping it might send them some kind of notification so that they then may actually look at my file. Clearly it didn’t help but I think anything is worth a try at this point. My MA tells me there is no need to add extra documentation as DIBP will ask if requested but I think its best they have all of it so you are not moved back in the queue while they await you to send it through. I notice some people wait months for more communication after submitting extra documents. Its best they have it all as soon as they open your file. It may or may not help but it’s better than them making you wait longer and blaming you on not submitting sooner. I would have thought they would always request Pay slips and payment summaries, I thought that would be essential information. Its all so confusing! But yes if I were you I'd submit them, it might make them move! Good luck.
  14. Hi, i applied under DE and was required to submit 3 months of Payslips and 2 Payment Summaries. They did not ask for a Tax Certificate. Best of luck.
  15. Finally! Congratulations. Well deserved after all that waiting. Well done. Happy for you!
  16. Brilliant! Very happy to see some movement. Congratualtions. 16 Months wait WOW! Well deserved. Lets hope Immi keep up the momentum!
  17. The company I work for are huge. Very well known and make Millions $$$ in profit each year, they are government funded on certain projects and government regulated. They have been a validated Employment sponsor with Immigration for 20+ years, so there wont be any issues on the company side of things. I hate the fact that I have to keep questioning why they are approving late 2017 applications and leaving 2016 in the dark. I just wish I knew their logic! If they actually work on logic!
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