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Everything posted by Toots

  1. Out of interest what breed are your horses? I spent a fair part of my working life with Arab horses and many of then were exported all over the world to people who were interested in their bloodline.
  2. Just as well we enjoy the four proper season Evandale! We are at sea level so very doubtful we will see snow. I've seen flurries of the stuff but it's gone soon after. A friend in Sheffield has a bit of it though each winter.
  3. Just found this on a site. "We brought a used saddle in from the States just prior to the EI outbreak, and we've got three sitting at quarantine in Sydney at the moment, all of which have come from Germany, and the quarantine regulations for importing second hand saddles are the same now as they were before the outbreak. Basically, if you can get a declaration from the saddle manufacturer stating that the saddle isn't made from or stuffed with any prohibited substances, such as untreated wool or straw then the saddle is just checked at quarantine for any bits of foreign matter (straw, dirt, etc) and then it's allowed to leave quarantine pretty much right away. But, if you can't arrange a manufacturer's declaration, then the saddle needs to be treated with Gamma Radiation before it can be released from quarantine".
  4. This might be of interest. http://www.irt.com/
  5. I own/share 3 horses and yes saddles/bridles/rugs etc are expensive. I'd definitely bring all your saddlery over especially if they were custom made and fitted for each horse. You'd be able to get all the other bits and pieces here e.g. buckets, lunge lines etc but if you've got the space you might as well bring all that stuff too. How much does it cost to ship over 4 horses??!!
  6. Everything white with frost first thing this morning. Brrrrr! Didn't stop Harry the dog going for his daily swim at the dog beach. It's now 4C at 10:00 am. Nice and sunny though.
  7. Wrap up warm if you do go! I see it's -2C just now at Ben Lomond - that's at midday. Brrrr. Here in Devonport (according to the thermometer in the backyard which is sheltered and in the sun) it's 15C. Much cooler out of the sun though.
  8. I said to my husband yesterday "I bet it's snowing in the mountains". I sat out in our sheltered back courtyard and had breakfast there. Very pleasant in the sun.
  9. After a day of heavy rain and sleet yesterday, today there's not a cloud in the sky. Took this an hour ago.
  10. It poured with rain during the night and was really windy but today there is no wind and a clear blue sky.
  11. Bothwell is a small town right in the middle of Tassie.
  12. You'll be fine here in the winter then. It will soon be time to get out my woolly hat, scarf and gloves. Today was glorious. Very mild and lots of sun.
  13. I have to admit to not being a lover of snow. Probably because I had to work out in it when working for vets in the UK and Europe. Here is a photo of the snow at Ben Lomond.
  14. It is definitely outdoorsy here. I spend more time outdoors than I do in the house. There isn't a day when I don't venture outside. Many folk wouldn't come to Tassie because of what they imagine the weather to be like but it certainly suits me far more than the mainland weather. We had a lovely long warm summer here. Last winter we had A LOT of rain which resulted in flooding - not us here in Devonport but it did affect other places on the north coast. Apparently Hobart is the 2nd driest Australian city after Adelaide so obviously doesn't receive as much rainfall as us on the north coast. Have you been for a holiday?
  15. More than half the battle is having employment so you are very lucky! Let us know how it all goes for you.
  16. I am within walking distance to our HSG so toddle up there a couple of times a week. They are very close to Woolies and Coles but seem to do very well as it's busy every time I go. I think they may be moving to the new "Devonport Living City" when it is completed. I hope the Living City doesn't prove to be a white elephant as it is costing a fortune to build. http://www.devonport.tas.gov.au/Council/Our-City/Living-City
  17. Skani, Hill Street Grocer has recently opened a store in Devonport. Some lovely produce to be had there - especially the cheese selection.
  18. We live on the NW coast and are very happy here. Retired after living in Sydney for well over 20 years. Hobart is a really nice small city. Do you have a job to go to. If so you are set up otherwise life will be difficult. We would have loved to move here years ago but jobs were scarce so waited until retirement age. As Starlight has said if you love to shop, Tassie isn't as exciting as the mainland cities. I hate shopping so I couldn't care less about that. The only things cheaper here are houses. Skani, a member here who lives in Hobart will be able to let you know areas to avoid. As far as dog walking parks, I don't know about Hobart but we have some great places here where our dog can have runs off the lead including a lovely dog exercise beach a walk from our house.
  19. We had thick fog this morning - almost felt like fine drizzle but it's gone now.
  20. It was a really cold start to the day here. Went for a walk wrapped up in coat, scarf and gloves crunching over the frosty ground. Nice and sunny as it has been for the past couple of weeks. No wind either.
  21. Frosty morning here in Devonport but clear blue sky. Going to reach 16C this afternoon.
  22. Very frosty first thing but frost was gone by 9:30am. Cloudless sky and 10C just now at 10:45 supposed to reach 13C.
  23. .......... and that Norwegian nutjob who murdered 77 people in 2011. He wasn't a terrorist either - he was insane.
  24. Plockton a lovely village in Ross and Cromarty, Scotland. Went there for a holiday with Mum the summer before she died.
  25. Sounds like a woman to me. Could be a man with a feminine voice but I doubt it.
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