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Everything posted by kirsty160990

  1. I would advise anyone who was requested documents to call their processing center for a general update after you have supplied all the requested documents. My documents were submitted on 20/02/2017 and i never heard anything. My MA wouldn't even give me an update. I seen then on my immi account that my MA only submitted our form 80 on 14/03/2017 5 days after the allocated 28 days. I questioned my MA on this on the 17/03/2017 and he accused me of hacking his account and then said he wouldn't take responsibility for the outcome of our visa as i could track our visa on immi. I was worried all that weekend so i called Immigration myself and just asked for a general update. The lady asked for our TRN then asked if all documents requested were submitted. I replied yes, she said she would look into the application then 20 mins later when i checked my immi account our PR was granted good luck everyone
  2. Anyone know why there are lines across some peoples names in the August tab in the spreadsheet?
  3. Thank you, yes 457 to 187 as per post so transition hope you all all get good news soon
  4. Hi. Yes we applied 2.5/3 years while we were on the 457 visa. That expired in October 2016 so we were on a bridging visa A until the PR was granted.
  5. Hi guys. Just an update. We got our PR granted on 20th March. After the dramas with my migration agent I decided to call immigration on the Monday for a general update on the application. She asked if all documents requested were submitted I said yes and she said ok I will look into it. 20mins later I checked my immi account and PR was granted. So delighted. Transition submitted 12/08/2016 & granted 20/03/2017. Documents requested 09/02/2017 Occupation is fibrous plaster LR 2 applicants NSW processing centre
  6. Hi guys. Just an update. We got our PR granted on 20th March. After the dramas with my migration agent I decided to call immigration on the Monday for a general update on the application. She asked if all documents requested were submitted I said yes and she said ok I will look into it. 20mins later I checked my immi account and PR was granted. So delighted. 457 to 187 submitted 12/08/2016 & granted 20/03/2017. Occupation is fibrous plaster NSW processing centre
  7. Hi Miss Sidhu, Where is your MA located? We can check our applications but mine isn't happy that i can check ours as i have found out he submitted documents after the allocated 28 days.
  8. My MA has sent me an email asking how I have gained access to his immi account. Do they not know that we can track our own application through a immi account. He has me in tears as I questioned him about the documents that were submitted 5 days after the allocated 28days. What do I do? I've done nothing wrong just been tracking our own application on my own immi account
  9. I Agree JonnyP but my partners company wanted to use a MA as they weren't sure on the PR process.
  10. My point exactly ashuji1, He's meant to be a qualified MA and paid enough to make sure its done correctly. I gave him all documents before it was submitted at i didn't want any delays with our application with CO requesting stuff. I made this clear to our MA and he obviously doesn't care as he already got his payment :mad:
  11. Yes Stevwtosh the last email from immi was on 09/02/2014 requesting Form 80, police checks and medical, No other correspondences since that date that i can see on my side
  12. Thank you ashuj1, He is based in Adelaide and I'm in the Northern Territory so can't visit his office :sad:
  13. I'm scared to question him on his work as he still has complete access to our application. Although saying that you are right that i have the right to know what is happening. Over the past 2 weeks he has been cc'ing me into a incorrect email regarding someone else's application. Twice now I've had to tell him that the email clearly isn't for me :eek:
  14. Hi Stevwtosh, Yes they requested it on 09/02/2017 along with the police checks and medicals. I'm stressing so much over this now. on my attachments list its listed 3 times previously with police checks but then in the total attached column it states 2 and not 3. dates attached is 12/08/2016, 10/02/2017 then on 14/03/2017 listed by itself under the Form 80 Personal particulars for character assessment tab, previously listed under ''Character, Evidence of'' tab with police checks :wacko:
  15. Anyone know what happens when documents are submitted after the requested 28 days? found out yesterday that our Migration Agent only submitted the form 80 on 14/03/2017 when it was requested on 09/02/2017 so 33 days after the requested day. The thing that is annoying me is that I supplied our migration agent with this form back in August to submit with the application :mad:
  16. Anyone know what happens when documents are submitted after the requested 28 days? found out yesterday that our Migration Agent only submitted the form 80 on 14/03/2017 when it was requested on 09/02/2017 so 33 days after the requested day. The thing that is annoying me is that I supplied our migration agent with this form back in August to submit with the application :mad:
  17. Haha, Just so frustrating that they have processed a lot more 186 yet 187 is meant to be more of a priority group. 6 of the approvals have been from September 2016 and even 1 October (within a week) :shocked: Hopefully we will have a good week soon.
  18. I've just checked my attached documents list to see that my MA only submitted my form 80 on 14/03/2017. He has has this form since August 2016. The form is listed on the attached documents 3 times with different dates and is listed along with the police checks. 12/08/2016 police check & form 80 10/02/2017 Police checks & form 80 then 14/03/2017 just listed as Form 80 Does the first 2 mean that he listed it but didn't actually attached the Form 80 just the police checks? I'm so angry if this is holding our application up. We paid him good money to do our application right not to 'forget to attached' documents :mad:
  19. I've just checked my attached documents list to see that my MA only submitted my form 80 on 14/03/2017. He has has this form since August 2016. The form is listed on the attached documents 3 times with different dates and is listed along with the police checks. 12/08/2016 police check & form 80 10/02/2017 Police checks & form 80 then 14/03/2017 just listed as Form 80 Does the first 2 mean that he listed it but didn't actually attached the Form 80 just the police checks? I'm so angry if this is holding our application up. We paid him good money to do our application right not to 'forget to attached' documents :mad:
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