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Posts posted by MANSON

  1. I hope she was giving me a official answer only.

    Or may be she can see something from her computer screen. ???



    what do you think?


    Oh mate, all kinds of guesses are the monster is killing us, ant they, LOL


    I know its hard but just try to not think about her for minutes cuz no matter what she said is offical answer or not, its unofficial until u have your own final result.

    Enjoy weekend though, cheer up

  2. I also beleive that this is just official answer but the way she said that you might hear back after new year or may be close to easter is so scary.


    I know a lot of us waiting from last year and early this year but the hopes should always be there.


    But she destroyed all my hopes until easter


    Ican feel u. I login immiaccount multiple.time on daily basis and bother ma all the time. Try not to contact immi until hitting 7months or get a co, otherwise nobody cold give any specific info on your very case processing

  3. I called immi yesterday the lady picked up the call was very rude. She said we are still processing the feb files.

    And according to her i will not hear anything till easter.


    I dont know why she said that. Is that she was sure about it or she just looked at the processing dates.



    But she scared me alot. Now should I believe her and stop waiting or just don't worry about her


    Its no cool, mate. Sounds like u got caught by an impatient lady.

    But its not wise to call immi onFriday, especially at this pre-xmas moment

  4. Has anybody read these articles: https://www.acacia-au.com/changes-to-Skilled-Occupations-List-Flagged.php & http://www.abc.net.au/news/2016-11-20/government-cutting-457-job-list-for-skilled-migrants/8040548


    I wonder if that explains why some nominations take so much time to be approved...

    Consolidated Sponsored Occupations List


    The ABC and SBS have reported on removal of occupations from the CSOL. What do we Know So Far?


    The articles include comments from the Minister for Immigration, Peter Dutton. These comments relate specifically to 457 visa applications, and are as follows:


    • The Government is considering cutting the list for 457 visas

    • This is as a result of pressure from the opposition Labour party calling for restrictions on the 457 program

    • Work is underway to "condense" the list already, and the Government will look at this very soon



    The occupations mentioned as the most frequently used for the 457 program are Cooks, Cafe or Restaurant Managers, Marketing Specialists, Chefs and Developer Programmers. At this stage, it is not clear which occupations may be removed.What would be the Impact of the Change?


    The above comments suggest the 457 list could be reduced in the near future. Unlike the SOL, changes to the CSOL can come into effect any time during the year.As the 457 list is the same for the Employer Nomination Scheme Subclass 186 Visa and Occupational Trainee Stream of the Training Subclass 407 visa, if the 457 list were reduced, this may also affect these types of visas.

    For 457 visas, the requirement that the occupation be on the approved list is a "time of decision" requirement. In other words, even if you have lodged your application prior to the change, you could be caught out if the occupations list changes before a decision is made on your application.

    For ENS visas, the effect will depend on which stream you apply for. If you have worked for your sponsor on a 457 visa for 2 years and are applying for the Temporary Residence Transition Stream, the impact should be minimal.

    If you apply for the Direct Entry Stream, this would require a skills assessment in a CSOL occupation and 3 years of work experience in your occupation. If your occupation is removed before your nomination is approved, you could have difficulty meeting the requirements for the Direct Entry Stream.

    What can I Do to Minimise the Impact?


    If you are considering applying for a 457 visa, you should apply as soon as possible to avoid being affected by the changes.If you are considering the Direct Entry Stream of the ENS visa, you should also look at applying soon to avoid disappointment.

    If you are on a 457 visa already and looking at the Temporary Residence Transition Stream, you should not be affected by any changes to the CSOL.


    it says it is likely from 1 july 2017, its possible having impact on cases lodged from last year?

  5. Hi,

    I also lodged on 14th April 2016 DE (both nomination and visa). Heard nothing till now, so I contacted the department yesterday. The guy who received told me that my application has not even been allocated yet. He mentioned that they are processing early February applications and cannot give me a timeline due to many applications being lodged this year, however it could take another 2-3 months.

    Hope this helps.

    I think the best way to handle this is to keep low expectations during Christmas. Feeling so hopeless.


    u could ve mentioned few friend of yours have gain PR ,even lodged the date after you did .

    apparently some lodged on may and june have got pr according the spreadsheet here.

  6. Hi Forum

    The lodgement of the documents of my 186 Visa was by end of March. I am still waiting for the granted Visa

    At some point in October, I asked my agent to have an option to check myself the status of my application and the answer I got was: "There is not any

    mechanism through which you can track the processing of the application online".

    Why did he say this when I can see in this Forum others can do?


    I don't think what others have been doing here count as tracking application, it more like waiting until Status changes and put timeframe here, where we can estimate ours base on calculation on those data.

  7. **This is an automated response regarding ENS 186/RSMS 187 applications. Please do not respond to this email**


    Email Updated on 21 November 2016








    We are currently allocating ENS applications lodged early February 2016 and RSMS applications lodged late February 2016. If you have recently lodged an application, this means that we may not allocate your application for at least 6 months. You will be contacted when your case is allocated for assessment.


    Oh this sucks. Still as same as three months ago, unbelievable

  8. Long time lurker, we finally got our PR today.


    These are the details -


    Nomination applied - 30/10/2015

    Nomination Approved - 14/05/2016


    Application submitted - 01/06/2016

    Application approved - 29/11/2016


    Number of applicants - 2

    HR Country

    Occupation - ICT Project Manager


    Got a call from CO yesterday to submit my transcripts, my wife's transcripts and Form 80.


    Submitted all the documents today morning and got an approval in the evening.


    Good luck to all those who have been waiting.


    congrats mate!!


    its a transition, isnt it?

  9. After I click "View Receipt", it says No data available in the table...... Is it possible that there is some settings can hide all those things and only them can see?

    Really have no idea... I don't want my MA to receive the doc requested reply from the case officer and then upload the docs. It will take longer.

    uh this happened to me too, then i consulted ma and they forward an email originally from immi to me where i found the receipt, for now almost 5months passed , the receipt box is still empty, so strange..au immi is a mystery.

  10. Thanks Manson.

    When I log into my account, it says "0 attachments have been received by the department". Is it normal or there is a problem?


    i have to say zero is kind of weird, they should have few docs on their hands such as your passport copy, ielts record letter. it only takes seconds to upload those.

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