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Everything posted by Ferrets

  1. To be fair Kingston is not really Tory heartlands - until 2010 it was Susan Kramer for Richmond Park & North Kingston and until 2015 Kingston was Ed Davey - both Lib Dems.
  2. Zac was my local MP, and he has haemorrhaged support in the constituency since his stance on the EU vote was made clear - very out of step with his constituents on that issue. This wasn't a huff against the referendum (though there were a few ragers I know to be fair), it was a constituency recognising that the incumbent wasn't in line with their views. Therefore his resignation was highly likely to lead to this, recognised by the fact that the Conservatives didn't stand against him. He's either incredible principled (this was in his election manifesto on Heathrow) or he has got himself a nice little job lined up once he leaves with his golden parachute :wink:
  3. Well the title question is different to the content question..... Agents are useful...some will say not required, but frankly if you are spending money on a visa worth having it checked. I didi a validation check with a MARA Agent from this site and it was very worthwhile. In terms of ACS think someone else will need to jump in on that one ;-)
  4. This is getting brutally boring now for people on either side. The biggest concern is that the Government is hiding behind the supreme court challenge without admitting there is no plan. Apparently there is shock and concern in Europe that the recently leaked Brexit plans covered at least a page of A4; http://www.thedailymash.co.uk/news/international/eu-amazed-that-brexit-plan-covers-whole-side-of-a4-20161129118057 Tongue in cheek I know, but still seems a bit of a rudderless ship at the moment.
  5. Sounds like a pretty poor company to deal with, especially if they had not paid their agents the other end. That said, £5,500 excluding quarantine and customs charges for full service on a 40' seems on the cheap side with ~£70k value of items inside. We paid £4,800 excluding charges for full service (wrapping, storage, shipping, insurance, Aussie agents) and our belongings took 8 weeks door to door in perfect condition on a £20k load - a lot of the value was sentimental. Appreciate that this doesn't help your position BUT it's worth people knowing that moving your stuff ain't cheap. If you pay peanuts you get Monkeys.
  6. That was what I was going to pick up on. We are here only two months, but Brisbane is now "home". I don't know if this is because we are more nomadic, but we've discussed going back to the UK at some point for a visit but not "home" if that makes sense? We also made sure that we fully cut the cord, by selling our house in the UK so there wasn't any lingering doubt in our minds. I think if we ever chose to relocate back then "home" would shift again ;-)
  7. I think that you are right to question why you are moving. We had an excellent life in the UK but chose to come to Australia. There were several pulls; we had holidayed and married here, all of our siblings are here (and never coming back), we as a family unit are very outdoorsy in a way that it enhanced in Australia, and we had a decent amount of capital to move. However, there has also been a significant amount of risk, I will need to restart my career which scares me a fair amount (though luckily contracting back to my old role at the moment which has softened the transition). Unless you can identify significant pull factors other than vague assumptions of life being better in Australia then think you should review. In comparison to the UK, where I migrated from, Australia is not better, just different. It so happens that for my family the difference has been better (at least we think so far - a day's DIY with my brother whilst the kids play with their cousins was really nice). That said, migration assessments, etc. aren't necesarily expensive, so it may be worth proceeding depending on your occupation to keep options open. Best of luck Ferrets
  8. Good luck Stu, Been here 7 weeks almost to the day, and despite the challenges we are all very happy with the move. Get stuck in and have a great time! Ferrets
  9. Was going to make the same point - this goes through the work environment too in Australia; working for the the same company before moving I heard more swearing in the office in 4 weeks in Oz than I did in 10 years in the UK. I have learnt to adapt - which is part of the move. My two year old is getting a bit too cheeky though so may need to stamp down on that! In terms of drinking and drugs, at 14 those are going to be part and parcel of a lot of schools and the journey of adolesence, irrespective of continent. I went to a private school in the UK, and through sport am familiar with my old local schools, all of which had similar issues. Suggest continual open, non judgemental conversations will allow her to open up. When I was 16 I told my parents I smoked, and I was "allowed" to smoke in the garden. They didn't like it but it meant that I wasn't hiding stuff... If through this it turns out to be more sinister such as bullying then would be more concerned.
  10. Been mulling this......not really the judge's fault as they are interpreting the law as set by Parliament. The wording of the referendum act was not intended to be binding. Put a bill before Parliament asap. Then if the MP's vote it down it's really clear which body is calling the shots!!
  11. With only proficient English I suspect you would fall behind others in the queue for a 190 for NSW; they take English language ability and experience into count. Best bet would be to resit the IELTS - if you get an 8 in each you will raise your points to 75 and get an almost immediate invite for a 189. Much cheaper and also simpler than going for partner assessment!!
  12. Seeing May's response I suspect that the reality is she doesn't want the scrutiny of parliament because there is currently no plan. Am putting some money on an early election - it's gonna be a hard brexit or no brexit now I reckon. Interesting to see on Money Mail the Brexiteer hedge fund manager who is now betting on recession. Horrible feeling that the biggest winners will be the 1% whatever the outcome.
  13. Article 50 is more than that. As was successfully argued, it's activation has the potential to remove rights from citizens, hence the need to involve Parliament. I am a little too young, but after the referendum in 1975 was that then ratified by Parliament?? (Genuine question)
  14. As a whole the people did not vote to leave, the leave vote, although a clear winner in the referendum was not 50% of the population. To be fair I think the remainers who are commenting here are not talking about derailing the leaving, more that it is done in line with democratic principles, i.e. that MPs vote on it (we all think it will be rubber stamped anyway), but it does change the context of what a leave means. There is a complete difference between a Hard and a Soft Brexit.....but how do we know what was voted for??? And if the vote had gone remain there would have been an almighty stink too. Let's get on with leaving, but make sure it is done via Parliament and not backroom deals with the likes of David Davis and BoJo!
  15. I am not in the slightest outraged. I do not think in any way that this will stop the UK leaving the EU (which was voted for by a majority in an advisory, non-binding referendum). What this will do is ensure alignment by Parliament on what the UK is asking for before pressing the button. For instance the referendum didn't represent a choice on trade, immigration, etc. Suspect that an inability to secure that alignment will lead to an early election, and a thumping Conservative majority on a mandate of a hard Brexit is a significant possibility. At that point the bill to proceed with article 50 will skip through Parliament. Whether I agree or not with the decision that would be democratic, certainly more so than the "no plan" shambles that is unfolding.
  16. Most good agents will be able to provide an initial consultation, which might signal if you need full agent support or can go it on your own. I was part way through the process and then had a consultation. Wish I had done it earlier, and good money spent. However, I did not need full agent support for the whole process. Good to have some validation though!! The above agents are a good place to start, good luck!
  17. Yes, going the other way I left our mortgage payment statements in the container....with no rental record in the UK they would have been useful
  18. Ferrets

    What to do?

    What is the phrase for agreeing with someone you disagree with when you have never publicly disagreed with them? I was very pro-remain, and having moved to Australia post the vote am very pro that too (hence the likely disagreement) :wink: As a Tory voter previously (though I couldn't vote for Zac for Mayor), I really don't think the UK is getting more right wing. The issue that drove the Brexit vote was far more complicated, and I do get a bit annoyed when people talk about a swing to the right rather than talking about the forgotten (and indeed abandoned) left.
  19. Absolutely appreciate that - the top tether that is required in Aus does help considerably. However for us, we now have the same brand of car seat at more than twice the price that feels "loose" vs. the UK isofix despite professional fitting. Don't get me wrong......I do not want to crash test it!!! But it does still seem strange.
  20. It's quite frustrating but the way it is. We had to leave our isofix car seats behind in the UK and buy inferior seats for an inflated price when we got here. The sales attendant was really helpful, but was genuinely surprised at how cheap / available isofix was in the UK when we were discussing.
  21. No idea where Bundaberg is.....a real leap into the unknown :wink: Looks like the site we are in has a linked site in Bundaberg (part of the Top Parks chain...not sure if it's all owned or a franchise). Whilst utilitarian they do have some cabins, have a look at their site; http://www.glenlodge.com.au/ Might not work for you, but our experience has been positive at the Brisbane one.
  22. lol...your first post did say Brisbane here we come so assumed that was your destination :wink:
  23. Recommend Brisbane Holiday Village down at Eight Mile Plains. If it weren't for the fact we have a container turning up next week we'd probably have gone for a longer term here as it's so well placed (busway into the City, Cycle lanes, etc.).
  24. For what it's worth we have been staying in a Holiday Site for our first month (albeit in a different part of the country) - Brisbane Holiday Village to be exact. We are staying in a 2 bed corporate cabin, with two small children. It's been challenging at times, but frankly was a very sensible way to get ourselves sorted, work started, car bought and then searching for our first rental for 6-12 months while we really work out where we want to live. I imagine there may be similar in Melbourne - might be worth a thought. Good luck Ferrets
  25. Good luck, been here a month and really happy that we made the move. Have you got jobs / accommodation lined up? Exciting times!!
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