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Everything posted by Bushpiglet

  1. I used Go Matilda for my 189...they were fantastic!
  2. That's great...thanks very much rammygirl. Just to be clear, it doesn't matter if I'm living in the UK currently, as long as my PR is still valid (which it is until 2021)? I'm just a bit confused because the terms in the booklet class Permanent Resident as someone who "usually resides in Australia". Thanks.x
  3. Hi guys, Bit of a complicated one...or at least it feels that way. ? I was granted a skilled migration visa and moved to Australia in 2016 with my ex husband and son. Our marriage broke down very quickly (3 months after arriving) and myself and my son returned to England to be worth family (my ex remained there). I have since entered into another relationship and have a newborn baby. Myself and my current partner would like to go back out to Australia with my son and our new baby, and are looking into applying for a partner visa but I don't know if we can do this if we're both living in the UK? The only examples I can find of this being acceptable are where the sponsor is Australian born. Any advice would be extremely welcome! Thanks in advance, Lou.?
  4. Hi! Unfortunately, the first thing you'll need to do is top up to a degree. Australia doesn't take nurses without their degree any more. Wishing you all the best with it.x
  5. The best!!! Feel a bit shell-shocked at the moment though! :biglaugh: x
  6. So...I just wanted to update and let you know we had our 189 visas granted this morning!! YAY!!!! We lodged on 29th April and our medicals were uploaded on 10th June. We hit a small delay due to the new financial year but nothing major and it's all officially done and dusted now!! Just wanted to say thanks to everyone who's helped and given advice over the last 9 months or so! Hopefully those of you waiting will get yours through quickly now too. Now to find a job....x
  7. Yeah...ridiculous but our migration agent advised us to put these in when we submitted despite my other qualifications. :frown: x
  8. Fab. My appointment was only 20 minutes but in that time he went through it all and checked it. Then he sent me away for 45 minutes while he did it all and I came back and collected it all. I think they definitely underestimated how many pages they actually had to sign but they didn't charge me any more. As long as you've been clear in listing what documents there are for them to sign you'll be fine.:rolleyes:
  9. Yes you do need to send them. I went to a notary and he stamped, signed and dated every page. I took two sets of everything (for ANMAC and AHPRA) and the cost was £90. Get a few quotes before you go though because my quotes ranged massively!
  10. Hi. Not sure if anyone's wondering about processing times etc but I'm a diploma registered mental health nurse, with a top up Bsc (Hons) Health and Professional Practice. My AHPRA application was submitted on March 9th and this morning I received notification of my registration in principle. x
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