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Posts posted by laurahaircutter

  1. Downtown?







    in or relating to the central part or main business and commercial area of a town or city.

    "downtown Chicago"




    in or into a downtown area.

    "I drove downtown"




    the downtown area of a town or city.

    "the heart of Pittsburgh's downtown"

  2. Hi everyone here's my timeline,

    457 to 186

    nomination and visa applied at same time on 28 May

    nomination and visa approved today(01/10/15)

    WA pese

    visa approved 2 hrs after nomination approval

    no decision ready

    no further info requested

    application received to finalized


    If you have any question that is in my ability to answer plz feel free to ask.


    Happy for you. But something wrong with immigration people.

  3. My nomination was granted about 3 days after (I) had submitted the extra docs requested by the CO on behalf of my employer. Unfortunately nobody noticed the confirmatory email and I was on extended leave, so wasted 6 weeks when I could have lodged visa application. I was seriously unhappy...


    Are you sure your screen name is not star bar sausage fest? Just kidding.


    Damn with these immigration people. They are crazy.

  4. Hi everyone, I've been following this forum for awhile and it's been quite supportive and helpful this all time.


    Ive one technical question for you. My employer was given (after waiting over 18 weeks since non imitation was lodge) 28 days by the so long awaited CO to provide additional documents regarding that nomination.


    Does enyone know what timeframe should I be expecting for the CO to work on these docs?


    Thanks everyone and just hold on tight m that time will come


    Sorry what's the technical question again?

    About the waiting part it the approval may come the same day, next day, and so on until the case officer makes up his her mind randomly.

    So in technical words they follow the round robin algorithm.


  5. Thanks Every one for the information. As my Medicals are expiring on 30th October, just wondering whether my application will be approved before or not. If not, I end up doing my Medicals and Police clearances again.


    My Agent lodged application only on 24th June 2015 and Bridge Visa granted on same day. My agent is advising me to go for new Medicals and Police clearances.


    Could you please let me know, if any one lodged their application in June and heard something from DIBP.





    You could be just on the borderline there.

    They might not ask you for new Medicals or police clearance if you have not traveled anywhere after they were issued.

  6. Hi guys. Today was my day! I have been granted the permanent visa as well as nomination today.i applied on 25th of May. We are three members in the family and I am a cook from Brisbane( but a pretty legitimate one! With strong documentation provided to the immi!)

    best of luck to those who are waiting



    That's lovely.

    We are legit too.


  7. Your MA should sort this thing out... he should have worked out before putting application. .. it is a normal question that immi ask that why the other person is getting less pay and the nominated person is getting more... i would suggest to play with the experience and qualifications things that you are more experienced and more qualified then the other person so this is why you are getting more pay...


    I agree. Maybe one of the employee has more salary negotiation skills based on experience.

  8. Hi there,


    I'm hoping for a bit of advice if possible please? My company put in their nomination for my ENS 186 back in March 2015, this was approved on 20 August and we put in our application on 3 September - I wasn't aware that I could put in my part of the visa application before the approval came through - should have joined this forum sooner!


    My question is this: When I log into my Immi account, view the application, after each named applicant it states "Processing" - does this mean that my application is already being considered? I was thinking that my application would be going right to the back of the queue again?




    Depends on the case officers how they wanna do it.

    Some are polite enough to notify of each and every action they do while some just offer grants or request further documents if necessary.


    Totally upto them.

  9. hI

    Just wondered do you know what they test for in the medical, how long this takes to process and whether its best to find own person to do medical through.




    Generally Chest x-ray for tb, eye test, meningitis and general checkup.


    "If required, a health professional will perform a full physical examination. This may include taking a blood sample, urine sample and/or chest x-ray."

    Source: bupa

  10. I have a question guys!! Seeking for solution, any response would be higly appreciated. I have got my pr two months ago .. And i would like to leave this hob and start something new but my boss doesnt want dat and he says i have singed on the contract for two more years.. i have to work there for two more years.. Im really confused and he is giving me only part time job now and wants me to continue like this for two years till the contract finish!!! Wat can i do now can jst leave it?? Is it legal to leave the job???


    You are a free man once you get your PR.

    if you are obliged by a contract, give him a notice of a week or two or whatever the company requires in order to get your annual leaves paid, and can quit the job.


    There is nothing like you lose your PR if you don't follow the contract. Once you're granted a PR you can leave jobs whenever.


    There is nothing from a migration law perspective that can really prevent you from changing your employer or your role.

    Hope this helps.

  11. My ens file was lodged by agent ..but today i made new immi account and import my file by giving trn ...i just want to know if i will mistakenly click any option in my immi account then will it affect my visa processing or not because by mistake i click submit option and it shows the file is allready submitted...pls tell if i do anything in my immi account will it affect my processing or not...thanks


    There's only one way to find that out. Try it.

    I am guessing there could be two alternatives: it changes the time stamp of the files or it doesn't. If it doesn't then you do not have to worry about mistakenly clicking submit button. If it changes the timestamp of the files then your curiosity will have a price.


    It is very simple, and with regular checking the account, you will remember all the links and avoid accidental clicking on links.


    I do not know what the risks are and therefore until I figure out the consequences I would refrain from doing stupid things. That's the general rule with everything. But if you feel like exploring please feel free.

  12. Hey laura hows the day been im just broken after 2 hour intense training.

    Thanks for the medicare info the only question is wether we can cease private insurance. Just coz i guess my country does not have medical arrangements as uk does


    100 percent. You can cancel your medical insurance. I got mine canceled and I'm not from uk. I confirmed it with the Medicare office.

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