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Posts posted by laurahaircutter

  1. Hi any one know how long CO take a time after requested document.we submitted straight away.

    any clue any one?


    You wanna take a guess from the below listed options?


    A. 2 months

    B. 5-8 months

    C. Less than a year

    D. Case officer got laid and is happy so - "very soon".

    E. Case officer goes to a beach on Monday and Tuesday and processes visas on a Saturday and Sunday when no ones there to keep an eye on them. And therefore 2 years.

    F. At case officers discretion.

  2. I have just had confirmation the PR has been granted.


    Nomination and Visa Lodged on 10th June,

    Granted 19th October

    Occupation: Retail Buyer

    4 people on application

    LR country

    No further details requested, status went straight to finalised


    Good luck everyone. Its a horrible wait




    I'm only kidding when I ask you this:


    What is the difference between a retail buyer and a customer at a retail store?

  3. A manager walks into a room.


    Immigration manager: "What the hell is going on here? What are those leaning towers of Pisa on your desks, y'all?"


    Case Officers: "sorry boss! We won't go to the beach this weekend like many others and clear some cases in the weekend. We have lot of work going on here".


    The manager leaves the room. Officers are relieved and rejoice by hi-five-ing in air and then gets back to their poker game.

  4. Thank you @laurahaircutter that means its 4 days over after 28 days. I don't when can i have a peacfull sleep as i only dream about this these days and wake up during the night with a big shock. Wish you the best everyone hopfully today will be ours day


    Go to a beach meditate or swim in the ocean. Don't lose your head over silly reasons.

    You should save your shocking wake ups for a zombie apocalypse and not over some lethargic snails.


  5. Hey guys just a quick question. Do we count the 28 days waiting period after we submited the requested docs or the day we got asked by the officer? Thanks


    I think you can answer it yourself I guess if you try. Let me make you think.


    Suppose a case officer contacts you on May 1st. You got asked to submit a document in 28 days. Now on the 28th day you decided to submit the document.

    So how many days did you wait so far?


    Think of this as a credit card bill. You got 55 days to make a payment. Get it?[emoji6]

  6. Can some one put me In spreadsheet pls. I tried few times but it's not working for me. If someone can do that will be great.

    thank u


    The spreadsheet is as vast our universe or beyond but virtual, only in ones and zeros. You are real. We will have to find a box or something to put you in. Kidding.


    Open the link.

    Look at the fields and scroll it to the bottom until you find an empty field.

    Put your deets in there. Deets is details. Just in case you're curious.

    Save it.


  7. I like to share funny thing how everyday i check my luck


    From my home to workplace i have some signals and every morning i think if today i will get 3 green signals continuously then today will be my day for visa...sometime i crossed yellow light even i can stop..... don't know where the green signal for my visa...anyone else doing this type of silly things??


    Getting a visa or dodging the stop lights, it as random as an asteroid hitting a planet.

    Keyword: Random.

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