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Posts posted by laurahaircutter

  1. i have applied my nomination and application on 23/12/2014.

    co allocated and requested for additional documents for my nomination on 30/4/2015.

    submitted on 2/5/2015.

    i haven't heard anything from then till date.its almost 11 months for me.

    when my MA called immi he gets a standard reply saying that waiting for a case officer to allocate.

    in this case what shall i do?

    any one facing similar problem?


    please suggest.


    Ask them: "what is the refund process?"


    Do not cancel your application or get a refund, just ask for it. Also speak to the "b0ss of the b0ss". It may help.

    Like I said earlier they are very bureaucratic. If you got money hire a migration lawyer and sue them.

  2. @brar0000

    I submitted requested documents on 28Sep for RSMS(187).But still waiting for nomination approval. Already crossed 28 days timeframe. Heard nothing so far.


    Some case officers are inconsiderate and above the law; "Thug life" - to be more precise. There is no law to regulate them.

    So I'll just have to use the word "unlucky" in such a case.

  3. Sorry Laura One more question for u after submitting documents 28 days or after Allocated CO 28 days ??


    In simple words- "regardless it's 28 days".


    So let's assume the case officer is a guy for grammar reasons.


    He is allocated on your case on 1st of October. He has to ask for any documents or make a decision in 28 days, unless your case is very complicated and he needs more to arrive to a decision.

    So let's say that he requested a document on 10th of October. Now he gets 28 more days to go thru that document and make a decision.

    Get it?

  4. We have no rights to push them they will do it as per their convenient.

    We can ask about visa status. My advice is better to wait till our turn.


    You can send an email and ask for the updates, however they will respond you as a standard/templet reply


    *giggles* at the word usage.

    Specifically - "no rights".


    Reminds me of the era when the British had colonies all over and the colonies had no or limited rights.

    There were many leaders in the past who gave up their life so that the rest of humanity may live free.


    That brings us to the word: Freedom






    the power or right to act, speak, or think as one wants.

    "we do have some freedom of choice"

    synonyms:right to, entitlement to; More


    the state of not being imprisoned or enslaved.

    "the shark thrashed its way to freedom"

    synonyms:liberty, liberation, release, emancipation, deliverance, delivery, discharge, non-confinement, extrication; More


    So there.


    My opinion:

    He has the right to "push" it if by "push" he means he's asking for services that he has already paid for.


    In fact speaking to "their" supervisors is suggested if they are just ignoring your messages or calls.

  5. For all of you waiting like me, the response from Immi below is assuring for all of us :).



    Please rest assured that the department is actively working on your visa application.

    There are several internal and external checks a visa application goes through before its finalisation.


    Or in the name of that someone's partying. Who knows!

  6. Its called being paranoid. Ive heard of some people opening their own immi account and importing their application and its actually caused the dept to view double files and cause issues. I was just wondering if its going to happen to me hahaha. My agent was cross with me when she found out i opened my own immi account. All i did was import my application. Haha.


    If they are too dumb to process a simple friggin application, what you're just saying must be rocket science to them. So don't worry.

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