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Everything posted by MartinH

  1. Hi All, I also received the same news as Joe this week. I am to a RMN with a HE Diploma. I applied back in January and have been following this thread since then. I haven't commented or registered with Poms in Oz till now. Until a couple of months ago I thought that I was going to get offered a bridging course, as (in my mind) behind the scenes at APHRA they had already decided to knock back anyone who can't meet criteria 8 knowing it would be a large portion of applicants and reduce it further by offering bridging courses to diploma trained nurses knowing it would, due to the course cost and impractical nature of not earning while studying put off all but the most determined or affluent. Due to there government moving away from immigration of skilled workers where possible and filling the need with home grown talent. Also I understand that there aren't as many posts going now as they have been filled by newly qualified Australian's who don't initially specialise in mental health, paediatric or LD so they get jobs in adult wards. Hence why the supervised practise is not offered to adult nurses with diplomas from UK (feel for u guys). Perhaps I am being over cynical, but it seems to fit for me. I actually respect Australian immigration for being stringent and so concerned about who they let into the country. But I do feel there is some warranted criticism aimed at APHRA on how they have managed the change in there registration procedures, I know for one the uncertainty, miss information, ignored communications and protracted nature of the application has caused me undue stress, uncertainty and anxiety. This isn't a critic of all the individual staff members at APHRA as they have suffered from the poor management of the change as well, having to manage a huge backlog and I am sure being bombarded by 'what's going on! phone calls and e-mails', I feel for them also. My partner is paediatric trained and applied at the same time but we haven't heard a final decision for her yet, so it still might not be over, finger crossed... To try and answer your query Leep123. It said on my decision letter that I had to the 31st October to appeal in writing the conditions placed on my registration. if I did not I would be automatically registered from that date. So sounds a little different in your case? I also have a couple of questions: Has anyone who is registered and is working done so with a work sponsored VISA? as this would be my preferred path, but I hear these aren't so popular now too? And has anyone who has been registered with the supervisory conditions had difficultly in finding work or is in employment, as I am unsure on how prospective employers may react to the conditions?
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