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Everything posted by samir

  1. Do I need to provide the original documents which I am uplaoding scanned copies on visa application later after recieving the visa or not??
  2. I have one year experience with a company in Dubai. But I worked exactly 8 months in Dubai and 4 months in my home country working with a project belongs to the same company then I finished my contract without returning to Dubai.I filled my visa application that I worked one year in that company and I chose country is U.A.E as mentioned in my experience certificate . later on I had to fill the period I stayed abroad . should I fill it as one year or 8 months???I am so confused what should i do ?
  3. samir

    payslips ?

    unfortunately, No. I was taking my salary in cash from a cashier or from the Boss directly
  4. samir

    payslips ?

    No problem silencio. But do you think that case officer can tolerate with pay slips or not?? anyhow, as for my country, I don't have them and I have not other evidence except experience certificates/
  5. Do I need to make police clearance certificate for a country I stayed in for 12 month or no??
  6. samir

    payslips ?

    We are third world countries man . I used to get my salary in cash directly and sign the receipt
  7. I am applying for the same visa and I need to know if it is necessary to upload payslips or experience certificates are sufficient evidences ?
  8. samir

    payslips ?

    Is it necessary to upload payslips for visa application? as I have only experience certificates indicating my monthly salary.
  9. I am going to lodge a visa application 489. Now , I am preparing the documents like Medical examination, Police certificates. I need to know from anyone who have applied the same type of visa if they require bank statement or not??
  10. They are in italian language and I am translating them. then I only need to upload without certifying from the australian embassy ??
  11. Do I need to certify my Police certificates before uploading them ??
  12. Thank you. I found all the information I may need in this link http://www.immi.gov.au/Visas/Pages/489.aspx Thank you again
  13. I filled the application using immi account, I reached to the step of paying and I stopped. Also, I made health declaration and e-medical then I got referral letter, I printed it and find my HAP Id on it. I will call clinic here in Italy to book an appointment. That's all. I am confused what's else maybe required. Thank you Maggie
  14. Health Examination is already in my application and I got HAP Id. I will book an appointment for examination soon. So what do you mean by it is too soon????
  15. yes but maybe these documents need time to be prepared like health or police certificate so I need to know what are the documents to start preparing, especially I am not in my home country now .
  16. Attach documents is the step after payment step. I do not want to pay till finishing all the required documents so I need to know what are the documents as " Attach documents" will not appear in my application till payment thanks
  17. Thanks very much. I have done the Health declaration and got HAP Id. I will contact the clinic and take appointment. But what about police certificate, I did not find any link in Imm account. So after finishing police certificate how will I upload it ?
  18. Yes, you are right but I heard that they ask for health certificate and police certificate so, I need to know how to get them. as they are not part of my claims in skillselect
  19. I have received invitation to apply for visa 489. Can I ask you what are the documents you needed to upload?? Thanks
  20. Hi. I have received invitation for applying 489 visa. Can I ask you what are the documents that you uploaded ? Thanks
  21. I have been granted the same visa with SA. can I ask you what are the required documents and steps for applying visa?? Thanks
  22. I have received an invitation to apply for online visa 489. Now, I am confused with that stage. What are the required documents to get at this step? does any one has demonstration on how to fill the online application? Thanks
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