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Everything posted by Guest241083

  1. ..............there are pockets of these wealthy.......everywhere... .............estates and areas given over to those who like to live with displays of their wealth... ..............but little community sprit..... ..............rows of electric garage doors where the latest car disappears in the evenings.... ..............and nobody seen on the streets till the opening of the door the next morning.... ...............I too live semi rural......like cal ................friendlier ( though I do have a neighbour from hell) ................and more relaxed......who knows what the other people in the st have...? .................conversation when we meet at the local shop or school more about life in general.... ..................some huge homes with all mod cons side by side with live in sheds... ...................the small community held together by mutual respect and friendliness ....................not by who has the newest ,biggest,one with most bells on lol... ..............but on the other hand why should those who do have more feel they have to hide it... ..............time and hard work have given them a lifestyle to be proud of.... ...............they can now afford a few of the mod cons.....a more reliable car... ................more holidays...... ................the haves.......or have nots..... ................all comes down to individual attitudes .................it's not what you have or havnt got materialisticly...... .................it's how you interact with others ....regardless of where you are in life....
  2. ..........I suppose online is the now...! ..........and as those who don't are continually in the minority..... ..........it will become the only way..... ..........I lament the old ways......when you did wander round the shops.... ..........choosing and comparing...... ...........we have become an impatient world..... ...........with less time and the need to update continually....... ............I don't know as Amazon will improve the retail we have...... ............it will only force more to close.....as they can't compete..... ............but as my sons have told me.......I ll have to keep up.... ............or be left behind..... ...........No one buys CD's anymore really do they? .............I do....:embarrassed:
  3. ..........have not used Amazon...... ...........not an online shopper TBH.....though not to say the rest of the family isn't..... ...........to me it's a sad sign of the times....... ...........I would rather shop local......yes sometimes it's dearer.... ...........but I buy less......not a bad thing IMO..... ...........I support recycling,up cycling..........passing and receiving things no longer needed..... ............we are slowly givving authority to the large companies.... .............filling the world with rubbish,discarded in tips and landfill..... ..............squeezing out the small traders and producers....... ..............and then bemoan the fact of less choice and higher prices..... ..............it may be competitive while there is still a little competition..... ..............but once that is squeezed out........?
  4. ..........and easy to apply when your healthy....! ...........but sometimes illness,medication.......has an impact.... ...........and you need that dietary industry to help...... ...........yes some are overweight through all the reasons of over eating,wrong food.....not enough exercise.... ..........but some unfortunately have a consequence from something that is no fault of their own.... .............we often forget this when seeing someone overweight.... ...............not all sit in front of the tv eating take aways..!
  5. ...........a pool doesn't have to cost a lot in chemicals Ime( salt water I have found the best ). ...........a big enough filtration system will look after it.... ...........havving solar for power helps keep costs down.... ............and a great way if you want to heat the pool.....though beware if you get lots of white cockatoos .............they can peck holes in the black matting.... ............it's great in the evenings..... ............still had one when I lived two minutes walk to the beach..... .............when it gets too dark to go to the beach.......you have the pool.....
  6. ..........for those interested in Brisbane...... ..........some wonderful photos from this poster... http://www.pomsinoz.com/forum/news-chat-dilemmas/159955-family-day-out-brisbane.html
  7. .........love Brisbane...... .........the city has much going for it..... .........and it is possible to eat after 8:00pm...! .........depends on the place.......and sometimes what your eating.... ..........if it's something that takes a lot of preparing and cooking..... ..........it takes the kitchen staff way past their finish time......! ..........book ahead and ask....! ..........ime have found if it's just steak and salad the chef will accomodate you.... ........just to add lots of places open to the wee hours.... ........farriers at the queens head on Arthur st the valley afaik is still open till 2:00 am .........if your peckish after a night in the city.... .........in fact loads of places......I've never gone home hungry after a late night in Brisbane....!
  8. ..........if it ain't broke......! ..........gone are the days we could just move around the world..... .........find the job we wanted or something to tide us over.... ..........the worlds changed......not just the uk or Australia.... ...........age limits us...... ...........children at a crucial school point need careful consideration..... ...........if you could guarentee your needs with the move OP..... ...........why not....... ............but could you and yours enjoy that life if few of them where met...? ............I wish you luck.....wherever life takes you.....the choice ultimately yours.....as to which path you follow...
  9. ..........good to hear your happy and feel at home..... ..........to get work sorted.......see your family.... ..........must of been the icing on the cake..... ..........good to know you ensured you would have a choice if ever you wanted it....!
  10. ..........my great uncle lives there.....has for over 50 years... ..........says it's a place he feels safe and welcomed.... ..........used to run a B&B....! ..........did you ever visit sherries or the birds nest...? ...........lots came down from London ...
  11. ..........I like the pebble beaches TBH..... ..........I remember many years ago visiting Mudeford beach..... ...........and thought how attractive the pebbles were..... ............sand nearer the sea but a lovely alternative to have the pebbles....
  12. ...........I do understand where your coming from..... ...........but TBF we all base our opinions on places based on our experience..... ...........just one bad restaurant,overcharged in one shop.....a miserable day..... ...........little perhaps one off things can colour our view of a whole town....even country in somes eyes.... .............just as the other way.....only good experiences can give an unrealistic view of a whole town/country.... ..............it is frustrating when it's your home......and you've seen both sides.... ...............know that there is so much more to the place..... ...............but that's human nature....... ...............we can only share the other side of the coin to try and balance a biased view....
  13. ..........but arnt many of us guilty of generalising...... .........a British lifestyle.....? ..........when the difference from the far north of Scotland to the edge of Cornwall is vast.... ..........an australian lifestyle.........from the beach to the bush..... ..........it is one of regularly challenged claims on here.... ..........when someone says I dislike the Australian/British lifestyle..... ..........a lifestyle that can vary from town to town let alone country to country.... ..........we often just take our memories of where we have experienced...... ..........the experiences we have had..... ...........lifestyle......as personal.....to us.....as each location.....IMO of course...
  14. ...........Europe is framgented culturally, historically and geographically ........ ...........Each country different to the next..... .............and Britain being a part of Europe or not.... ...........is merely a geographical point..... ..............as the cultures contained in Europe are as different to each other......as Britain is from them.....IMO...
  15. ...........montville and Maleny have a large cafe and restaurant reputation.... ...........about half an hour from the maloolahbah beaches.... ...........it's expensive but if you looked around maple ton ,woo bye and palmwoods... ...........between the two..... ...........the areas are not so dear..... ............lots of areas on the Sunshine Coast... @ramot who lives there.... ............Noosa has all your looking for.... ............but you would be better looking towards the hinterland for more affordable housing... ............hope this helps...
  16. ........about 45 minutes from Brisbane.....road or rail.... .........50 minutes to Noosa on the Sunshine Coast..... .........Redcliffe and bribie island closer .........from residential to rural blocks for housing..... .........good schools.......NVSHS.....and the new Carmicheal college .........lots of nearby parks.....and damns.... ..........shopping centres have most needs.... ..........good fruit and veg barns nearby..... ..........lots of small shops.....couple of cafes.... ..........good and bad in both areas.... ..........choose wisely.......!
  17. .........I would say go..... .........while you still have savings.... ..........the children will be happy if your happy..... ..........nothing worse than not having a choice due to lack of money or a spouse who refuses to consider your feelings.... ...........family is important when you need that support.... ............the best of luck to you all....X
  18. ..........do get the advice from a professional..... ..........ime trying to sort finance across two countries can lead to very expensive mistakes... ..........it is overwhelming trying to sort things yourself.... ..........the best of luck to you....
  19. .........you won't loose already purchased items ..........they may be found in cloud or archived items..... ..........I changed from au to uk and back again......still got all the books I purchased...
  20. ...........only you and your family can decide what's right...... ...........schools and houses are things that can be sorted out..... ...........as a child I attended many schools due to constantly moving.... ...........my children for a while did the same.... ...........children are happy when their parents are happy...... ............and your eldest will have choices as an adult...... .............you can weigh up the pros and cons forever..... .............but ultimately its your happiness as a family that will dictate.... ..............the best of luck to you all......wherever you lay your hat....X
  21. ..........personally I prefer to fill my life with experiences......the term just a phrase.....like it or not... ...........and time enough when it becomes one of the forced limited choices to sit and read.... ...........better IMO.....to sit and enjoy the memories of things achieved,places visited and experiences enjoyed... ...........retirements enjoyment ofteten dictated by the life lived before IMO... ............no regrets of opportunities not taken.......just a continuation of good choices....
  22. .........to me retirement is when your left with less choice of what you want to do..... .........while your able to do the things your like.... .........its just the next stage of life.....to be lived to the full...!
  23. ..........retirement..... ..........is surely only considered when your no longer able to do all the things you want to do.... ..........no longer going to work just means you have more time to do them...!
  24. ............just to add..... .............that only addressing what we percieve as bad in a culture.... ..............can we convincingly champion the good.... ...............too often we accuse many of blanketing a whole culture under the few shameful atrocities done in their name.... .................but by ignoring the wrong we see in cultural practices.......we are in danger of doing the same.... ...................IMO....
  25. ............agree there are atrocities in many cultures regarding animal cruelty.... ............but as the Muslim population is represented so negatively in the news ATM..... ............it's one more black mark against a culture already viewed with suspicion.....
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