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Everything posted by Deh

  1. Found it on Medibank Website (http://www.medibank.com.au/Visitors-Cover/Further-Information.aspx#outofpocket) "About the Medicare Levy Surcharge If you're an Australian resident for taxation purposes you may be required to pay the Medicare Levy and the Medicare Levy Surcharge (MLS). None of the Visitors Health Insurance covers or Working Visa Health Insurance covers will exempt you from the Medicare Levy Surcharge. For more information on the MLS, please contact the Australian Taxation Office on 132 861, or visit ato.gov.au"
  2. My husband and I are about to have our 457 granted (well, at least I hope so - Immi just asked us for Health Insurance evidence) and after an exhaustive research I think we'll go for IMAN. It's clear we need to choose a provider that meets the 457 VISA requirements and there are no many great options. Medibank and BUPA are a way too expensive, Australian Unit didn't catch my attention... between HIF and IMAN I believe IMAN is better as they have no hospital excess on their Basic plan. I'm applying for IMAN right now but here says I do have to make first payment... what if our VISA is not granted? Do they give me my money back? Not sure if there is any other way to proceed, like requiring a letter from IMAN saying we made arrangements and pay only if 457 is approved. Appreciate any help
  3. Today Immi requested our medical examination and also evidence of health insurance cover. Does anyone know if it means the Visa is likely to be approved? Thanks
  4. Yeah, that's probably the best ideia It's just I'm quite sure he was the one who told me I couldn't get the PR here so I was hoping to get more info from somebody else. I can ask him again but it will cost me a good money and right now I'm very very poor. Thank you anyway!
  5. Cheers Blossom79! I'm having a look on Immi website right now but there is so much information that I'm going crazy. My employer would already have given me a PR if he could so no doubts he will agree to do it when time comes. Just not sure if he will meet the criteria as it's different from 457. Anyway... will go from here to see what info I can gather. Thanks!
  6. Silly question: how do I know if I qualify...? As far as I know only occupations on SOL can apply from Melbourne and mine is on CSOL but not on SOL...
  7. Hey, now that I'm quite confident about my 457 being approved I have to start thinking about next steps... someone told me once that I cannot apply for PR under Cafe Manager occupation from Melbourne. Seems like this occupation is not on the list so I should move to a Regional Area if I want to have a chance to get a PR. Does anyone know anything about it? I'm aware I have a pretty long path (at least 2 years) and things change fast when talking about Immigration but just would like to get as much information as possible. By the way, thank you all... this forum is great!
  8. Well... turns out that request worked! Nomination has been approved today by the same CO who said he wouldn't approve it. He didn't escalate the case to his supervisor, just made us wait this long to get it approved himself. Tomorrow we're lodging my VISA application and hopefully this time it won't take ages to get an answer. Very happy
  9. Hello all! Just a quick update... last Thursday (02.07) my agent sent a request for my case to be escalate to CO's supervisor. Don't know exactly how this will help me but have my fingers crossed. Haven't heard back anything yet (as usual) so still waiting.
  10. Hi, thanks to everyone who posted here Ever since that phone call between CO and my lawyer (21/05) we haven't heard anything from CO. Spoke with my lawyer about reporting the situation to DIBP and he said he has never done it before but we definitely could try. Don't know what to do... it has been nearly one month since CO said he would refuse nomination but so far he hasn't done any moves... no communication at all!!! My lawyer advised me to wait until CO decides and if he really refuses it we could go to DIBP, but said he will do whatever I chose to. Any thoughts about it? Don't know if it's better go to DIBP now or wait until CO makes up his mind...
  11. Hmm, got it. Will call him to ask why he didn't report do DIBP
  12. Hi, yes I do have all his details... the letters my boss wrote on Friday (30.05) were addressed straight to him - even though we gave them to my agent forward them to CO. Just to clarify I know my agent for a long time, he is also a lawyer and I do believe all evidences he gave to me to prove what happened. It's hard to believe it's true but I do believe, and have friends who came across arbitrary COs like the one who is analyzing mu case. We are still waiting on his decision and it might be positive but I posted my case here to see if I could find some peace on similar situations... Didn't get what you mean by 'I would report exactly what this case officer has said to a Manager in the DIPB'. Thanks for trying to help me anyway
  13. Hi AJ, I'm sute... I've a copy of the email agent sent to CO highlighting what happened on the phone... Unfortunately this really happened. Blossom79, I've finished my course already. I think if it was the case I wouldn't be granted my sponsorship but we are still talking about the nomination. He says Cafes don't need Mamagers and that's why he doesn't approve such a position... Not sure what you mean by bumped my post, I'm new here and still having trouble working out how to post, answer and so forth. Read quite a few topics but didn't find anything similar to my case
  14. Hi! I've been working as a Cafe Manager since NOV/2012 and on NOV/2013 my boss offered me a sponsorship. Application for BSB was made on 20.12.2013 and approved on 28.02.2014. Nomination had already been lodged on 13.02.2014, just to try to speed things up. Everything was going well until 21.05 when Case Officer informed my agent through the phone that he was going to refuse nomination as "he doesn't like approving managers for Cafes". Long story short CO said he approves for Restaurants but not for Cafes because he reckons Cafes don't need managers. My agent explained to him that our operations are as complexes as any Restaurant, as we do have table service (40 indoor seats and 90 outdoor seats), have an extensive breakfast and lunch menus, offer catering services and also do functions (have a liquor license). My agent also asked him on what grounds he was going to refuse; he didn't answer, just said again he doesn't like Cafes and we could go to Court if we were not happy with his decision. My agent's last shot was to tell him my boss is opening a new Cafe in October (that's real, he is already working on the design and all the papers are signed) but he didn't seem to change his attitude. He finished conversation laughing about the situation, saying "I'm checking her file and can see she has a valid visa until next year... enough time to look for something else". After hanging up the phone my agent sent him a very straight forward email explaining again our position and how law supports 457 for Cafe Managers and ever since we haven't heard from him. On 30.05 my boss wrote two letters pointing out why he needs me working full time by his side (I'm currently on a student visa working part-time). During these nearly 2 years he tried to replace me several times as a Cafe Manager as he needs someone full time but was never successful (that's why he offered me the sponsorship). I've a Diploma of Business completed here and also I'm graduated in Business back in my country (4 years studying). I'm very stressed and aware the only thing I can do is wait until CO makes him decision but would like to ask if anyone has any tips or has had similar situation. Thanks
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