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Francene Attard

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Everything posted by Francene Attard

  1. So cause I am not understanding much. If one graduated with a diploma than did the degree part time. What AQF is that?
  2. I am in the same boat. Applied 1st October and living in Melbourne with a PR. The waiting sucks. It makes you feel that all that you studied for can be threw out of the window. Shame
  3. Hi yeah you are pretty in my situation. I applied in september though. I had a problem with criteria 8. they kept asking for it than I told them to check the detailed transcript I sent the first time (which I could not see because it was sent from uni and I did not see it) and there was a whole page describing pharmacology. They overlooked it they said. Anyway I think the timelines are strange. So where are you living in Melbourne? I am on the west side. If you dont mind me asking how did you find a PCA job? It seems its difficult to find a job when you are qualified as a nurse here and without registration.
  4. The thing is that as a nurse you are overqualified for normal jobs. There again for a care worker job is not easy due to the fact that the employer takes some government refund when they employ people and if you are over qualified than they dont get a penny. So I am waiting and not working till I get the stupid registration. nothing much to do!!
  5. The office that is taking care of the overseas nurses is in Sydney so wherever you apply it ends there. It is not the same for those nurses already registering so it should not be an issue that its the renewal of registration month. The registration process is so so so so blocked. I am a nurse who applied in September and still waiting. Obviously was asked to meet criteria 2,3 and 8 (they already had criteria 8 in the detailed transcript but they said they must have overlooked it) and they say that now its in progress bla bla bla bla bla bla. When you send them you receive the same answers. The thing is that the Board meets only once a month and thats it. So if you are not lucky that month you will have to be reviewed the next. So taking in consideration that most of us sept, oct, nov did not get the registration yet, one can imagine when they are going to review those who are applying now. I ve been in oz for 2 months now and still waiting for the stupid registration so finally I could apply for jobs. This waiting sucks big time but what can you do!! hope someone get the registration soon and post so other could have an idea of what is happening
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