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Everything posted by weaver

  1. This is really the root of at least a part of the problem isn't it?. The government should be doing more to help sort the problem of absent parents not contributing to their own children's upkeep
  2. Indeed I have and am absorbing all the information as fast as I can. I can't wait to go back there. I loved Perth
  3. Oh dear. I must be really ancient. I started on £4.50 (£ 4 and 10 shillings then). I remember it clearly as my fares for the week were exactly £1 and my mother took £2.00 off for keep. but I still managed and to be fair, my wages rose rapidly
  4. Hi and welcome. what a kind thought. I may well be back to pick your brains as I am hoping to go to Perth myself to join my family on a contributory parent visa. I am just waiting for the two years residency to be up for my daughter and son-in-law to sponsor me. With all the changes to visas I'm hoping nothing will go wrong before I can get there permanently. Meanwhile I am making do with long visits. Perth is lovely.
  5. Hi MattC. I'm bumping this for you in the hope someone has an answer for you
  6. Best wishes. I hope all goes well I hope you feel better soon too Pom Queen
  7. I am aware that it is a relatively small proportion, but my point was that the numbers of sports injuries would grow with more people taking large amounts of exercise. And I am thinking more specifically of the overweight people trying to get fit. The strain on their bones and ligaments, not to mention heart, would be quite considerable. Yes they need to diet. Yes they need to exercise more. But they need assistance not punishing with penalties.
  8. I am not for a second recommending a doughnut and thick shake diet or any such equivalent, but life is not all black and white. Many people have become fat whilst growing up and cannot be blamed for the diet they consumed as a child. Is it right to ridicule them when they need re-education and support?
  9. http://emj.bmj.com/content/21/6/704.full http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1285207/ do you need more?
  10. There are plenty sports related injuries - even heart attacks - and if overweight people feel pressured into excessive exercise then there will be many more
  11. If this argument was taken to extremes, then people out exercising and causing damage to themselves e.g. broken ankles, torn ligaments, would also be paying a premium of some kind
  12. Not an easy decision if they have sunk a lot of money into the move, given up their jobs and sold their houses. Not to mention the end of their dreams
  13. I must point out that I have no axe to grind. I will be emigrating with a contributory visa. But I can still feel sorry for those families who may have been caught out by this decision
  14. You are correct in saying that the rules are rules, but it might have been fairer to families to have had a time delay on imposing the withdrawal of the visas so that families could have time to be in a more informed position when making the decision to emigrate
  15. A little unfair on those who cannot afford the contributary visa fees (they are a bit steep). surely they only needed to remove the onshore visas?
  16. Are you entirely sure that is the reason for the removal as the offshore non-contributory visa (103 I think) is also being removed
  17. Many types of cancer don't really care whether you have looked after yourself or not. your work environment could influence your susceptibility to cancer as could living near some factories, electric pylons..... the list is endless. it's too simplistic to imaging you won't get cancer.
  18. I wholeheartedly agree with you on most points Tina, but I have reservations about cutting access to the children as I'm not sure that it would be in the children's interest to do so. I would also be wary about removing the driving license if a car is required for employment. After all if the absent parent loses their income then they will not be able to pay anyway. However I do believe that self-employed should be chased more as it is all to easy to hide income and I agree that no absent parent should be able to live the good life while their children are on the breadline
  19. I thought it was stunning but each to their own
  20. weaver

    Hi. I'm new

    Thank you. I will be returning for another trip at the end of the year when I'll be discussing it all with my daughter and son-in-law. I agree the price is horrendous. I am also a bit daunted by the amount of research that I need to do. I keep getting lost on the government site and having to start over again. There seem so many things to pay attention to. But as I see on here, many of you have managed very well, so it's obviously just a case of getting organised. I was hoping other retired people who have settled in Perth could tell me how they are enjoying life there. I did notice that it seems to be a very young city
  21. weaver

    Hi. I'm new

    Thanks everyone. There's a lot to explore
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