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Everything posted by weaver

  1. weaver


    Hello and welcome. Are you in Australia yet or have you applied? You will find plenty of help and information here.
  2. weaver

    Hello all

    I myself am heading to Perth, but I think there are a lot of people here already in Melbourne so you should be able to get lots of help and advice. Hope everything goes smoothly for you. it's the waiting that gets to you.
  3. weaver

    Hello all

    Hello. Where are you moving to? Will it be near your sister in Melbourne?
  4. You didn't make a spelling mistake. The words empathic and empathetic are interchangeable
  5. Thank you. Looking forward to your next batch eagerly.I have forwarded on a couple of your Dhal recipes to my daughter who is a vegetarian and loves cooking curries, the hotter the better. She is going to try them out and will let me know how she gets on.
  6. Do you have the recipe for the spinach pakoras please? These recipes are marvellous thank you
  7. Out of all of these beautiful photos, I too have only viewed the Pinnacles. But I hope to rectify that situation very soon. Wonderful
  8. Loved these pictures. They brought back lovely memories. I just can't wait to get there for good. Love Perth and it's surroundings. I've been as far North as the Pinnacles (truly awesome) and south to Bunbury. I can't wait to explore even more. Perth itself is just beautiful and you have brought it back to life for me. Thank you.
  9. Thank you once again. They are there on a permanent residency visa and I do age qualify. Thankyou for all the wonderful information form yourself, Alan and many others. I am so very grateful for all the advice.
  10. Thank you for the information. It's just another avenue to look at. I'll probably just do the 143 and keep visiting but it's worth thinking about. I can't apply yet until after October as I am waiting for my daughter and son-in-law to put in their two years before sponsoring me.
  11. Please can you tell me. What classes as a substantive visa? Is a tourist visa sufficient?
  12. Then why not go by yourself. Your wife may well agree to go after you have shown willing and at the very least it will help you to decide what YOU want to do.
  13. You may think I'm mad suggesting this, but why don't you both see a guidance counsellor so that you can talk the issues out both separately and together without too many emotions getting in the way. It may help you both to decide what you really want, both now and long term
  14. weaver

    Work for the Dole

    I think it's worth pointing out that the main reason the YTS was withdrawn in the UK was that it was far too expensive to administer
  15. Simple answer (even if it means I'm called simple) - NO
  16. Sadly, I think a lot of what you are saying is correct, but I still feel that it would be a sad situation if we failed to care for those in real need. Surely it is up to the government in power to be able to put in place some means of separating the wheat from the chaff and is this not part of what they are paid to do?
  17. The trouble is that as Tina2 says, if the money is hidden (usually only possible by the self-employed), then it is almost impossible to make an assessment of what the absent parent can afford to pay
  18. And to those who find themselves in dire straits due to no fault of their own you would say........?
  19. My daughter complains of the same thing to me and it's hard to muster sympathy when I'm shivering at 9c :cool:. But I can't wait to get there, hot or cold
  20. I'm not sure I'd go that far. I was thinking more of jail or fines
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