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Everything posted by Kpnuts

  1. My lodgement date was the 1st Dec 2014. I received my invitation to supply further details at the beginning of July. Having heard nothing from Centrelink for several weeks I asked my sponsor to contact them. A coincidence or not, my sponsor was interviewed within the following week and we are now awaiting a letter from Centrelink regarding the payment of the AOS bond. This morning I have had an email from DIBP asking for further info which boils down to the lodgement of the AOS. At some point we should get a letter of acceptance for the AOS which we have been asked to scan back to DIBP. THEN, we have to await a formal written request to pay the second VAC. Still a few weeks away yet I reckon but the essence of this thread is to phone up and chase Centrelink. Sent using Poms in Oz mobile app
  2. Hi SusieRoo I booked the medicals on line with BUPA, Perth. Very straightforward and got a date within a couple of days. You have a chest X-ray, blood test and BP check. Stripped and gowned waist up. Dr did usual chest tapping, looking in ears, mouth etc. I was told there and then that there were no problems pending blood test. As we have cumulatively been in AU for more than 12 months we had to get Aussie police checks which were returned within a week with the usual price ticket. I had the uk police checks done last November when we started the adventure across the world with never a thought that we would still be waiting! I have just this evening applied for fresh uk police checks as I cannot see us getting our visas before November at this rate. Another £90 up the spout. Not happy but trying to remain focused. Sent using Poms in Oz mobile app
  3. Hi Jack leee The Centrelink website is quite informative on this and from memory provide a some guidance on this. It of course depends on the family make up of the sponsor. As well as the evidence of my sponsor, I also evidenced my own earnings and savings to show self dependency. The proof will be once Centrelink have made the assessment. However, they appear totally inefficient as they have asked my daughter to send through payslips and tax returns that have already been provided. This is not a good experience for me and am quietly fed up with this ongoing process of inefficiency. Sent using Poms in Oz mobile app
  4. 01/12/2014 - 143 date of lodgement. 04/07/2017 - Invitation to supply further docs: Form 40, police checks, medicals. 13/07/2017 - AOS lodged with Centrelink and all docs returned to IMMI. 30/08/2017 - after no response or acknowledgement from Centrelink, my daughter phoned them to chase. 05/09/2017 - letter from Centrelink asking to provide more payslips and to arrange telephone interviews. To date, nothing heard from IMMI. Sent from my iPhone using PomsinOz
  5. Ha, ha - 20 months? More like 36 I'm afraid.... Sent using Poms in Oz mobile app
  6. Wrong, it is on the lodgement date.... Sent from my iPhone using PomsinOz
  7. Be careful folks. If you are intending to travel to AU on a 600 visa to await the grant of a Parent Visa make sure you look at the small print of your insurance. Many policies only provide cover if you start AND end your journey in the UK. I you are on a one way ticket then search for an emigration insurance policy such as True Traveller. It covers you until your PR is granted. These policies aren't cheap but do give you some security. I did have to make a claim a few weeks ago and they paid up without any question. I can give more info if requested. Sent from my iPhone using PomsinOz
  8. The skills list keeps moving and has already cancelled areas that she is skilled in. I am also aware of the second point but is something that many do especially on aged CPV's.
  9. Yes, I am aware of these factors but may offer a solution until she is in a position to change streams.
  10. If my daughter came into Australia on a Tourist Visa, could she apply for an on-shore Remaining Relative Visa and at the same time be granted a Bridging visa to remain beyond the tourist visa? Yes, I am aware of the lengthy wait etc but am trying to look at all options. She is 29 but has no skill on the current list. She would also need to work on the Bridging Visa if granted. Sent using Poms in Oz mobile app
  11. CPV 143 lodged 1st Dec 2014

    Request for Medicals, Police checks, AOS 4th July 2017 (no case officer appointed)

    UK police checks obtained Nov 2016

    Medicals done 11th July 2017

    Australian Police checks applied for 12th July 2014 (12 months cumulative in AU)

    AOS submitted 13th July 2017



  12. My date of lodgement for a 143 was 1st Dec 2014. I have just got an email from PVC to get police checks, medicals and AOS documents prepared. No assignment to a Case Officer yet but this is the best news after such a long time. Sent from my iPhone using PomsinOz
  13. Not much difference for us either. 2 X E- visas and a 6 months 600 visa before our current one. All correctly applied and obeyed. Sent using Poms in Oz mobile app
  14. Yep, well I also selected the Tourist/Visit family stream but ended up with 5 conditions applied: No further stay Provision of private health No work Limited Study To only remain in Aus for 12 months in any 18 month period. I would like to know why different migration officers apply different conditions? I also wonder why they make things so difficult especially when we tell them that a 143 is in the pipeline. They must surely be able to see how far down the list people are and make sensible judgement. Sent using Poms in Oz mobile app
  15. This is such bad reading....I hope the 39 months is applied to new applicants. Our 143 was lodged in Dec 2014 and were hoping we were now on the downhill run. If we now go towards Feb 2018 I think our dream will end and we will have to pull out. I am really not happy about the way applicants are treated. Even the IMMI Parent website is not sending back an auto receipt message. Sent from my iPhone using PomsinOz
  16. For those taking out sub class 600 visas intending to remain in AU until the PR is granted, just check that you have specialised travel insurance. You will probably need to take out a 'single trip' insurance. If you rely on a normal travel insurance the small print will specify the amount of days covered and will require you to be returning to the UK, just check on the small print. Sent from my iPhone using PomsinOz
  17. My interpretation is that you can spend 9 months in Aus, return to the UK for 3 months but on your return to Aus you will only be able to stay for 3 months. If you go back to the UK for another 3 months you will then be able to return to AU for another 9 months or up to the full 12. Sent using Poms in Oz mobile app
  18. I have read many posts on here lately about 600 visas. Of course, much depends on what conditions have been applied. My current 600 visa is a 3 year visa but has an 8503 condition of no further stay and 8558 which means you cannot stay longer than 12 months in any 18 month period. I got the impression that some folks thought that they could leave for a month and the 12 month period would restart bit then again I may have mis interpreted what they said. Sent from my iPhone using PomsinOz
  19. Yes, I too read this report which doesn't bode well for the future, however, I am not sure the findings properly reflect the situation. Take for example parents who actually want to work. They would be paying taxes etc which would bring additional money into the economy. I would rather they turned the tap off which would make the decision process a lot easier. Sent using Poms in Oz mobile app
  20. I am just about at my wits end on the continual extension of the 143. OK, the wait time has now stretched to 34 months but in my mind that should apply to new applicants? If the application pile keeps growing and no further resources are in place to deal with them then clearly the same pace of process takes place. This should mean that applicants in 2014 should get their 143's within a lesser time frame. I have read various items of conflict in relation to the number of visas available. In one part the suggestion is that 7,000 odd visas are available for this stream. That suggests that the delay may simply be down to that number being reached? On another page, IMMI suggests that supply meets demand, so what is the issue? It is not beyond simple judgement to indicate to each applicant the current timeframe. For us it was 18 months and nothing convinces me so far as to why that should have changed. At £60k a couple I am disappointed at the level of service. It is a jaw dropping amount of money but an amount I am willing to pay but if this is meant to provide a fast track then forget it. I see many people, including myself, being put to all sorts of other financial burden whilst waiting for the elastic band to be ever stretched. So many people have planned their futures, making commitments and then being put on hold; it truly isn't fair to treat people like this. If you have an immigration policy then manage it - if needs be, stop the issue of the visa but stop dangling the carrot and moving the goal posts! Sent from my iPad using PomsinOz
  21. Thanks for that. I don't think the time is an issue. My wife's visa came back within 2 days for 12 months with an 8503 attached. Our last visa was for 6 months which we used earlier this year so I don't think there is an 18 month restriction. You do have to take the 12 month within 18 months and within a three year window. My character circumstances have not changed from any of the previous visas applied for.
  22. I am in the same boat. I applied for a Visitors 600 visa for 12 months on 7th November. I have had two previous ETA visas and one previous Visitors visa 600 for 6 months all of which went through in a couple of days. For my latest visa I have also been asked to supply further info which I returned within 24 hours to Hobart both by email and again a couple of days later by attaching to my IMMI account application. This is now causing me a great deal of anxiety as I have booked a cruise, leaving the UK on 9th January. I am also mindful of the Xmas holidays approaching and also mindful of the additional workload being handled by IMMI at this time of year. I know the AU immigration sites state that holidays shouldn't be booked until a visa is granted but having had three previous visas, all processed within 24 hours I am stumped as to why this is happening. There have been no changes to my circumstances whatsoever to the three previous applications. I really don't know how to go forward on this one. There doesn't seem to be anyway of contacting the relevant Case Officer except by email. I am however a little more settled by the above post that suggests they will not return to the application until the 28 days is up. It does seem a little bizarre though on the grounds that the additional information is there to hand and could be acted on now. Do Migration Agents have any form of 'Hot Line' to Immigration Offices that could help?
  23. Thanks, I am aware that 8503 is mandatory for Family stream or the requirement to be sponsored, neither of which apply in my case. If I was over 65 years of age then again it may not have been applied as I would be able to get a bridging visa on an aged CPV. I am just trying to get the measure of the autonomy that Case Officers may enjoy.
  24. Looking ahead to any Assurance of Support issues, my daughter and son-in-law will be our sponsors, albeit we are financially able to look after ourselves. 1. Is it correct that I am unable to put up my own AOS due to the fact that I have not got PR status? 2. If I am able to offer up my own AOS, will this scupper any future sponsorship I would have to provide for my other daughter on a LRR visa? 3. My son-in-law is the breadwinner with my daughter at home looking after the tiny one. If my daughter puts her name on the AOS form, will Centre Link look at the income of her husband or should he be named as the lead sponsor? Hopefully some of you guys have been around the same wheel!
  25. Exactly, at the time our visas were lodged, there must have been some indication as to the new processing times. there must be a 'golden' number of visas that are processed each week albeit I accept some may have some aggravating factors to sort out.
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