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HappyHeart last won the day on May 11

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  1. <p><p>Hi happy heart , so sorry for the misunderstanding , feel a right idiot , the site I was on when I arrived , got a private site going on behind my back , being vicious never even met me , then I got threats coming through my fb page so had to change my fave book , I stayed off forums for a while and not long plucked up the courage to go back on them . Shouldn't go on them really . Lol . It knocked my confidence that much I lost a stone in weight . Anyway I still think there's maybe one or two lurking about and I do worry they will spot my style of writing , because they said I was illiterate which I won't deny , said I was a blonde dumb blonde which I won't deny niether . I took cakes for one of them back from England . Took them her house and she was the one saying all this vile stuff behind my back .</p></p>

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