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Everything posted by MrsLZB

  1. MrsLZB

    Counting down!

    safe travels to you and your family. The beautiful weather is set to stay for another week at least. Enjoy.
  2. MrsLZB

    Counting down!

    Sorry!!!! Late reply, we are back! ))) OMG what a weekend to come home to! Glorious weather, sporting victories. Family and dog all reunited. Step dad out of the hospice, up and walking about with a new medication regime and cracking jokes with everyone. Truly, truly wonderful. I am so happy. Sorry for the absence on here, I'm waiting a new sim on my phone. Good luck to all those returning soon. x
  3. If you take a gamble and walk out into the road to cross without being at a crossing and with a green man, it's technically jay walking and if you get caught you can get a fine!
  4. And don't call a rubber a rubber, it's eraser. Funny looks at work when I asked for a rubber!
  5. Ooooooh and a roll neck top is called a skivvy here..... Still makes me chuckle
  6. A petrol station is a "servo" or service station not a garage, that confuses people as they think you mean somewhere to take your car to be serviced!
  7. Hi there, I would probably see if you can contact the Australian Nursing Federation and they will be able to show you the pay scales. It differs from state to state. When I started nursing out here I was an RN and my manager applied to the HR department to honour my previous experience so I believe I started as a 1.5 or 1.6 as I was, like you, 4 years post qualifying when I came out here to WA. You work your way up the scale on years of service for that level. So once you are at the top of the RN scale 1.9 you stay there unless you get a promotion. You still get a pay rise every year though. Hope that answers your question. I can't share the link for the ANF with you as it's a members only area on their website. But I am sure if you emailed them, they would help.
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