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Everything posted by Peccavi

  1. All it needs is a phone call.
  2. I'm sure when the next 'shift' come on, they will say hello. Glad things have gone well for you!
  3. You illustrated a fact there. That is not required. It does not fit the endgame here. (I have huge compassion for these women and the hard job they do. I experienced it myself, having to sell my wedding ring to buy clothes for my child. The father bought a boat-yes a boat!) If they are grouped together and demeaned, they become such a handy statistical tool. To put up with that and cope with what they have to is an outrage.
  4. Well thank you Stephen Hawking!!! But I'll pass on the condescending lecture. Though this topic is about this nice gentleman and those less desirous who have crossed his anointed path, my point has been about the generalisations used to justify his actions. Poor landlord vs evil scrounging tenants. It's irresistible isn't it? Incredibly irresistible it seems!!: Nigerians? kill Mr Rigby (a vile way to score a point btw), there was only 2, ergo Nigerians don't have a bad reputation. But...BUT, single mothers !#@*&!!! Now this is a whole different ball game! 'That reputation' no less!! You are right of course; they do have 'that reputation', but why? I'll grant there is more than just the two! but how are you-you personally (it's your post I'm responding to)- going to prove how many? By putting up a link? By quoting the Daily Mail/Sun or whatever tw.atpress prints 'facts'? By quoting from one of the myriad 'thinktanks'? By referring to that nice Mr Cameron's advisors? By referring to 'research' in general? What about the Two Parents R' Us association? There are so many of which you could put up 'facts'. But of course they would only be expressed opinion based on philosophical/political belief. What I am doing and will continue to do is to object to 'generalisation to justify'. And single mothers are a prime target. I object to those on the arse end of society ALL being grouped together as some kind of subhumans just so people like this man can look as if they have integrity, when all they have frankly, is a knack for making a profit.
  5. Perhaps I should clarify. Single mothers on benefits should not have this 'reputation' for not paying their rent, because those that are doing, are simply not talking about it-they stay under the radar to avoid further criticism. But in any event that would not fit the profile of single mother=on benefit scenario, so there is little interest in the single mother on benefits doing the right thing is there? When we disparage and demean we have little interest in anything other than generalizing in order to prove our point. And of course those demeaned are the ones least able to defend themselves without incurring further attack. An irresistible mode of behaviour. I know it well.
  6. 200 of them have not paid their bills? (Was it 200?) He has given notice to those on HB-were every single one of those in arrears? If not those who were paying their rent have been given notice simply because of being on HB! How that can be justified is beyond me. I also wonder at the law of racial discrimination, (never mind social discrimination!). I'm surprised this landlord (he seems fixated with the second syllable of that), is able to get away with only renting to 'foreigners'. Because if the issue is only HB, as another poster has already pointed out, they can also apply for HB, (if they pass the HRT).
  7. Do they now? Or could it be that 'single mothers' are increasingly vilified for being single mothers? Just to qualify this: I have little sympathy for so-called 'breeding machines'. I have no time for the blatant scrounger. I doubt anyone does. What really irks me is the generalisation: single mothers are not ALL fleecing the system and not paying rent. These women (single fathers engender sympathy), face enough problems without this. They are the whipping boys of the 21stC. A Mum staying home to look after the kids was respected; now ALL are a blight on society. It must be so tough for these women to repeatedly read what a sorry lot they are. I have been one for 49 years and it bugs me. The BLATANT scrounger: how many poor sods have to wear the mantle of being a leech on society when they are beaten down and depressed by the system today which actively praises the survival of the fittest (thank you Margaret-may you RoIP's). Again: I have no time for those who are have never even tried. Again: I object to the generalisation that they are all the same; they are not. In the fullness of time this will blow up in this man's face. Again the generalisation: 'all benefit tenants (British of course) = bad - all European tenants (no benefit applications there......) = good. It doesn't work like that. Ultimately this bozo will have to not so much change his stance, but moderate it. I doubt he'd make the papers then, which is a pity, because I would like to see a photo of him and his wife without that self satisfied smirk.
  8. I think I've just woken up in the twilight zone! Have you two swapped places just for a lark? I'll be damned! Now I'm awa' to read the story.
  9. Yes. My apologies. You are a she. I will get over it when I stop being criticised for something I actually did not do!! Something that is anathema to me. It is 'my choice' to defend myself. I will continue to do that if it is necessary. And it should not have been necessary.
  10. Haven't you got it? 'The style of my post'?-WHO exactly is fixated with this 'style' thing?? How nice to show wisdom and concern for Tink that 'this is over'-when YOU sought to continue it, and still have to have another dig! Are we finished YET?
  11. That really grinds on my bits. (And don't include me in this ongoing crap. I have had to defend myself over such a sensitive issue because of something that has nothing to do with the topic or Tink. He HAS been used in that process).
  12. I didn't. Perhaps if you read again you will find that I didn't bring this up, another poster suggested that I did. This is the first and last time I will go into personal matters. My youngest Grandson is 11. He was born with cataracts on both eyes. One has been removed; one cannot be. The end result will be the same. That boy writes in the same way as Tink. I am very proud of him. To score points on an issue like this (when we all know it is really about general disagreement in posting view) is just disgusting. But by God you've got my attention now! If you want to keep up with this petty point scoring (on something like this??! Unbelievable!), then I will be standing by to respond.
  13. This is why I will not ask about posting style. There is a reason for everything. Thank-you for clarifying Tink.
  14. This is what is so misleading. I got caught by this too, and it was only the insistence of another PIO poster that made me look into it. Even now it is difficult to explain, but I do know that if you reached pension age by a certain year etc,etc, you ARE paid your AusPens in the UK. I should know. It's being paid! Contact Centrelink International (131-673) directly; give them your details, and get your answer. I found out in February last year that my AusPen could be paid permanently in the UK. I hit the ground at warp speed! Good luck, I hope you qualify; I had the same fears as you.
  15. Ditto. (................and that's such a daft sentence btw........................)
  16. I don't 'claim' anything! 'my 'provocation' with the..........(!!!!) is intended to do just that'. ?? Any chance you can add the 'in my opinion' thing? It's a teensy bit irksome when someone purports to tell me what I'm thinking! 'You also claimed you were not doing it as a windup'??? Er, yeeessss...? What do you plan to add now?: "I rest my case" !! Don't 'e fret my luvly, we'll all survive this terrible trauma.
  17. This is something that emanates from the soul in my opinion. If you feel this and have felt it as you grew up in Australia, I have not a shadow of a doubt that this will not change. Oil and water will mix if agitated-continuously. But they will always separate. No one can permanently vigorously stir to achieve a result that is not a natural occurrence, it becomes debilitating and depressing. I threw away thirty years of my life desperately trying to amalgamate; don't you waste yours. I'm damned if I know how you can arrive at this conclusion when someone posts and asks for advice! I know you didn't. You have no need to justify your reasons for asking for advice, they are very apparent. ............and perhaps not! WHY is there this incessant need to suggest this is just a fantasy? ........And it always comes from the same people.... I would bother. I would bother like hell. I would do it because I know the mental and emotional cost of enduring unhappiness. I managed to do this on the smell of an oily rag, and I am damn proud of what I achieved. However: -to the OP: what you have done is face reality, not fantasy, and don't let anyone tell you otherwise. Listen to your instincts, they are the primal part of our psyche. You stay. Or you return to the UK?: Then plan, and plan some more. Start researching. Housing/jobs/areas. Accept that it will take some time. As others have advised if you need further education do it-you are doing it for an end goal. If not then one thing is obvious-save save SAVE. If in this process you find you have settled in Australia-then fine. That's OK! But if not then your game plan is progressing. Trust me; at your age, time is your friend,-the internet is your friend. It may take 2,3,4 years, but by that time one thing will be clear; you either do not want to proceed with it, or you have some savings/ have established links/ and know the UK system far more. Just knowing that you are coming home will help you. It will not be easy; nothing is easy, but most nothing is impossible either. The first thing: take a decision. The second: if it's return-start your game plan, and stick with it. Good luck to you.
  18. I believe the focus of the parents of these children is to make a success of life. I think it is instilled in the youngsters from the getgo. I understand that at the end of WW11 many Jews slaughtered as many Germans as they could. Ironic that innit.... However, the need to oppress has continued for decades with Israel, it's just that the Palestinians now cop it,-and they fight back-and...I wonder who was responsible for that little mess? Indigenous Australians are such oppressive little buggers, aren't they? Ironic that innit.... Has anyone checked? At all cost. Unkind! (That is the ruination of a perfectly good boot). Have you bothered to realise how many on every discussion forum everywhere, simply post/ respond to the topic and the opinion expressed and do not concern themselves with the analysis of the posting style? I have no intention of questioning any poster on how they post; that is their business. No one should be questioned and have to justify how they post! ..........Tink and I had an exchange, it ended. I credit every poster here 'friend' or 'foe', to be able to handle posting disagreements without needing counselling! If you want to take a shot, take it directly, and don't use another poster to do it. Tink I doubt very much has gone into seclusion! (And I am not comfortable discussing another poster like this, it's unnecessary).
  19. Ahhh! I didn't know that. I remembered both stores from the dim and distant only. It was tongue in cheek of course, but I did mean it. Value your workers and they will value you.
  20. No, but their Management is, because they recognize the value of the workers! :wink:
  21. It will come, I have no doubt of it, because it IS a structure based on taking rather than earning. It will take many decades though, and by then Australia wold have been a Republic for years. I shall miss them when it happens (from up or down there!), in the same way I miss Bush and his utterly fouled up quotes!:biglaugh:
  22. Hells testicles!! Some rich pickings here! Incata you have just given a ringing endorsement to the very worst form of bullying that history has shown. I shall email my aboriginal friend and tell him to suck it up! (TG for the wink!) You sir are an arrogant oaf! Get back to your plough!!
  23. OK. If you want this to go on and on. .......you are correct: I meant 'feeling' differently OK? ........trash tabloid or quality article..........? ..........I'm sure it can,-and I will continue to disagree with sweeping generalisations.... ........the content is in question IMO..... .........it does indeed!!!...... And NO I am not ridiculing your style of posting. I find it difficult to understand sometimes, so set it out in the same way to answer it. Over to you.
  24. I am neither Republic or Monarchy. I have little time for an anachronistic structures, BUT I find the Royals very handy in terms of tourist revenue. I even like the pomp and ceremony, simply because it brightens our day! The right to rule is a bit silly though, but thankfully they no longer chop off heads which is a positive......... It was much easier for our generation. The kind of jobs we could get as filing clerks etc, and then perhaps progress, have gone. All we have now is the automation of press this, press that. What these youngsters have is Mcjobs family breakdown and constant criticism. It is no surprise to me that they give up; they develop their own culture, and ultimately they feel so disenfranchised that so unacceptably many take their lives. We have devalued them; the workplace has devalued them; family has devalued them. They have 'separated' from us, because we have separated them. It is much harder today just on attitude alone. Youth to us; us to youth. Crikey!! I know you mean well, but surely people are allowed to give their own pov? Please don't talk like this?? Pablo wasn't suggesting assassination, he gave his view!
  25. My prerogative indeed! As for others thinking differently, isn't that what a discussion forum is about? But thanks for the link to the Dailymail. It is either a trash tabloid, or a quality journal, dependent on the message we want it to convey.
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