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Everything posted by colinmaclec

  1. Lol you don't like to listen do you? 189 visa is not new its the same as the old one we all hold! I shall explain s l o w l y . Vetassess is part of the TRA who test you for migration purposes and for previous work experience which you also need for points for your PR application. A TRA cert as you call it is an ARTC which is for recognition of overseas skills for those who reside in Australia. It will allow you to do gap training which takes a year to get your A license. I have met people who have A grade licenses that still had to do Vetassess exam! You will also need to pass an English test as well.
  2. Well you can do the peer course and get a SA license. But most states wont accept you trying to transfer it until you have held it for 1 year. The only state that does from what i have heard is NSW.
  3. Everyone does 1 year gap training now. And if you apply for PR after even with an A grade license you still need to do a vetassess exam as it is for migration points.
  4. Well it depends on wether you want to emigrate or come on a WHV if you are under 31? Working as a sparky over here is becoming increasingly difficult as you can read over the previous pages. If you have a good job in the UK i would say don't bother as you will be living on the breadline over here.
  5. Contact PEER in Adelaide and speak to them they will be able to tell you
  6. Hard to come by with a boat people license! What kind of work are you doing just now?
  7. I think you can do the peer in SA loophole with an OSTR and transfer the license to NSW but most other states wont accept the license. Google them and contact them as they should be able to tell you.
  8. I get a nose blood if i go past reid highway lol. I am really looking long term to work my way back off the tools although it's going to take me a while seeing as i started at the bottom again!!!
  9. The problem really lies with so many people accepting lower wages to begin with. I am somewhere in the middle at the moment which considering i have a provisional license i can't complain. Is your company looking for any sparks lol? i have my A grade soon and i am a union member and have been running industrial projects for my current company
  10. I seen on another forum a guy with his A grade getting $27 and have met people here who get $30. There are decent paying jobs but they are very hard to get when you have to do gap training. I posted on another thread that if you are the type of spark who has worked for agencies and moved companies a lot then its not too bad but if you are higher up the ladder in the UK or work for a good company you will find it hard here as you will be back down the bottom again.
  11. What do you mean by sponsored? If you have done vetassess you should have PR? Anyways you will apply to energy safety to get your provisional license, got to college for 2 weeks, try to find a job then fill out a log book , do homework that you have to pass at 100% then trade test and a commas test also. Good luck as it is a bloody nightmare tbh
  12. Will be the similar to the one we do at the boat people course i believe. There is a large section at the back of the regs book about maximum demand and it tells you the load values for each item group which you split across the 3 phases in to circuits and then you get the total load and select the smallest mains cable you can get away with allowing for volt drop ( yes really must be an ozzie thing!! I would have been struck off for that in the UK!) Pretty straightforward stuff really and pretty much the same as the UK.
  13. Its very simple tbh and a lot easier than the trade test you done 3 years ago. Here is a couple of links from another forum that details what is involved http://britishexpats.com/forum/showthread.php?t=776520 http://britishexpats.com/forum/showthread.php?t=667546
  14. http://www.cet.asn.au/Courses/ElectricalTrade.aspx its the electrical licensing course but someone posted on another forum that it changed and everyone has to do the gap training now and that people are doing that course and turning up at energy safety and being knocked back for licenses. I don't know for sure but it is meant to be changing to gap training for all which it really should be as i don't see why a 23 year old backpacker should get a license easier than someone with 20 years experience.
  15. Yes in the library at polytechic west south central LA, oops i mean Balga. Its not hard its just the stuff you would have done at college before. Homework was the biggest pain in the ass for me as i work overtime to complete the logbook quicker and have 2 young kids as well. I just really need to do the Capstone and a comms test now and then i will get my license so hopefully a couple of months left.
  16. You can get the ASNZ 3000 and 3008 printed and binded in the library for about 50 bucks. You will need them for the homework as well.
  17. Retraining to learn nothing new except what you may have forgotten from college and then be working to a standard you have only seen in jobs you stripped out. Oh the irony. The best bit is that the Wiring rules have been copied from the UK regulations as the book is laid out almost identical! I am doing industrial work which is not too bad but commercial is nothing like the Uk and domestic is really what was installed in the UK in the 60s but with RCD's!
  18. He cant get a WHV as he is over 30. And you can only apply for an ARTC when you reside in Australia so its still around 3 months total. Best to come on your wife's visa as the gap training really can take around 18 months by the time you get your test booked etc and you also have to do a comms test as well. I was on the first class last September and have averaged at least 50 hrs a week for the log book and if i am lucky i will be complete and licensed by June. If i am not it will be September. So on that basis if i worked 38 hrs a week it would take over a year as its not just filling the log book its time to book tests and then actually receive your license. Also doing homework and overtime to finish your logbook quicker while trying to settle in a new country with a young family is not really ideal.
  19. Someone posted on another forum that they got an ARTC and done the 1 week course in WA despite having an OSTR but i also read what you have posted and it sounded a bit risky to me as if they enforce that you can end up with nothing. I think Peer in SA might run a similar course to the ARTC one for OSTR, as far as i am aware the only state that will accept the license unless you have held it for over a year currenty is NSW but if you are in Angola it wont matter!
  20. You have to do Vetassess for migration purposes. Seems really stupid but that's the way it is!
  21. Not really, i have got both of my jobs through the West Australian paper. I joined the union too but they just send you a list of what companies have the big jobs. Think the union companies are hard to get in to as they probably get CV's constantly and they don't really advertise jobs. Paul1977 works for one of them so would know better than me. Don't really see TA jobs advertised i have just applied for electricians jobs
  22. Yeah it ain't easy that's for sure. I am sure you will get somewhere eventually. I have a better job now and the company has gave me a project to run. Finally found a company that looked at my past experience and realised that i will get the license soon enough! And am almost finished the logbook. Trying to get the capstone booked now and i also need to do a comms test for my elective that i had to pick before i get the A Grade license. More time but at least i get my comms ticket too. I will be so glad when all this is behind me.
  23. He does not need a ticket to work in the UK. A lot of companies will ask for JIB card (every electrician who done an apprenticeship has one). But some companies will employ overseas sparky's although i don't think he will find it easy getting work due to the current state of the UK construction industry. Best people to contact are the Scottish Joint Industry Board and they will advise whats needed. I think you would have to do a 17th edition regs course and they will issue a JIB card but i may be wrong. The poles managed it lol so it can't be difficult!
  24. I would love to see your average ozzie spark do the homework that i have to do. I know how to work out the answers, formulas etc, for me its just a pain in the arse and finding time exercise seeing as i have 2 kids and am settling in to a new country and dealing with everything that goes with it. What percentage of ozzie sparks do you reckon in their 30s could work out volt drop or maximum demand. I questioned the supervisor at my last work on why he wanted to put 4mm cables to the first socket on a long run then the rest in 2.5mm and he shrugged his shoulders and said volt drop. I pointed out that volt drop is biggest to the last point not the first and that mixing cables is a no no and more shoulder shrugging ensued!! And yet i have to do gap training!!!!!!!!
  25. Sounds like your loving it out there! Trust me working in the city is kinda the same lol. Supervisors tend to be the bosses buddy and some of the standard of work is piss poor. I don't think i could do the working away for 4 weeks at a time. Living to work springs to mind.
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