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Everything posted by Candygirl

  1. I came out in a cold sweat when I couldn't get on last night. Glad you're back
  2. It looks like we are going to miss the deadline. I have been reading about the EOI and SkillSelect, but cannot find out about any other changes that may be happening. Are the new rules released before 1 July?
  3. Is there an expiry date for these? I seem to remember reading somewhere that they were only valid for a year, but then again I could have dreamt it. Does anyone know the correct answer?
  4. Don't Give Up!!!! My OH sat the test twice. First time in Malaga (4 hour drive from us), second time in Barcelona (6 hour drive from us). He would have flown to Oz if it meant he would have passed the test. Good Luck
  5. We had exactly the same problem this week as well and thought it was all over for us. TRA told us the very same thing. We spoke to our skills agent who said it is nonsense. He has assessed hundreds if not thousands of self employed tradies who have gone on to get their visas. If you read 2.8 on the TRA's guidelines it will tell you what evidence they require for self employed. They may also tell you that you need 3 years post your AQF III, again this seems to be contrary to what is actually happening. If that were the case then no one would have 3 years experience post obtaining their AQF III. People are only getting the AQF III so that they are recognised as having the same skillset as an equivalent Australian person. I just hope when TRA come to assess my OH, they got out of the right side of the bed and had a nice biscuit with their morning tea! Good Luck.
  6. Hi Kianobeano, This is exactly what we thought. It was only when we contacted TRA about the backlog and to ask what evidence they needed as well as the AQF III Cert that they quoted 2.8.3 of their guidelines. 2.8.6 is relevant to us as we are self employed. I am not that confident at the moment that "the powers that be" know what they are doing. This is what 2.8.6 states: "2.8.6 SELF-EMPLOYMENT TRA may consider self-employed work in your nominated occupation. If you are or have been self-employed, you must provide evidence of trade, trade-related or occupation-specific self-employment. Your application must include a personal statement on a properly signed statutory declaration, affidavit, sworn statement or similar legal declaration (with your signature witnessed by a legal authority in your country). Your personal statement must provide the following details: a) the exact commencement and completion dates of each period of self-employment b) the occupation in which you were self-employed c) the nature and content of the work tasks you personally performed d) the number of staff you employed and their occupations, where relevant e) a description of your workshop and the tools and equipment used f) a list of three clients, with contact details, for each year of self employment you are claiming." I know I have posted this already in the "Chat" section, but hopefully it might help clarify things for someone else. This process is stressful enough without having to help the people who are supposed to be helping us.
  7. Thanks Guys for your kind words, much appreciated. Yesterday was an awful day and a stressful night for both of us, but I'm back today! After going through the TRA Guidelines again ourselves. We read the following which IS relevant to us. "2.8.6 SELF-EMPLOYMENT TRA may consider self-employed work in your nominated occupation. If you are or have been self-employed, you must provide evidence of trade, trade-related or occupation-specific self-employment. Your application must include a personal statement on a properly signed statutory declaration, affidavit, sworn statement or similar legal declaration (with your signature witnessed by a legal authority in your country). Your personal statement must provide the following details: a) the exact commencement and completion dates of each period of self-employment b) the occupation in which you were self-employed c) the nature and content of the work tasks you personally performed d) the number of staff you employed and their occupations, where relevant e) a description of your workshop and the tools and equipment used f) a list of three clients, with contact details, for each year of self employment you are claiming." Whoever dealt with our enquiry at TRA quoted 2.8.3 which is related to employment. We are using a skills agent and am waiting on an email from them to see if they can shed any further light on this matter.
  8. Just heard from TRA today that if and when my OH gets his AQF III they then want him to have a further 3 years experience following the qualification. After months of blood, sweat and tears and not to mention thousands of Euros this is the first we have heard this. If my OH completes the further 3 years that they require then he will be too old to apply for the visa. We have successfully ran our own business for 7 years and been in full time employment since 16. I really appreciate that Oz want the best, but what do they really want!!! I never really realised how much I wanted to go until this morning and now it's over.
  9. As some of know, my OH is currently being assessed for an AQF III. We wrote to TRA to ask how long the assessment would take following the obtaining of the AQF III and also checking what other info we may need to provide etc. Their response has been that my OH will need to have a further 3 years post the AQF III. Has anyone on PIO been granted an AQF III and then gone on to be assessed by TRA successfully? I cannot believe how much time and money we have spent already and we now seem to have hit another brick wall. The guilt I am feeling is overwhelming at the moment. My OH has patiently waited 12 years for me to make the "right" decision which has meant it will be a difficult path for him to finally get into Oz and now that may have been taken away from us completely as he is 42 and if he has to wait another 3 years he will be too old to apply for a visa. Any info will be grately received.
  10. Congrats on the birth of your new baby. Have you had time to catch your breath?
  11. Have to agree with what has been said. This will be our second move overseas and will defo be taking as much as we can. We have some nice furniture and things and TBH when we first get there will have lots to pay out for and I really don't want the hassle of scouring the shops and "impulse" buying because we have nothing to sit or sleep on. I wouldn't mind buying secondhand, but that is a No No for my OH. Fourcorners, I laughed at your comment, but totally agree. I laughed because de-cluttering and clearing out has kept me going through this process. I cannot stand the waiting and find it helps me to keep going and feel that I am doing something. I think the charity shop are sick of seeing me LOL!! I have some more today and just don't know where it comes from. I think things are breeding in my cupboards and drawers as I keep finding things. I love nice things. When we went backpacking round Oz years ago we managed to live out of a rucksack. Friends took bets that after 2 weeks I would be struggling, but I loved it. I found it invigorating that I could live with next to nothing. I was younger then and now I want my "home" comforts so will be taking everything apart from the kitchen sink.
  12. Most people are required to sit the General Exam. Some people need to get 8 across the board and have struggled with the Writing. After sitting the General Writing, people have switched to the Academic Writing and have found it easier to pass. Good Luck with your exam.
  13. GordonSmith, I said exactly the same to my OH this morning. This process is TOUGH. I think everyone has an "off day". We have never known such stress. Hope you hear back soon and wish you well.
  14. If you hold an British passport you automatically have 6.5 points. Are you claiming points for the partner? If so, I am not sure on this, but someone will be along soon who will know. My OH is the main applicant and is not claiming points for me. I am British citizen and hold a British passport so there is for me to take an IELTS test. No one has requested me to take an IELTS test. Believe me, we have been asked to produce everything. At the moment, not blood, but this will be asked for at the Medical LOL!!!! Hope this helps. Good Luck.
  15. Oooh yes, but you may be OK. I think someone said that they told their assessor on the day about the deadline and they put review urgent or something like that on their paperwork and they heard back quickly. Sorry cannot find the post. If you don't ask, you don't get though. Good Luck for the 2 June.
  16. OK thanks. I have been using the 1.4 exchange rate. There's one born every minute or so they say!
  17. I cannot say about Perth, but I was in hospital in Katherine (NT) and yes it was air conditioned. In my experience, the standards of Australian hospitals far outweigh those in the UK.
  18. I apologise if I am having a "blonde" moment, but would someone mind clarifying something for me. Why do some people on PIO use a conversation rate of 2.2 when the exchange rate at the moment seems to be hoovering around 1.4ish?
  19. Congratulations!!! I think Vetasses are a lot quicker than TRA. Good luck with the Practical on the 28th.
  20. We spoke to our skills agent last night and he said once we have the AQF III, the TRA process will be simpler. He spoke of the backlog there at the moment and said that is the real problem.
  21. Sorry to hear about the death of your father. Hopefully you will hear soon. I have never experienced stress like this. When we explain to family and friends, they are gobsmacked. TBH, after the day I have had, if DIAC asked me to shave my head and stick a feather up by backside, I would if it meant we would get the all important "stamp" in the passport. Good Luck.
  22. Having a bit of a disagreement with my OH at the moment. Can someone please advise, when you have an AQF III certificate, will TRA conduct another skills assessment i.e. practical/theory exam, or will they take it that the AQF III is sufficient proof of having the required skill level. There is money riding on this.
  23. Candygirl

    zonked koala

    Brilliant photo.
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