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Everything posted by runslikeafish

  1. Hi Yashsr. I did a very lengthy, 5 part, interview with an Indian migrant friend of mine on my website (link in my signature below - look under blog/interviews). I asked him about racism specifically and he gave a very heartening answer. To cut a long story short; in his opinion - no, racism isn't a problem here. I'd add to that that I've never seen any racism in my time here either. Good luck
  2. It took ours about 12 weeks to arrive to Tas in total (i.e. door to door). Depending on the shipping company you choose they will keep your belongings in storage here for a short while free of charge. Note that this is a *short* while - not months! I used Doree Bonner who were very good. They have an arrangement with a Tas removal company ("Grace" from memory) who held our stuff for a week whilst we arranged delivery. So provided you're not "storing" your belongings with them but rather "arranging delivery at a suitable time" if that distinction makes sense, then I think you should be fine. There are a few pages on my site (link in my signature below) that discuss shipping which may help. There are also contact details for Doree Bonner if you wanted to get a quote. I certainly learned lessons - not from shipping in isolation; more the combination of shipping and taking things in our suitcases on the plane. Good luck!
  3. I'm not a big fisherman but most of my friends are. Everything from freshwater to crayfish to tuna. Also probably 10 of my friends have boats and all of my friends know someone (usually lots of people) with a boat. Tassie is a fantastic place to own a boat!
  4. I agree with everything Skani has said. Tassie ticks all our boxes for sure. We live just outside Hobart and are extremely happy here. Good luck with it!
  5. Glad you liked it! Some of the views sure are spectacular - although you kind of get used to that in Tassie!
  6. I know exactly how you feel! Enjoy it!
  7. runslikeafish


    To be honest I would agree with your last paragraph. Book some initial (ideally central) accommodation for the first month and have a good look around during that time to decide where to move to. If you're renting initially before buying you can always move again relatively easily if it comes to it.
  8. runslikeafish


    There's no escaping that Cygnet is pretty far from Hobart. I know people that commute from near Cygnet and they're fine with it but if you're planning on working in Hobart I wouldn't move there. That said; if I wasn't working in Hobart then it'd be a great place to live. Although my wife would disagree - too far out for her. One of the (many!) great things about Tassie is that you can live smack bang in the centre of Hobart and be in the bush within 10-15 minutes. I probably know 20 people who have chickens (chooks ) and most of those live in the suburbs. I suppose my point is you can have "the good life lite" without living in Cygnet. Also if it's wilderness or country views you're after you won't have to go far to get them wherever you are. Good luck
  9. Unless I'm mistaken (entirely possible!) Princess Mary of Denmark went to Taroona High School as well! And if you don't know who she is, you will pretty soon after living in Tassie! The schools in Sandy Bay are of a pretty high standard too I hear (Sandy Bay is the next suburb along from Taroona towards the city). I've also heard pretty good things about Kingston high school. Good luck - enjoy your nervousness! You'll look back on these days when you're settled in Tassie.
  10. Hi Tastastic. Bellerive is really nice. As you say, a few nice cafes, great beach and quite a few shops in the immediate vicinity. There's a good mix of old and new properties and frequently some stunning views of the river, the western shore, city and Mount Wellington. I wouldn't say the traffic is that bad over the bridge, even at peak time. It's certainly comparable to the traffic from Kingston. Depending on where in Bellerive you'd be very unlucky if it took you longer than 15 mins even in peak hour. Outside of peak hour would be around 7 mins probably (just guesses but we're in Bellerive a lot so they won't be far out). Howrah and Tranmere typically have newer houses but are a little bit further out. Again nothing approaching a typical UK commute but add another 5 mins on to the times above. Also, particularly in Tranmere there's not an awful lot you can walk to which isn't a problem in most of Bellerive. All 3 suburbs are certainly among the better of Hobart's suburbs though and I would happily live in any of them. In my (anecdotal) experience I'd say the weather is better on the eastern shore (I live in Sandy Bay on the western shore) and it's undeniable that they get more sunlight. That's sometimes a double edged sword as you may find that your lounge or kitchen or whatever gets very hot in summer with a lot of direct sunlight flooding in. I've got a post on my website that describes a walk around Bellerive with a few pictures that you might like. You're not allowed to put links to individual pages in the forum but if you go to my site (link in the signature) and search for Bellerive you should find it. Good luck - such an exciting time for you!
  11. I fell foul of that one to much hilarity in the office. "How's the sprog?" wasn't quite the question I thought it was!
  12. There are lots of paleo people in Hobart. Lots! I know Hobart isn't the Huon Valley but it's only 30 mins away... Have a look at this list http://primalgirk.wordpress.com/2013/04/17/eating-out-in-hobart/ These guys have a cafe http://www.augustocafe.com.au/ and an order service https://www.facebook.com/OnTheGoPaleoMeals You may see me here - it's great! Some good ideas here http://www.meetup.com/Paleo-Hobart/ If you're on facebook try posting a question to on the go paleo meals and I bet you get a very good response for other paleo eateries! Enjoy your stay!
  13. It might be worth giving Jo a shout at http://www.settledin.com.au/. They have a home inspection service (among many others) so they can probably help. I'm not sure what the cost is but it's worth checking out. If you do get in touch with them, tell them Tim recommended them Good luck!
  14. runslikeafish


    That's a good point!
  15. runslikeafish


    ...and another of Cygnet https://fbcdn-sphotos-e-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/1488295_328099223995085_323769596_n.jpg The Amazing Tasmania page has some awesome photos!
  16. runslikeafish


    Here's another one - hope the link works. https://fbcdn-sphotos-a-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-frc3/1508010_331227663682241_2038151612_n.jpg
  17. runslikeafish


    If you're on Facebook have a look for Amazing Tasmania. Today they've posted a fantastic picture of Cygnet Bay which may whet your appetite! I''m on my phone so I can't post it here at the moment but will try to later. ...and whilst you're on Facebook; like my page LiveandWorkAustralia!
  18. runslikeafish


    Cygnet is certainly lovely. If you want "the Good Life", some land and chooks etc there are loads of other places to choose from all around the Huon Valley as well as loads of other areas. You don't need to restrict yourself to Cygnet - although Cygnet would certainly give you that. Are you able to visit and have a look around a few areas?
  19. There is work around in Tassie - Hobart especially. Nothing like the amount available in Sydney though. I love Hobart as a city. We can go and see a good standard of local band every night if we wanted to - bit hard with a 5 month old for us at the moment mind! There's also a great range of eating options all around. As you mention though; the biggest draw is the outdoors. Hobart is in extremely easy reach of stunning wilderness. Any type of outdoor activity you could want is here. And as for beauty; Tasmania has that in spades. Good luck with your decision.
  20. Where I work they either do or don't like cricket depending on who's winning...
  21. Awesome! Good luck! I think copping it for the cricket is just a fact of life here, you'll need to get used to it. Hopefully things will turn around soon and you can give them some back
  22. We opened a NAB account from the UK and had cards etc waiting for us in the branch when we arrived on day 1. Can't fault them at all.
  23. Depending on what your UK debt is, you can always continue to pay it from Aus. i.e. you can move here without paying off all your debt but without running away from your debt either. I don't know your circumstances at all obviously but it may be worth considering. Good luck whatever you do.
  24. I have looked into this a bit and it is possible. I can't remember offhand the names of the brokers (not that helpful I know - sorry) but a quick Google search should sort you out. I found about 4 brokers who did it and several banks, Barclays I know being one of them. Note that whilst it is possible you won't get the best mortgage deals available which I think isn't particularly surprising. If you're really struggling to find any brokers let me know and I'll see if I can dig up my old enquiries. ...alternatively, if you're looking to buy an investment property, you could always buy one in a cheaper area of Aus?
  25. Good luck Steve! It is a frightening thing to do for sure but well worth it!
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