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Posts posted by Metoo

  1. Well I still don’t know what it was, but we had a happy ending. I covered it up with a plastic bowl (using gardening gloves lol) then waited for hubby to come home. He scooped it up and released it outside in the shrubbery. He said a big boy like that would eat all the bugs.

    I have it on video but can’t upload it for some reason.

    I hope I don’t meet him again when I’m gardening. 

    • Like 1
  2. If you drive up the night before, you can get a cheap air b n b for the night in Hervey Bay and then catch the early ferry in the morning at river heads. We stayed on Fraser last Christmas for 3 nights at the Kingfisher resort and had a great time. We never saw any dingos but there were plenty of warning signs.

    Take warm clothing with you, it can get pretty nippy at night time and Fraser has its own micro climate, they say it's always raining somewhere on Fraser.

    First pic is Kingfisher resort and then the ferry unloading on Fraser 



  3. Have a look at Emu Plains, Glenmore Park, Leonay, Penrith.

    From any of these towns, take a short drive to the train station, where you can park all day for free. There is a direct train straight into Sydney CBD. Rents are much more manageable living out west. We lived in Glenmore Park for six months and paid less than $600 pw for 4 bed house in a lovely area.

  4. It is two years today that we stepped off the plane in Sydney, so where are we now? Well, after spending the first six months in Sydney's West, where we rented a house , we very soon decided that renting was not for us. Mr Metoo was working in the CBD and his 2 hr commute in rush hr traffic was not ideal. So, we quickly learned that the type of house we wanted was not going to be affordable in Sydney so we looked further afield and decided to move to North Queensland. 

    We were able to buy a house near the beach and very soon settled down in our new home. It took a while for us to find jobs but we got there in the end. Ironically, Mr Metoo is now travelling almost two hours to work each day, but, the difference is he is now driving along empty roads bordered by cane fields and farms. He often stops off at the farm shop on the way home and brings fresh fruit and veg. and macadamia nuts.

    On my day off I sometimes go with him and I take the car along the coast road and spend the day on the beach or hanging around the cafes until he finishes, I also check out realestate as we are considering moving again closer to work. Then we have a nice drive home.

    We have acquired an extra pet, a little elderly cat from  the rehoming centre. She was supposed to be company for our other elderly cat who we brought with us from the UK. Unfortunately, they don't  like each other lol. 

    So, anyway tonight we will be breaking open the champagne and drinking to the past two incredible years. We will toast the friends we left behind and the new ones we have made here in Australia. 

    Where will we be in two more years?? 

    Hopefully still here in Queensland. 


    Metoo xx 







    • Like 14
  5. Here's someting I didn't know about spouse visas


    When you are granted the 309 you have one year to validate and then supposedly 4 more years to make the move




    If you are still in the UK 2 yrs later when the 100 is granted for PR then you have to validate a second time or make the move within the year so here was us thinking we had 5 yrs to make the move and suddenly its panic stations we now only have 11 months or we will have to validate again.


    I am not complaining, maybe its the kick up the backside we needed to get us moving, I just never realised we would have to.


    Does everyone else already know this and its me being a bit slow on the uptake?



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