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Everything posted by iloveaussie

  1. thanks for the advice guys! I will be putting all my papers into order tomorrow and sending onshore via courier or the safest way possible to send! there are far too many papers to apply online! I have just made the money cheque to send (now im broke!) I have done my UK PC and Oz PC and I do understand I may have to re-do these if it takes over a year, however I think its wrong that they make you do that, it should be from lodgement! I am currently on a 457 visa which expires Oct 2015, however I pray I get a CO or approval before then! Everything Is all so scary right now, incase I have missed out anything or done anything wrong! however I will give them all that I have and any problems they will be in touch I am sure, I'm not going to stress about anything, because I am in a legit committed relationship with my partner and have been for almost 3 years and we just want this visa to go through so we can start building a solid future So I am not going to paper clip or sleeve any documents separately, I will just put papers 1 after the other they can sort this out themselves. GOOD LUCK GUYS!
  2. I will ill be lodging my visa on shore next week!! Its all these papers that are driving me crazy! im sending by post. should I clip each separate document together? Or no clip? also are you able to tell me if I need to add the front page of my statutory declaration? The part with how to fill the form saying form 888?
  3. Will it be okay and good enough to only send screen shots of my Facebook photos (which include dates, locations an who is tagged in photo) with my partner? Is this good enough or should I be enclosing real photos? The screen shots are 1 photo per A4 page thanks
  4. Well sadly I have been told I will not get a work rights bridging visa, as I wanted to cancel my current 457 visa due to being treated unfairly, so I will need to wait for a case officer and apply for work rights bridging visa
  5. 820 Partner Visa current processing time 12 to 15 months?? Has this been the case for anyone? or has anyone got a case officer already an lodged recently? Scary
  6. Hello, can you please tell me the safest and easiest way to pay for my 820 Partner Visa when lodging by mail? As it states no direct debit payments allowed and that is all I have thanks
  7. Great thank you! It's all so crazy when putting everything together making sure I don't forget anything!! An that I do it right! i will be applying from outside of perth, so onshore. will I receive an email once they have got my application? As I will need a code for taking my medical assessment! How long was it for you to get a case officer? An when did you apply?
  8. Hey guys, im lodging my partner visa next week. I hope to post the application as it will be easier for me, Can you please tell me the safest way to post this? also can I staple anything together? Or is it literally just put page after page? how does it work with payment when posting application? thanks
  9. Hey guys, with the 820 Partner Visa - Can my partner apply to be a sponsor before i lodge the visa? or do i just do it all at the same time Also, i am going around in circles on the immi web page, I believe me and my partner both have to write statutory declarations about our relationship, where is this specific form? \ Thanks :biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:
  10. I would understand that depending on the job, but when you are told you are specifically getting paid 4 hours less each week because you are not worth the pay, its annoying. so what visa are you on?
  11. Thank you Rupert, I am being deducted 4 hours per week to make up for the wage they are paying me per hour, i was previously working 5 days a week, now i am down to 4 days a week and still being deducted 4 hours, even if i work 2 days i still get the deduction. However from the start i was so over whelmed to finally find sponsorship i didn't argue it Have you applied for a 820 partner visa? if so how long ago?
  12. I do understand what you are saying, I definitely don't expect a medal or prize because I have been treated unfairly. yes I have payslips, end of day sheets on excel with my hours worked before the payslip shows I have been deducted 4 hours to work for free There's 2 if us that's it's happening to. yes even though I am saving an going to apply for a 820. i look daily for any new jobs and contact employers myself, however it's a quiet time of year in this industry right now
  13. Hey guys, I have posted something simular to this in the week, but still need advice I am currently on a 457 visa and am being treated unfairly (underpaid, reduced to part time hours, working extra hours for free) I do understand the best way about this is to report them, however it will only leave me 90days to find another sponsor or lodge a visa and in them 90 days I will be unemployed as I know they will not up the hours and pay me back what they owe me, so for the meantime I am just sticking it out until I apply for my 820 partner visa (PR) Now, when I am able to afford and lodge the visa (in the next 10weeks) I wanted to cancel my 457 and apply for a work rights bridging visa as I know the bridging visa I get will not allow me to leave the country or work... SO MY QUESTION IS... What if I report my current employer anonymously when I lodge my visa, and hope they let me go, therefore i have not cancelled the 457, they have.... will this be the better way to get a bridging vsa with work rights and be safe when i lodge the 820 visa, because i am also worried that im on this sticky bridging visa and if i get denied it could back fire so i just want to know the best way to go about this, i am struggling to survive on these part time hours and it wont change (we are client based) and its so quiet, i want out but i don't want to suffer even more! thank you
  14. Hey guys, What is the best way to apply/lodge the 820 partner visa, i.e. online, in person, an office? I saw a few times people say when you lodge in person it is quicker? TIA
  15. @snifter, I plan on lodging my 820 partner visa, then cancelling my existing 457 visa. but have been told the bridging visa I will automatically go onto will not have work rights because I have cancelled a work visa, however I am cancelling this visa because I have been treated unfairly and my employer is not obeying by the contract.
  16. ABL275, thank you for your advice and importation I have always believed if you have PR or sponsorship, it is a privilege to have and hard to get, even if your employer is the devil! Thing is that makes it hard, is my current employer have reduced my ours, aswell as my pay. The only thing I can do right now is to inform immigration and report them, however I know I will lose my job and have 90days to find another sponsor or visa, and in them 90 days I will not have the money to apply for my partner visa. I was told that I may have to wait for a case officer and apply for a work rights visa with them stating I was treated unfairly and forced to seek other alternatives. Its all so fiddly and you hear so many different things from different agents and people in the same boat. So when I leave my employer, do I need to contact immigration about my 457? or does the employer have to do this themselves? I often wonder what would happen if I reported my employer before I wish to terminate employment, would I end up getting a work rights visa? Im struggling as it is already on part time wages, when my contract states full time Thank you again
  17. Thank you Rupert, I do understand that its not black and white, it will be tricky. However I am just getting little bits of advice off of anyone. I am in a legit commited relationship and I will provide all that I have, I have plenty of bank satements, phone bills, car rego, cards, government letters, payslips...etc in mine or his name. I have neighbours and friends statutory decs, family of his here. I do feel confident about what I have. like I said, just gathering little bits of advice along the way
  18. Okay, fantastic! im trying to choose my stat declarations wisely! how many did you do? it says atleast 2, so I guess I can do a few more?
  19. apart from the joint back account (started November 2013) we photos, holidays, pay slips dating back to when we moved in together, its been 2 years now. my partner has his permanent residency, I am currently on a 457 visa It would be good if our house mate did a declaration, however he is not a perm resident, he is on a 457 from Ireland? Could I just do one, or get him to write his own letter? Just trying to think of ways we can get letters, bills, joining papers..etc with both names and addresses
  20. We have a joint bank account since November last year and I have been putting my visa money in there weekly, my car is in his name and I am secondary person on it. I only have a UK drivers liscense My pay slips have the same address on as his pay slips I have a friend who works for the government so she can write me a letter I could ask the rental agent to write a letter saying that I live there, as on many occasions he has seen me there when doing a rent inspection I just don't know how to put it all together really Thing is, I will give them everything I have, if they ask for anything more I don't really know what to provide! Did you have any problems, or are you married? When did you do yours? I am pushing and pushing to get mine in before 1st july, however I bet this is a busy time of year as everyone else will want to be doing the same, so will probably have a long time to wait!
  21. Thing is, My partner is a farmer and the house we live in is part of his work package, therefore we do not pay any bills, rent and have no name on the lease However we can get a declaration from the neighbour, a letter from my partners employer saying why we do not pay rent and how long we have lived together...etc So im relying on that as well as evidence we have been together in a long and committed relationship, he is originally from Ireland, and me from England, I have been there and met his parents and he has met mine. his sister lives in perth too and we are good friends, its such a tricky situation, however that's the way it is! and this is what we have to work with Thank you
  22. Hey Guys, I will be looking to lodge my 820 partner visa in the next 10 weeks... Once I have lodged my visa I am looking to hand in my notice who I have my 457 with, and cancel my visa.. I have been told If I cancel my 457 working visa, I will not get a work rights bridging visa Can anyone who has done this, tell me more information on how I can get a working rights bridging visa? Sadly I am cancelling my 457 visa because I am being treated unfairly! my current employer is not sticking to the contract, I am loosing money and hours at work. I cannot report this situation to immigration before I lodge my 820 visa, as I need to save money first and apply for the visa, so sadly right now its a los lose situation! any help would be fantastic thank you
  23. Hi Guys, I am looking to lodge my partner 820 visa in the next 10 weeks! I am currently gathering all my paper work and evidence together ready for lodgement, sadly I cannot afford an immigration agent so I would love some advice... When gathering evidence that you are in a commiting and long term relationship, what did you use and how did you put it together? I have birthday, anniversary, Christmas cards to eachother, flight itinery, hotels, family cards send to us, bills, bank statements and details.. with putting it together, how do they like it done? a collage of photos? I don't want to attach loads and loads of A4 and bore them, what counts? I have all our photos on facebook that I can make a collage from with dates? Anyone who has been approved on this visa, what worked for you? Thanks in advance
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