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Posts posted by anlopa

  1. Thanks! not that it helps, it's still all required and at the date of application, but now I can keep an eye on it myself ;-).

    I dont think having a TRN is any better as I check all the time and it only makes me angry, I checked this morning hoping for good news and no nothing changed everything still as required, and because of this lack of movement kids get the brunt of it and go to school unhappy. :no::sad:


    God what am I turning in to, I have seen so many people get to this stage and processing has stalled before, so from this day forth I am not going to check online and just wait for a phone call or email cos it is doing me in to be honest. I cant believe that I have sent kids to school with a flea in their ear all because of online checking.:sad:

  2. Hello, fingers crossed for you that they now have everything they need from you and you are just waiting for the golden ticket to be issued!!

    I Just wanted to ask you a few questions about the medicals too if it's ok?

    I am a bit confused as to these ehealth forms - do I print them out, fill them out by hand and take them with me or do I have to fill them in online somehow and then print them out? I am just confused as I would have thought that the e bit meant electronic but it's not really very electronic if I am printing them out and completing them by hand really is it so it has me baffled:swoon::goofy:

    Do they take our photos there? (not sure if i have asked this before!!)

    And do you really have to be there 30mins before? We have an appointment for 12 and have to travel from Newcastle with a 6 year old who takes an age to do anything so might be pushing it for 11.30!!!:SLEEP:

    Thanks for any advice






    Hi no problems with questions, if you are going to Manchester you don't need any photos they will take your pictures their. The ehealth forms download them off the immi website they are more or less filled in for you just a matter of dating and signing really. Again if Manchester meds you dont have to be their 30 mins before, you will be taken in as a family (not sure if this bit will be the same) but Mrs TraxFM goes first as hubby is in the room as security for the med then while hubby is having med Mrs Trax will go for Xray by the time that is done hubby will be ready to go for his while Mrs Trax watches little one finish his med. 45min to 1 hour later you part with lots of ££££ and walk out the door ready to take Mrs Trax for some retail therapy. you can park outside the door in the roadside bays at a cost of £6 for 2 hour which will be plenty of time.

  3. Fingers crossed for you


    Have you uploaded everything needed now?


    We think and hope so, :goofy:we haven't been asked for anything else. meds are finalised:eek: and police checks are uploaded:policeman:. just waiting for everything to turn to met as it all still says required:wacko:. So untill we are contacted off the co we assume all is good:biglaugh:.:swoon:

  4. tania got my visa granted this morning oh my god ure nxt!!!!! r u on face book would luv ta meet up in queensland and bitch bout the visa process i prob wont be on poms in oz any more woz so obsessed with it i need a break from it ha im sooooo happy i hope ure nxt i so know how u feel

    Congratulation, Wow bet your on cloud 9 I'm so happy for you.:jiggy:Well done it makes the wait worth it now.:jiggy::notworthy:

    What are your plans now?


    I thought that visa grants might be delayed as the states have released their new plans but your news is good news for all of us. OMG I'm gonna be checking all night from now

  5. arrrggghhh they have again offered me overtime for this weekend and I don't know what to do my head is saying yes do the overtime as it will buy yet another ticket to Aus but my body is saying please can I have just a little break I'm knackard. do I think of the bigger picture, oh hell, I think I'm starting to answer this with a yes!!!!!!!


    money talks when your thinking of emigrating (we better get this visa or the tax man is gonna nail me next year)

  6. I hope it won't be long I'm on nights tonight so from midnight I'm gonna be checking all the time. I wish I could have booked a few weeks holiday, then it would have taken my mind off it. I'm getting grumpy and irritable I'm glad I don't have to live with me.

  7. It's good luck Sunday. Fingers and toes crossed again for everyone this week. Let's hope the co's have had a fab weekend of spring sun and are full of good spirit.

    All the best where ever you are on the visa road.

  8. Don't know what you mean it driving you mad :err::tongue: :wideeyed: :goofy: is checking 10 times a day not normal and hitting the refresh just incase they updated as you logged on, then hit refresh again instead of close screen cos everything happens once your back is turned. LOL tell me I'm normal

  9. We are paper based so I think we have to attach the photos and then wait for the post to get to Aus :SLEEP: oh well I have waited this long whats a few more weeks, can't wait to hand over the money :nah:



    I wish I was as calm as you. what time is your med

  10. Nice to hear from you, you have been waiting a while I so hope you hear something soon.




    Hopefully not long now.


    We go for our medicals tomorrow so just going to go through the forms tonight to make sure we have everything, I had a dream last night that I had got all way to Manchester and had forgotten our forms :arghh: so think I just need forms, photos and passports.



    Hi Tania,

    Good luck with the Meds you will be fine, you don't need the photo's as they take your picture and upload it rather than scanning it, but take them anyway incase their camera is broke. you will be in out and hundreds of pounds lighter in less than an hour. LOL well worth it though.:jiggy:

    Fingers crossed we are going to see some grants soon. Plz:yes::wacko::swoon:

  11. Thank you.

    Did you get sorted with all of your old work documents that they wanted you to produce?

    Fingers crossed all the way for you now for your golden ticket!!!


    We sent off what I could find, a couple of payslips a p40 and I managed to get an exemployee to write a letter, just hope its enough. I haven't herd anything back so fingers crossed.

  12. Forgot to mention that we got our police checks back yesterday:policeman: All clear and have colour scanned them in for the agent.

    So now we are just waiting for our meds in Manchester on 18th!!!!


    Another upstanding citizen congrats, I'm all done now just waiting for my lovely case officer to say yay or nay

  13. Well what can I say to that :biglaugh: I hope they come back tomorrow for you.


    On a different topic can you believe this weather :cool: I am back in my summer clothes and my wardrobe is confused as I have just put the summer stuff away:huh:

    LoL nice weather and I have offered to do overtime,:realmad: oh well the extra money will buy me some nice weather........:jiggy:

  14. Still No blood results this is doing my head in now, I am getting a bit p1553d off.:huh: Fingers crossed for tomorrow though. :frown:Congrats on the police checks good to hear we are talking with upstanding members of the community.:twitcy:

  15. Let me know when you get your results back I can judge for myself then when we will get ours back as we are their this Friday so should give me an idea of how long it takes especially over a weekend, I am only chilled because I still have my house to sell once we hopefully get our visa grant :biggrin: then I will start to stress :arghh: over house.

    You are entitled to feel the way you do and I think this forum is the best place to stress go mad cry be happy.............. as we all no what it feels like, I think if I didn't have all :hug: you guys on here I possibly wouldn't of coped as well as I have because no offence to family and friends they really don't understand or get what you are talking about.

    I am keeping my fingers crossed for you. :biggrin:






    Thanks Tania,

    This place if great and like you say people here understand. My hubby is so laid back he forgets to stress about anything. LOL. I think it will be tuesday we get the bloods cos I had mine on Monday and got them back Tues and finalised wednesday, I think so i'm thinking we will start asking wednesday it was tuesday i remember now. :wacko:

  16. I spoke to my cousin this morning who lives in QLD she said the weather is fantastic :sad:

    I am soooooooooooo jealous :tongue:

    Have you got Martins blood results back yet.



    No Not yet I'm hoping Monday or Tuesday, if not we'll be going out of our minds the doc said Friday at the latest but I am hoping they come through as quick as mine did. Then fingers crossed we will be able to make some progress, I will then be able to start fretting about the work evidence again. god wish it would happen soon. :arghh:

    But whats another week i feel guilty moaning to you about it as you have been waiting even longer than me.:SLEEP::goofy:

  17. Fingers crossed for everyone this week,:biggrin: Let’s hope the weather in Aus is bad this week :tongue:(that would be cloud cover) so it keeps all them case officers sat at their desks and not basking in the spring sun,:goofy: or maybe we need them to have good weather :cool:so they just put a big tick in a box :idea:Arrrggghhhh now the weather has influence over our visas.:swoon: !!!!!!!!!!Why dam you time to think!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :goofy::arghh::shocked:

    Good luck anyway.

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