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Posts posted by anlopa

  1. Agents can be hard work. I want to phone mine up and have a good chat about everything but they never seem to have the time and I get the impression they think i'm dumb, No i'm not im a fitter can't see my agent trying to repair a machine without any help or advice hence the reason i employed him.

    Tania write to your agent and tell them you want to know your TRA number. I have to admit my agent has passed infomation on to me quickly. My problem is I have never migrated before and unless I understand something 100% I can't rest.


    Further to yesterday I have found some p60's and a few payslips I have also found some of the letter that I got done for the TRA, I have scanned turned in to pdf and sent them to my agent this morning. fingers crossed they wont need to much more details.

    Good luck every one. You will all hear something soon.


    Hi Anlopa,


    Quick check with you, Have you submitted all your past & present employment testimonials or appointment letter stating your duties?


    Any particular reason for the CO to ask those details..evidence is not enough...!


    Hi Core,

    I being the clever thing when I move house chucked out everything we didnot need including payslips, letters. All history really so I had to get letters of old employers for the TRA I thought that would be enough, I am gonna have a good look tomorrow but im pritty sure its all gone.


    So the same as me as I am ASPC, what kind of doc going back to 2007?




    Further employment / earnings evidence, in particular as specified below. Without wishing to

    limit in any way the material that the applicant might choose to provide in response, it is requested

    that the material provided does please include copies of:

    *** for all of current employment + one before + one before that

    ... employer issued letter/s confirming designation, duties, salary/wage paid, weekly paid hours

    of work, and dates of employment

    ... any / all employer letters received during employment including those advising promotion

    or other substantial change in designation



    ... Forms P60 for the years 2007 to 2009



  4. :hug:

    Core if you are correct i'm gonna track you down and kiss ya. We should arrange a bizzare meet up like on the 29th Aug 2012 we will all meet on South Bank Brisbane for a drink/ swim. "Cat 4 we done it type thing" oh I pray so much :notworthy::notworthy::notworthy:



    Hi Core,

    Your words did come true and from what I remember a certain someone was going to track you down as I highlighted in blue yes you should be proud.


    I would love to meet up in Aus.


    Core do you know if its Brisbane or ASPC that are processing these cases reason I ask is mine is with ASPC and I wonder if one is faster than the other anlopa which office is yours at?


    Thanks Tania:hug:


    Mine is at ASPC


    I have also been asked for further docs going back to 2007 OMG:arghh: I dont have anything I dont keep things and the reason I have changed jobs is due to being made redundent. So as you can imagine I am megga stressed out......:arghh::swoon:

  5. Dear Fitter Brother's and sisters

    Today I called diac, staff chat well, say same answer, you are identified under the new sol priority and soon will get a CO, again i place the same question " how soon ? " in about 6weeks

    Core posted the above on 29th of July

    6 weeks is 9th of September :shocked:

  6. Hi Core,


    I so love you :hug: thanks for the update, did she say how long it would take to get through the 300 applications?

    I bet you and DIAC must know each other well :wink:


    Thanks again Tania:biggrin:


    Hai Tania & Friends...


    Today monday, my duty is to call the diac to get the updates...after 53minutes of waiting i got the staff...


    she said that 300 applications are at the processing manager desk waiting for the CO availability(all these are backlog list identified after new sol)...they will push one by one to the next available CO....


    so may be this week or next week ...TANIA , ANLOPA , me and rest of the friends also anyone will be getting a case-officer...wishing you all good luck...ALL IS WELL




    Core - JAI HO



    Core if you are correct i'm gonna track you down and kiss ya. We should arrange a bizzare meet up like on the 29th Aug 2012 we will all meet on South Bank Brisbane for a drink/ swim. "Cat 4 we done it type thing" oh I pray so much :notworthy::notworthy::notworthy:


    Tania, I dont want to start counting chicken's or any thing but Fingers crossed. God I wish I paid as mush interest to my job as i did to this site. I have lost all interest in everything other thsn emigrating at the moment.:yes:

  7. Lets all pray

    Dear immi, Please allow our visas be at the top of the processing pile, and may they be blessed with all the infomation required to process further. may our medicals and police checks be requested and come back free of anything untoward.:policeman::radar:


    (Does mental health affect my chances of getting a visa):mask::wacko::eek::goofy::mask:

    Im cracking up:swoon::arghh:

    Good luck everyone lets hope every post next week is a colour changer.:chatterbox::biglaugh::unsure:

  8. This is part of an email I got of my agent

    The below table describes the processing times for the following visa subclasses.



    Priority Group NumberVisa SubclassProcessing Time







    (subclass 119)



    5 months







    (subclass 121)

    5 months







    State Migration Plans (SMP)

    (subclass 176, 475, )


    12 months







    Nominated Occupation on the SOL Schedule 1 (subclass 175, and 176, 475 if not SMP)

    18 months





    All visas listed in priority 3 and 4 that are not SMP or Nominated Occupation on the SOL Schedule 1

    Assessment will commence when all cases in priority groups 1-4 are finalised


    Please Note: We are currently seeing most applications in Priority Group 3 State Migration Plans (subclass 176, 475, ) being processed in 3-6 months and Priority Group 4 Nominated Occupation on the SOL – Schedule 1 (subclass 175, and 176, 475 if not SMP) in 12 months.

  9. Hi


    Could you please add our details:


    Name: mandymark

    Date of Visa application: May 2009

    Nationality: British

    High/Low Risk: LR

    Trade/profession: Fitter (General)

    Visa type: Originally 175 then Qld SS 176 from Sep 2009

    Onshore/offshore: Offshore

    Pre-14th July 2010 Category (If applicable): 5 (I think!)

    Post-14th July Category: 3 or 4???

    Medicals submitted: No

    Police check submitted: 2009

    Date CO assigned:

    Date of employment verification (If applicable):

    Date visa granted:


    I havent really been keeping track of all the changes as we sort of gave up last year and bought a house when OH left the RAF. We'd hoped to move as soon as he left which would've been ideal but obviously wasnt meant to happen.


    As I havent kept up with it all I'm not even sure which category we're in anymore:confused: - can anyone confirm whether we'd be in 3 or 4. Qld SS was granted early September 2009 but our original 175 was submitted in May 2009. I understand that Fitter is now back on the SOL.


    when Tania adds your details they will be able to keep mine company on the front page.


    Thanks for your help,






    Long time no see!!!!! Yes fitter is back on the SOL, You are cat 4 like the rest of us i'm afraid, but from what is being said we might have a chance of getting a visa sometime soon.


    Great to hear from you.

  10. Hey I know how it feels you don't have to explain to me moan as much as you want.


    Once you have your visa how fast are you wanting to move out to Aus I was hoping to be in Aus for January at the latest for the start of the new school year as one of mine starts year 10 here the other year 8 but I still have to sell my house :eek:

    We to need to seel our house, I am hoping to go out in April as this is the start of my leave allocation at work, So i will book 9 days holiday and get the best part of a month off to fly to Aus and see if I can get a job, we need to do it this way as we will be moving with mimimal funds, if I get a job family will follow to stay if not family will still follow to validate but we will all return :cry: Then I will try the same later in the year. If we had the funds we would just go and pray we got a job. where are you heading too

  11. Yeah they don't like to commit to anything, I have just phone my agent but he was out of the office so I spoke to another agent and I asked a few questions,

    Cat 3 she said they are getting co within 2 to 3 weeks of lodging so that's good

    she said that they are working through cat 4 and are looking at those that have been put back on the sol

    Cat 5 are still expected to be looked at this financial year and she was advised by DIAC that they would possibly look at those in December so that would be good news for cat 4 as they would all have to be done first!!


    Thanks Tania I'm moaning and there's you who has been waiting even longer than me, I just want some movement. It's sending me loopy :err::wacko:

  12. Maybe they are already looking at yours :idea: have you got an agent? or have you been in contact with DIAC? to why you haven't heard anything.



    My agent will just tell me 18 to 24 months they are still processing cat 3 and untill all are granted cat 4 wont be looked at, just be patient stop bothering me kind of speech!:goofy:

    Bit like your agent bet they are the same people

  13. News from Russian forum:


    Application sent VE 175 12.10.2010

    CO allocated - 22.08.2011

    Nationality: Romania/Moldova



    Did 2009 not happen before 2010?

    What sort of order is processing happening in?


  14. Does anyone know what the fees are to do medicals at Manchester.



    Hi Tania,


    I asked this question a few weks ago and I got the answer of aprox £300 for adults that includeds x rays £55 for little peeps

  15. Hai dude's


    Today I rang Diac, sweet lady with a honey voice answered politely..


    1) asked my occupation under new sol , when I will get a co,

    Ans: your application has been identified under the new priority and batched.


    2) when it will be processed ?

    Ans:In 2 weeks your application will be in a co hands and commence processing.


    3) what's the reason for the delay, diac webpage show that it's processing aug 2010 applications, why not our's 2008 applicants.?

    Ans: even the old applicants clearing now, the new priorities are batched and get a co soon.


    Best regards , Core...... Seems having some hope


    Hope the sweet lady is nice, or I might track her down and scratch her eyes out........

    OMG I need to stop spending the medical money and start saving again then

    So the 14 day count down begins.......

    Lets not count weekends (even though sweet lady said 2 weeks)


    That is the 5th August and we will see some case officers.:biglaugh::nah::laugh:

    I will bare my arse in (umm maybe not) Preston high street. if I have a CO by then

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