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Everything posted by Bobj


    <p>S'awright, Sue</p>

    <p> Ask away, only too willing to help</p>

    <p> </p>

    <p>Cheers, Bobj.</p>



    <p>Smarty pants...09/09/09/09 etc :tongue:... Bugga, I didn't know that.:arghh:</p>

    <p> </p>

    <p>Cheers, Bobj.</p>



    <p><img src="http://i173.photobucket.com/albums/w44/BobbyQld/birth.gif" alt="birth.gif" /></p>

    <p> </p>

    <p>Cheers, Bobj.</p>



    <p>Hot??? We had 30 C and it's still winter...Glad you had a good time.</p>

    <p> </p>

    <p>We're fine. Be good to chat.</p>

    <p>Cheers, Bobj.</p>



    <p>So, Mrs Muscles, how was the holiday in Turkey?? Hmmmmm??</p>

    <p> </p>

    <p>Cheers, Bobj.</p>


  6. <p>How many in your family, Nat? Being a nosey old far...bloke.</p>


    <p>G'day mate. that is the Ebro catfish...a heap of not very nice garbage. They are like pulling in a dustbin lid, no fight.; but thanks for posting..I got a nice bluey, one of the best eating fish in the wet stuff this morning...</p>

    <p> </p>

    <p>All the best for your holiday.</p>




    <p>Well, the berley bucket in the photo only goes in to about 25 cm, so I can lean over and squish some pillies in the tube. The movement of the boat and water keeps on swilling the berley around.</p>

    <p>A good mix for berley is 5 scoops of chook pellets, an egg-cup full of tuna oil and 1 scoop of chopped up old pillies that you used on the previous trip and a cup of salty water. Mix the lot in a bucket and feed it into the BEAUT NEW berley bucket.</p>

    <p> </p>

    <p>Cheers, Bobj.</p>



    <p>ooo yummy- breakfast</p>

    <p> </p>

    <p>Bet you couldn't eat one...The mangoes weigh about 3lbs each</p>

    <p> </p>

    <p>Cheers, Bobj.</p>



    <p>Thanks, Sue, the orchids are all tropicals, have about 200 of them. Never been to any orchid society shows. BTW how do you like Bribie, hey? been there a few times, golfing weekends etc.</p>

    <p>And, thanks for the Friendship thingo...</p>

    <p>Cheers, Bob.</p>


  11. <img src="http://i173.photobucket.com/albums/w44/BobbyQld/THEROCKS059.jpg" alt="THEROCKS059.jpg" />

  12. Bobj

    BobJ Reminiscing...

    Fishing off Port Hedland jetty in the "old days" was a matter of 100 lb handline, a 5/0 treble tied to the end, lowered into the 1000's of herring massed under the jetty, jagging one, or two, lifting the lot and hurling it out ...and hang on! Got 3 spanish macks in 15 minutes. That lot fed the caravan park for a couple of days. Going out to "Pretty Pool" near Port Hedland at night, cast out the handline with a lump of steak on the hook...No bites...Cast again...No bites. Bloke pulls up, shines torch in the sea...Bugga!!! We cast 50 yards too short... Another "fishing" story, this time on the Castlereagh Ck that flows into the Bow River, East Kimberley, WA. Four of us were preparing a campsite for 20 blokes, stinking hot day, nice pool 10 yards from our camp...stripped off and plunged into the pool. One bloke let out a scream, jumped up and there was a spangled perch latched on to his willy...And yes, there were crocs in the creek, but only freshies. 20 miles away and 10 years later, diamonds were discovered at Upper Smoke Ck...Argyle Diamonds. Oh, heck!! Another story about fishing...Three of us went to the Keep River for a weekend. Hooked a massive barra, it went up the river and down the river with me hanging on, walking along holding on to the rod. It took 30 minutes to land it, one bloke had the gaff, hooked it and he slipped in...T'other bloke pulled him out. Outcome was this, a 42 lb, 1.17 metre barra...'Course I look younger, that was 33 years ago.:yes: Cheers, Bob.
  13. Bobj

    BobJ Reminiscing...

    When I first went north in WA, Karratha was just a sheep/cattle property, no town, no Dampier; Port Hedland was a sleepy 2 pub settlement. Got a job with an American construction company, building the Mt Tom Price-Paraburdoo railway, as the job was closing, I was sent to Dampier to see to the rail yards. The boss asked me to get back asap and sent the company 'plane for me. Two things on that flight...hitting a 'pocket' and the 'plane dropping 7,000 ft and following the dirt road at 100 ft to check out for when the heavy machinery was sent from Tom Price to Point Sampson; the pilot was so engrossed that he nearly forgot to see what was ahead, and had to pull back on the stick...Just managed to clear one of the many mesas. Watching 1180 ft long rails expand in the sun and actually shivering with the sudden heat. How about jacking up a loco engine that had derailed due to a rail being out of alignment... Watching a quarry blast from about 1000 yards away...and getting a piece of fly-rock landing about 5 ft from me...Watching another quarry blast, the foreman waved his arms to signal "ALL CLEAR- 5 MINUTES TO GO" and the bloke on the detonator hitting the button. The foreman was not hit, but all his hair went white when he got back to the job site. Needless to say, the detonator bloke was sacked on the spot. Going out into the desert and findind a beaut little waterhole with hundreds of petroglyphs carved by bygone Aboriginals. While working on the North-West Shelf Gas Project near Dampier, fishing off an oyster covered rock and having all my line zipping off. I had hooked a BIG giant trevally and got spooled...Bugga!! It was the first (and only)cast. Watching 3 giant manta rays leap out of the water, about 40 yards from me; it was like 'follow-the-leader'. Bugga! Gotta walk the pooch, Jo is calling me...Jo, short for " while you're in the kitchen, how about a cheese 'n onion buttie":wink: Cheers, Bobj.
  14. Bobj

    BobJ Reminiscing...

    G'day mate, thanks for that...yes, I came to Australia as a "tenner" in 1963. All these things happened in the '60s and '70s, but not in chronological order, just wrote down the things as I remembered them.
  15. Bobj

    BobJ Reminiscing...

    My " Port"... sorry, a word for suitcase, bag etc. port⋅man⋅teau   Spelled Pronunciation [pawrt-man-toh, pohrt-; pawrt-man-toh, pohrt-] Show IPA –noun, plural -teaus, -teaux. Chiefly British. a case or bag to carry clothing in while traveling, esp. a leather trunk or suitcase that opens into two halves. Nextie= bloke next-door.... Where was I??? Oh, yes-Working in the desert, on a white saltpan, temp was 120F, heat reflecting off the salt and had to keep pouring water on the eyes to ease them. At the end of the day (4pm) hitting hot beer bottles with the gas bottle to cool the beer dow; stand bottle next to gas bottle, open valve and cold gas cools beer, or shoving the hot bottles in a mix of amonium nitrate and water, lovely cold beer in 5 minutes. Ammonium nitrate? explosive ingredient...And having to put 7,000 grease nipples on the underside of a concrete bridge we built because the excessive heat dried the concrete too quickly and then, after inserting the grease nipples, injecting araldite in to bond the bridge. Fishing the Keep River, filling 2, or 3 eskies with barra, freezing them at home, then taking the barra to a couple of Main Road camps down Hall's Creek way to give the blokes a change in diet. Coming across blokes stranded by unseasonal rains and pulling caravans across the flooded Dunham River, (again, dirt road) one family had a 6 month old baby and no food...Got a belting from the boss engineer for not doing my job. Next day the said family came in to thank the boss for his foresight in putting a vehicle at the river to help tourists!!! How about the time that the Commissioner for Main Roads came on a 'fact-finding' tour and being told to take the Commissioner's lackey barra fishing?? Some jobs are good.:wink: Then, there was the time I scattered some tiny sapphires I got while on holiday in Northern NSW (Glen Innes) and 'salting' them around in a gravel pit and 'accidentally' finding one in front of 15 truckies during lunch-time...The boss engineer couldn't believe that the blokes were finding sapphires. (snigger) Never had the heart to tell him. And then the time I went into the semi desert, looking for gravel, found a low mound about 5 ft higher than the surrounding countryside and a complete set of Aboriginal tools, axe and spear heads, scrapers etc. Still have some of the artifacts. Oh, and the boss engineer telling us NOT to disturb ANY Aboriginal sites;(WA Museum sent a bloke up)...We had only just put a grader through an alignment wiping out a whole settlement 2 days before !! Remind me sometime, about The Pilbara, hey?? Cheers, Bobj.
  16. G'day all, my nextie took a bad turn early yesterday and I helped get him stable while the ambulance chappies were on their way. He had to be taken to hospital and is now in intensive care, which got me thinking...Being an oldie, it is a distinct possibility that sort of thing might happen to me. So, I thought of a few wondrous things that have happened along the way... Many years ago, when I first came out to Australia, a mate drove from Perth to Melbourne to take me to Perth. A 5000 mile round trip for him. In those days, there were 1000 miles of dirt road (one way). Bulldust, so fine that it filtered through to clothes in my port. Heading north to The Kimberlies, breaking down on the Great Northern Highway and camping on the actual road (dirt) for 24 hours before another vehicle came along... Living in a tent for 2 years while working for the Main Roads, seeing Aboriginals going 'walkabout' as they have done for thousands of years. Working in the Great Sandy Desert, and watching 'wildfire' over the desert. Meeting a group of blokes come out of the desert who were 'clearing a path' of Aboriginals for a rocket firing from Woomera towards "Wallal Downs" sheep station, WA. Catching a "bl**dy big 'barra' and being towed along in the boat, only to see a big head full of teeth rise out of the water, with my lure in its cakehole; only a 7 ft croc. That was in the Keep River, NT/WA border...Actually stepping on the tail of a 12 ft saltie in the same river...Was quite fortunate it was the tail and not the 'other' end... My mate getting 'caught short' on an open plain, nothing to hide behind... Being out in the semi-desert, some 20 miles off the road and thinking that no one had been there before, and coming across an abandoned Valiant car... Plenty of rabbiting on, my apologies for that...But some fabulous memories and still more of the same.:hug:. Cheers, Bobj.

    <p>Yup, I read it on the thread about you lot cleaning out the pond...Big ones???</p>

    <p>Cheers, Bob.</p>


  18. Bobj


    <p>Do you never catch a little one lol</p>

    <p><img src="http://i173.photobucket.com/albums/w44/BobbyQld/Picture258.jpg" alt="Picture258.jpg" /></p>


  19. Bobj

    <p>G'day mate, you lot any further on with your hopes and dreams???</p>


    <p>S'awright, mate. Qld and WA have some excellent fishing. WA has very limited freshwater fishing in the SW, due to lack of dams and perennial rivers, whereas there are several in Qld. The further north, the better the fishing...especially barramundi.</p>

    <p> </p>

    <p>Cheers, Bob.</p>



    <p>Here you go, our kid...</p>

    <p><a href="http://www.google.com.au/search?hl=en&client=firefox-a&rls=org.mozilla%3Aen-GB%3Aofficial&hs=zBR&q=Carrara%3A+cost+of+living+and+furniture+shops&btnG=Search&meta=cr%3DcountryAU" rel="external nofollow">Carrara: cost of living and furniture shops - Google Search</a></p>

    <p> </p>

    <p>Cheers, Bobj.</p>


  22. Bobj


    <p>G'day mate. Bugga!! I had a spare fishing rod cleaned up for your old man to use...</p>

    <p>Adelaide, the city of churches, has a lot of varied religions. Apart from that, a dry climate, hot in summer and quite cool in winter. It didn't impress me and I only used to pass through. It depends on what your "after work" pursuits are as to whether you will like it. To me, all cities are the same, the bigger they are, the worse they become. Some quite scenic views from the Adelaide hills and in the Flinders Ranges</p>

    <p> </p>

    <p>Cheers, Bobj.</p>


  23. Bobj


    <p>"Just for your cheek lol"</p>

    <p>"Honest, Guv, couldn't help myself...</p>

    <p> </p>

    <p>Cheers, Bob.</p>


  24. Bobj


    <p>"So he will be sending you messages and driving you mad!!"</p>

    <p> </p>

    <p>Impossible...I'm mad already. Woul be nice to help him catch a nice barra, or a coral trout.</p>

    <p> </p>

    <p>Cheers, Bob</p>


  25. Bobj


    <p>"Thanks for the well wishes, guess we join the very long wait before we knock on your door lol!"</p>

    <p>Just tell me when and I'll meet yo at the Mackay airport</p>

    <p> </p>

    <p>Cheers, Bob.</p>


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