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Chris N Lora

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Posts posted by Chris N Lora

  1. To be honest, I think once you get to medical stage the only real hiccup would be failing the medicals.

    Waiting, you will be fine it is understandable to be paranoid it is a life changing decision after all, the powers to grant or decline are in one persons hand.


    Fingers crossed you will have your grant in a couple of weeks at most.



  2. Right so meds are all showing as recieved on first page (doc signed off this morn), second page (doc checklist) still says required.


    How long usually does it take before it changes to referred or MET?



    Congrats on the medicals. We did ours at maidenhead they uploaded one the same day it showed as met on the monday as we had ours on a friday. but it only took a day or 2 ...






    Fingers crossed you will get your visa as soon as now!



  3. I hope so too. They seem to be getting through March, April and starting May now. Hopefully, they'll be on to June soon (which is a large month with a lot of applicants). Then it looks like there are relatively few of us who applied after July, so there may be some room for the Cat 5s to get COs.



    Of course I forgot of the influx due to the changes fingers crossed it means it will be quicker for Cat 5's we was a lucky one we got dragged out of that Cat in sept and got the visa grant but I still want all Cat 5's to get processed ASAP.

  4. Well Its been very busy on here today!! and we have a May applicant get a CO that is reallly good news.


    I hope you get your GRANT soon, you deserve it after the wait.


    This is fantastic news for Cat 5 applicants the rate they are getting through Cat 4 they will hopefully start on Cat 5 by jan/feb time.

  5. Hi guys


    A huge congrats to BJ27 so happy for you and to Trax - congrats. :hug::hug:


    mandy and chris and lora - thanks for your posts. I never knew when i booked my meds that the deadline was the 9th i assumed it would be somewhere around the 12th (got CO on the 12th oct) so I didnt even count the 28 days and when we received a letter from our agents with the 9th I rang the place where we are having the meds and asked if there was sufficient enough time to upload everything to which they said yes fine all will be uploaded on the same day, although when i spoke to someone there this week they said 5-10 days which has put me in a panic.

    Chris N Lora - we left it as late as poss as my OH works, weekends too and couldnt do last weekend as my eldest son had athletics try outs (life goes on eh) and because we thought we had enough time it didnt bother us. Plus my OH has been dieting so we just thought tomorrow would be fine.


    I just wanted to ask on here about the above as I was worried our CO would not extend the deadline but my agents seems to think that asking for an extension is quite normal so I am praying all will work out.



    Hi Waitingtogotooz, It was not a personal dig at you in any way, I know you had personal reasons and DIAC should be flexible, the point I was making was taken out of context by other members misreading, it was purely, the CO can be advised by the panel doctor in my case they did as E/Health was playing up and what should of been done in a couple of days took 2 weeks, the panel doctor can also inform your agent directly. the panel doctors they have access to E/Health. I just find it unfair an agent is paid then they expect the client to do all the chasing on there behalf.


    Also please you do not have to justify your life to me, I wish you the best please do not worry to much about a diet, they are not excessively strict on weight. I was over my BMI a bit.


    Are you sure you have 28 days as I have notice a lot of CO's giving 70 days now.


    I hope you get your visa as soon as , As I know it is a stressful time.



  6. Just wanted to share that atlast I managed to get my Malaysia PCC. After lot of request mails and follow-ups, it took 41 days for the Malaysia authorities to issue the PCC. Man, it was a real big task. All documents are now uploaded, awaiting for my CO to give his final verdict on my application. Fingers crossed.





    That must be a weight off your mind now fingers crossed you get a grant as soon as.



  7. Agree, I couldn't speak more highly of my agent. His professionalism is first class and we could not have done it without him. Our agent had nothing to do with our Meds but he did tell our CO that we had booked and then again when we sent him the receipt to prove we had completed the tasks within the 28 days time period given.


    An agent will only take on a case if he/she feels that you have a good chance of getting a grant. If your borderline then if I were an Agent I wouldn't take a case on. I think that potentially the agent Chris n Lora contacted probably thought this and so rejected their case. though well done to them for proving otherwise.


    Actually your wrong it was not borderline, it was a straight forward case. it was more than one agent. They stated my partner did not meet the requirements for the hours required for TRA 900 hours even though we explained fully what it was and it worked out 1200 hours. so we called TRA and they said yes you do ... this is when you had pathways A,B,C,D that has all changed now.


    It gave great satisfaction when they kept cold calling us and asking if we needed help and we could politely tell them no thank you.


    I think being an Agent is probs easy and would not mind doing it myself.



  8. Hi Mandy,


    My point from a personal experience is if you think you are going to have issues with medicals not getting there on the deadline you tell the medical team .. who will inform of it, after doing our meds (once they got uploaded) properly. it went straight to visa like you.


    I think what baffles me is, people know they are going to get a visa, then book it a couple to a few days before the 28/70 days expire, I personally do nto understand this as everybody know meds have to be done why leave it to last min then panic.


    This is not a dig at anyone at all, I just find it silly that people put themselves under extra stress for no reasons. I understand that people might not have funds at the time.


    It was good news that agents helped you get it done prior to the deadline.

  9. and just to add to Tania's post....the reason why waitingtogotooz is asking is because they are close to their time limit. I didnt have an Agent so class myself as 'my own agent'. I also did what their Agent is doing ie. sent confirmation to my CO that my meds were booked for exactly the same reason.


    Mandy x


    We didnt have an agent, didnt contact CO once we had a lot of problems with E-Health. the medical dept did all the contacting for us.


    Personally booking medicals a few days prior to deadlines is not a good idea as it can cause problems later down the line.

  10. Our agent asked for a copy of our receipt for our medicals which she then sent as proof that we had undertaken our medicals. By sent I mean uploaded to our online application.

    So in our experience the agent did have something to do with the medicals.

    I think agents want to dot the I's and cross the T's and make sure nothing is overlooked.


    I think you miss the point made, provided they have the medicals in allotted time and no problems with E/Health system, then it goes directly to DIAC, the agent has no bearing on this at all, it is only when people leave it to last minute maybe due to not being able to get an appointment ... etc.


    I personally do not trust Agents, a lot of them stated my partner should forget applying for a visa as she didnt qualify would never get through a TRA assessment, good job we ignored more that one agents advice as we got our visa grant a week ago.

  11. Sorry, I am baffled, a Agent has nothing to do with the meds, You will have your medicals and they will be uploaded by the Doctor, then the site will say recieved and then go to finalised or referred.


    If you are using Maidenhead then the staff there are really good if you ask the manager she will email your CO and explain the circumstance and will advise them the Meds are done and on way. so the Agent is not playing ball properly. IMO

  12. mine and my OH's were sent by special delivery 18.10.11 received by them on the 19.10.11 - they said my one has a date of the 7th nov to come out to me but should get sent a lot sooner. I will be ringing them Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday.... until i receive as our agent can not notify our CO of the date of our medicals until they get my cert. :mad:


    I think your agent is not telling you the whole truth we uploaded our PCC 2 weeks before our meds it just meant we have less time to arrive in Australia. your Agent can notify the of the dates if they so wish also when you have the medicals where ever it will be they upload so will have nothing to do with the agent.

  13. Ours is strange it is all mismashed.


    I dont know what they have done but,

    HIV results are missing from one a medical from other.

    One is complety finalised


    Very confused now.


    Still wont be long til it is sorted.

  14. Wish I didnt have the facility to check ATM!!!! Doesnt look like our meds have been uploaded today either - they are still showing as health checks outstanding and HIV blood tests required - can anyone please confirm that these change once the blood results have been uploaded. There were 2 extra lines added last week after our meds saying something like 'further medical results received' but thats it.



    Hi Mandymark.


    We did our meds at the Bridge Clinic, they were very prompt they uploaded straight away ours said exactly the same as yours when the CO looked it then changed to finalised on one of them we had a bit of trouble as only one of our 4 was on E/Health so bit of a delay. so I wouldnt worry as the others are on now but the HIV still says required even though it was done 2 weeks ago

  15. hi every one


    we got it today :laugh: the visa grant :laugh: :hug: :hug:


    thanks all who supported me and answered my queries.

    plz. turn me purple



    Congratulations on your Visa enjoy after all the stress you have been through!!

  16. Thanks everyone for your replies as always your support is outstanding. You expect a level of service when you instruct a professional and when this falls below what you expect you do start to question it. I am quite happy to wait for my CO to do his job correctly and take time in processing the visa what I don’t like is the weak link in the chain that he is causing, unnecessary heart ache and worry. I hate incompetence and to make the matter worse I have paid for the privilege of this.

    When you have been in the visa system for so long you hold on to any hope of the future that you and family have hoped for, for so long and if this means making sure everyone is doing their job correctly then that is what I will do. Don’t forget some of us have had CO’s done medicals and police checks before only to have processing stopped and put on hold. So excuse me for my Worry, I will rest once the visa is granted.

    Sorry for my Ranting the past couple of weeks I’m gonna go quite now and take a break. Good Luck All.:hug::hug:



    You rightly say you paid for this service complain against him is he MARA registered it is not fair the way you have been treated personally if you are one step away from a CO then I would sack him and take over the relm of your application

  17. that is really good,


    Also good to see CAT 4's are still being allocated means there was not many Cat 5 who moved in to Cat 3 ... therefore I cant see it being long before Cat 5's might get some CO's.







  18. I took my son to the Doctors today to do another test on his urine and it came back clear no blood found:notworthy::notworthy::notworthy: so hopefully no delay with our medicals as our blood results are not back yet.




    That is great news fingers crossed you have all passed and your visa is on way!!!.

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