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Alan Collett

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Everything posted by Alan Collett

  1. It would be a new visa application, with a new Visa Application Charge payable. Best regards.
  2. You must be onshore (in Australia) to apply for a Contributory Aged Parent visa. Best regards.
  3. Hello Sue. The acknowledgement letter with a file reference often takes 2 to 3 weeks to be issued by the Parents Visa Centre. TRNs are not issued for parent visa applications. Best regards.
  4. The 173 visa is a temporary residency visa under the Migration Act 1958. Remember also that UK citizens who are not UK resident remain entitled to a UK personal allowance - although the State Pension may well eat into it. See also HM Revenue booklet HMRC6 for details of how different types of UK source income are taxable in the hands of non-UK residents. Best regards.
  5. As you surmise, a big risk with the onshore 804 strategy is the processing time and the consequences of the visa applicant/s suffering a major illness or condition while the visa application is being processed. Consider the consequences of such an illness or condition arising, and the parent/s having to depart Australia. Nevertheless, I know many choose to roll the dice, and to deal with any such medical issues as and when they arise. Best regards.
  6. http://www.pomsinoz.com/forum/985469-post1365.html Just a quick refresher to an earlier post ... Best regards.
  7. Foreign exchange (forex): foreign currency denominated bank accounts Plus a Private Ruling to be going on with: Private Ruling Number 66456 Best regards.
  8. I have been in exchange with an Australian resident individual who recently obtained a private binding ruling from the ATO which advised that the proceeds of sale of his former main residence are covered by the "private or domestic nature" exemption in the forex rules. Please remember that a private ruling is specific to the taxpayer who sought the ruling, but is nevertheless indicative of ATO thinking on the subject matter. Best regards.
  9. You should be posting your query on the Money and Pensions forum ... you might get a better response there. Best regards.
  10. Two comments: 1. There is no 6 month limit. Yes, there may be a tax consequence of a transfer of pension benefits after that date, but there is no deadline beyond that. 2. Companies that assist in this area generally work on a fee for service basis. I'm not sure why they shouldn't be appropriately remunerated, given that this is not an area for the faint hearted ... Best regards.
  11. I suggest you disregard any future assistance from the person who gave you that advice "unofficially." Best regards.
  12. I don't think that is correct - so long as the work test can be satisfied it is possible to transfer UK pension benefits into an Australian superannuation fund, and derive the resulting tax benefits. Note that a transfer of UK pension benefits into Aussie super cannot take place once a pension is in the payment or annuity phase. Best regards.
  13. Hello Felicity. The P85 isn't an application to cease paying UK tax. It is a form that advises HM Revenue that the taxpayer is departing (or has departed) the UK - which isn't the same thing. Note also that your father is an Australian tax resident - and is eligible for a Tax File Number - but (in broad terms) only Australian source income is properly taxable in Australia, as he holds a temporary residency visa. Best regards.
  14. Have you looked at the checklist for subclass 143 visa applications on the immi website? Best regards.
  15. Aged Parent (Residence) Visa (Subclass 804) As others have said, a bridging visa is only possible if an application is made in Australia for what is called an onshore visa. Have a look at the subclass 804 Aged Parent visa (which is an onshore visa), and feel able to telephone me or my migration agent colleague Sarah White through our Brisbane office tomorrow (Weds) or on Thursday: Go Matilda - Your Gateway to Australia - Contact and Feedback Best regards.
  16. Melbourne Metropolitan Area Melbourne weather forecast ... looking good for Boxing Day! Best regards.
  17. That's a good attitude, in my view. In this process of applying for a visa the only certainty is that if you don't apply for a visa you won't be granted a visa. Good luck!
  18. Hi Les (and others). A validation trip that is in the nature of a holiday doesn't necessarily cause you to commence tax residency in Australia. In fact, it almost certainly wouldn't - tax residency would more likely commence when you move to Australia with the intention of living there. Best regards.
  19. We have had a LRR application that was lodged in London last November. Without going into details, we have had to push hard to secure visa grant in the current allocation of visas. So, in answer to your question: yes, quite possibly - but not definitely. If you receive any communication from a case officer requesting (say) meds and penal certificates I recommend that you progress them as soon as possible. There are now significant number constraints in this visa category. Families affected might wish to make representations through their local Members of the Federal Parliament. Best regards.
  20. I feel sure that the processing time for the LRR visa is going to blow out to 2+ years in the next few months - there are simply too few visas available for the increasing number of eligible applicants. As such advice would have to be to lodge an application as soon as one is eligible. Good luck to all affected.
  21. Hi Gill. I noted this a week or so ago, and believe the search function error has now been resolved. Please let me know if you are still having problems. Best regards.
  22. * Peter Costello is retiring from Government ... do you mean Tony Abbott, leader of the Coalition? * Coalition policy is (I believe) for at least 75% of the total intake to comprise skilled visa applicants (presumably including accompanying family). Best regards.
  23. Frizzy, I am afraid you are going to have to be patient - the days of permanent residency visas being granted quickly appear to be disappearing over the horizon. The Australian Government (of whichever persuasion has power after Saturday's election) knows that demand comfortably exceeds whatever supply of visas is politically or electorally acceptable - strategy has therefore to be to lodge applications as soon as it is prudent to do so, and then await your case being assessed months later. The comments here re a settled sponsor might also be useful: Go Matilda - Your Gateway to Australia - News Best regards.
  24. Lodging onshore means a Bridging Visa would be available to enable your son to remain in Australia while his visa application is being processed - but (as ever) please exercise caution. Travelling to Australia on a tourist visa with the firm intention of applying for a permanent residency visa might clearly be problematic in the event of DIAC being suspicious at the point of entry to Australia. Timelines for visa applications that are in finite supply are contingent on numbers of applicants ahead of you/your son in the queue. Best regards.
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