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B1K3R last won the day on June 4 2012

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About B1K3R

  • Birthday 02/03/1973

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  1. Hi, I'm writing this on behalf a friend. A friend residing in Australia has a disabled (cerebral palsy) sister living overseas who is presently being cared for by the parents. When both parents pass away, is it possible for my friend to permanently bring over her sister and be her guardian/carer? She (the disabled sister) will have enough money in her account so she wont be financially depended on my friend. Thank you.
  2. Wellington Point...one of my favorite places too! So what do you exactly mean by "Alex Hills is on the rougher side"? We used to live in Cleveland and only passed through Alex Hill on the way to the city. We'll be moving back to the Redlands this coming October and since our daughter will be going to a college in Carina, we are thinking of living closer to that area. Alex Hill, not exactly one of my favorites as we would prefer Wellington Point/Ormiston/Cleveland etc, but we are also struggling to find a house with a pool (in all areas really) and Alex Hill is also on the list. Cheers B1K3R
  3. Thanks guys, if it's like what nicf said then it would be perfect for me. Will check it out. I'm from Malta and as far as I know the double tax treaty was done in 1984
  4. Hi Yeah, it seems that there is a double agreement. As I understand it, I will only pay tax in Australia. My queries really are more about what do I need to do for this to work, like TFN or ABN? Will the company need to register for PAYN and pay super and stuff like that. I in fact send a message to ATO, no idea if they will answer If not, guess I'll need to find some tax lawer.... Cheers
  5. Hi! Hoping that there is a way to do this. I will be working in Australia remotely for an overseas company. They are not sure how all this work and neither do I, so we're trying to figure it out. So of course I will be paying Tax in Australia, the company will be paying me monthly to my European bank account with no tax deducted. I already have a TFN number as was employed full time in Australia before. Will I have to register for an ABN and work as a contractor (if even possible) or I can stay employed with them as I am? If so will they have to register with PAYM and pay super? Or I can do that? Any information of how I can do this is appreciated! Thanks
  6. Hi Is https://www.seek.com.au still the best job site in Australia? A quick C# search in Melbourne yielded 400 jobs, which doesn't seem that bad! Cheers B1K3R

    <p> </p>

    <p><p>Hey Jim! Thanks for asking mate. </p></p>

    <p><p> </p></p>

    <p><p>It's all good apart from missing OZ <img src="<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/smile.png" alt=":)" srcset="<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/smile@2x.png 2x" width="20" height="20" /> Missus and little one are very happy here. For me, it's not that easy to accept it but it's a matter of time I guess. I come to learn that life is not easy at times, and we have to accept the challenges that are thrown to us, maybe so that we can learn and come stronger. Hopefully, there is a reason after all this, and that keeps me going <img src="<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/smile.png" alt=":)" srcset="<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/smile@2x.png 2x" width="20" height="20" /></p></p>

    <p><p> </p></p>



    <p> </p>


  8. B1K3R


    You're welcome :)
  9. Bribie Island - Off road, Kms of sand, fishing, beer, BBQ, sun...
  10. B1K3R

    Lamington National Park and O'Reilly's

    Lamington National Park and O'Reilly's
  11. Mate, you look so cool here, like a film star ;)
  12. B1K3R

    Coolangatta, Gold Coast

    Coolangatta, Gold Coast
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