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how long to give aus when trying to find a job


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hi all, i was wondering how many peps have had this dilema, a breif history about myself, and with most of you i went thru the emigration process and it took a long time but finally acheived my goal of permenant residency in april 2011, so came out here to townsville, qld in aug 2011

i stayed with a buddy for 3 months and had a job as a cabinet maker after looking for 3 hrs, im a joiner by trade but will try any job, but at the same time its gotta be right.


with the extreme humidity in townsville i struggled with everything and eventually flew to perth in nov 2011 to another buddy's, im currently renting with him. i struggled with homesickness since before xmas to a few weeks ago but still think of home, i got a job manufactiring and maintaining rollershutters about 6 weeks ago, but the guy said he was gonna train someone else up for a month or so, but i should keep in touch and poss if i didnt have anything , i could go back and work for him.


yes i liked the job which i travelled all round perth, and yes the heat is a problem for those who work as a tradie, and yes im actively looking for another job, , homesickness is a big issue and ive struggled with it on and off since xmas, but i do have a job in the uk starting in september, if i was to got back to the uk- maybe thats clouding my judgement on staying in oz


its like you realise what youve left behind, and you pine for home and in my case the uk, im originally from carlisle in the beautiful lake district, where i did a lot of walking etim currently meeting new peps and attending circuit training and walking clubs in perth to keep me active,


the cbd of perth is great as well as kings park, freo, swan river and lots of other great places in perth, but i suppose youve got to draw a line somewhere and if you struggle to get the job your comfable with you start to look at going back to the uk, so its not all doom anf gloom for perth


i know at het end of the day its my call but im interested in what your thoughts are and any advice would be gratefully recieved cheers clark:confused:

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I often struggle with my rational side and my emotions too re Australia. We have been here 6 months and I am still unemployed, my OH works full time. I often (well, all the time!) think we made a bad decision on coming here and have questioned myself if this is principally because I haven't found work. With a lot of time on my hands I have plenty time to think!!! I have come to the conclusion that although there is nothing wrong with Australia (in fact the opposite) it is not "my place", so even if I did have a job I am pretty sure I would feel the call from Europe.


You sound young and without any major family ties which is always a plus when migrating. You have this job in the UK in September, would you be able to keep your options open in Oz in case you wanted to come back? Could be you go to UK and start the job, but if you really don't get on or understand you actually liked Oz you could return?


To be honest sounds as though you have also thought about this, changed state to see if you got on any better, so it may be a case of getting back to what you are comfortable with.


I know that if I had a job in UK in September I would be packing my things already, but this is me and everyone on here will likely give you a different answer!!!


Good luck anyway :em3900:

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Hi Clark, If you've only been in Perth since November mate and struggling with the heat, it will get cooler. A lot cooler than Townsville ever gets. We have been having an unusually hot spell for this time of year. If you enjoy walking you might like Perth a lot more when it cools down and you can enjoy the many walks through great countryside, not too far away.

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I often struggle with my rational side and my emotions too re Australia. We have been here 6 months and I am still unemployed, my OH works full time. I often (well, all the time!) think we made a bad decision on coming here and have questioned myself if this is principally because I haven't found work. With a lot of time on my hands I have plenty time to think!!! I have come to the conclusion that although there is nothing wrong with Australia (in fact the opposite) it is not "my place", so even if I did have a job I am pretty sure I would feel the call from Europe.


You sound young and without any major family ties which is always a plus when migrating. You have this job in the UK in September, would you be able to keep your options open in Oz in case you wanted to come back? Could be you go to UK and start the job, but if you really don't get on or understand you actually liked Oz you could return?


To be honest sounds as though you have also thought about this, changed state to see if you got on any better, so it may be a case of getting back to what you are comfortable with.


I know that if I had a job in UK in September I would be packing my things already, but this is me and everyone on here will likely give you a different answer!!!


Good luck anyway :em3900:


hi 3fatcats

thanks for your take on things and telling me your experiences, i think your right as in it dos'nt matter if i got a job i dont think aus is 'my place' and would always be thinking of uk and fam

yes i would keep options open as im single with no ties, g/f kids etc.

i think its the 'un comfortabl-ness' of aus for me at the mo, and i need to be comfortable with myself


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Guest Guest16631

..........It doesn't matter how long you have lived here..............there will always be something........a song ......a smell............a food...........that evokes a memory of ..'home'....?.........it can takes years to build up a network of friends.....or you may find a social group quickly.............also ..community and a feeling of ....belonging..........takes time to acquire..............having never settled anywhere for any length of time when I was younger...........I have a mixed and varied ...memory of a specific home..........but for many who were born and spent their formative years there............have family there.............there will always be a pull.................to find more here than what you left there...........is the key to finding contentment.............obviously nothing can replace family ties............so work and lifestyle need to be full filling...........and that is purely personal............things take time and it's wether in your heart you feel Australia is for you...............will dictate your choice................I wish you luck and happiness in whatever you decide.........tink x

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