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Easier to come back than go?


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Sunshine and Petals, thank you for posting about families, you are so right.


Families....I love my family and I have missed them so much over the last five years. I have come to realize though that absence makes the heart grow fonder and the reality is that at close quarters, not to put too fine a point on it, they do my head in! So I have recently examined and revised my intentions on returning to the UK and I now know I have to return for me and my little family, what is good for us and not parents, in-laws etc who I know will return to form at some point and make me want to get on the plane straight back to Oz! I am moving back for me and mine, because it's right for this moment in time, because we want to travel and see a bit more of Europe, spend some time with mates (who also have moved on) and just enjoy it for what it is. It's so painful being away from family especially at Christmas time but I know I just have to take the rough with the smooth, it won't always be perfect so there's absolutely no use in returning just for family.


I know it's never just been about family for me though. When my parents were seriously considering moving here, I got scared. Because I knew that would be me stuck here, still missing the UK and Europe but feeling utterly obliged to stay put for them because they'd made such a big move for me. So, yes, I know exactly where you're coming from. Gosh, this forum is like therapy for me, I think things through on here and feel so much better, lol. Thanks.


Ahh thanks Crimsonpetal. Is like therapy, just writing on here! I think it helps to know you are not alone with having a "challenging" family & it is possible to successfully return to the Uk so long as it is for the right reasons (e.g. not solely for extended family - more so if you have been away more than a couple of years or so because people move on & although you may not realise it, you have changed too...) & you research & locate a place that meets what kind of lifestyle you want. I really think you need to be excited about re-locating to the Uk or at least mildly smiling....!


Don't get me wrong, is nice to be able to see family long weekends/school hols & Christmas - (mainly for the kids benefit) but is just as nice to come home at times.


I am in the middle of working out a way of "managing" mine, so it doesnt upset/disrupt our little family unit. We are only 7 mths in from returning, and still havent found the level. Needing to re-align our expectations into reality & set some boundaries. Our family is lots of little cogs, all created from divorced parents, so am needing to take one cog at a time!


Best advice is return for yourself, or your own family unit. Write down why you want to return, (keep the list to hand, as a reference, especially when you get back) where the benefits will be & be kind to youself. It is a big move & giving it time & doing one day at a time is the best way forward.... all the best x

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Crimson Petal - this When my parents were seriously considering moving here, I got scared. Because I knew that would be me stuck here, still missing the UK and Europe but feeling utterly obliged to stay put for them because they'd made such a big move for me. was exactly me, I am SO glad they didn't come.

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In simple financial terms it is definitely easier going back to the UK for us.


When we came to Sydney 12 years ago our UK house was worth around £80K. At that time you could still get a decent Sydney home for around the $350k mark. You could also get A$3 to the £ (i.e. the UK home was worth A$240k). The leap from a UK home to a Sydney home was not that great.


Now that same UK house is worth around £200k. The exchange rate is about A$1.50 to the £ (i.e the house is worth about $A300k). The same house in Sydney would cost about $800k.


In simple terms we could not afford to come here now.


People that are migrating from the UK to the major Australian cities need to do their sums very carefully. I have a friend who is thinking of coming here. She is a nurse and was overjoyed to hear that she will get a $70k salary here. In her mind that is £45k - far better than her current income. What she fails to realise that, whereas she can afford a house and a good standard of living in the UK, she will be reduced to a unit and a much lower spending power in Sydney.


I am so thankful that the exchange rate and house prices have worked in our favour. We will be returning with a healthy lump sum and no worries about finances. I do feel for anyone coming the other way though. They need to put their practical hats on and not get carried away by the UK tv that tends to show people living in big properties near the sea in major cities. Unless you are coming with millions of dollars this wont be you.

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