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Deposit amount for a private rental? (Gumtree etc.)


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Guest The Pom Queen

Firstly be careful, there have been a number of members caught out with scams on gumtree, they have paid their money and had no where to go when they arrive.

I am not sure on long term rental law in WA but in Vic even a private landlord has to lodge the bond with the RTBA. How much a private landlord asks upfront is down to the individual. I wouldn't be parting with any money unless you have viewed the property.

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Regardless of whether it's private or agent you still come under whatever your state equivlent of the Residential Tenancies Act is, so your landlord is bound by all the normal entry/inspection etc criteria, and the amount of deposit that they can ask is set by the Act. If you do a bit off googling you should find a booklet which explains what your rights are, and what your landlord isn't allowed to do.

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A bond is required which is not to exceed 4 weeks rent. The bond has to be put into a Tenancy Bond account with the State Governments bond administrator. The landlord will want you to pay rent in advance, usually 2 weeks, no letting fee is required by the applicant, this is paid by the landlord.


I would be very careful applying for or sending money for a property on Gumtree, without viewing the property and meeting the landlord face to face, it's been on the news lately of people getting ripped off, there is no house or landlord.


A bit of info for you in the link.



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Guest TonySmith



I agree with the comments posted. I would not pay any money upfront, especially for a private rental.

You could suggest that you get the rental contracts in place and pay the bond upfront as a gesture of goodwill. This can be paid directly to the Bond Administrator in Perth which is a government department and required both you and the landlord to complete a form and lodge it and your money would be protected.


I have a couple of properties that I rent out in Perth and have never asked for anything upfront. I would be VERY WARY of such things. Sounds like a scam to me.





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