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Why does everyone insist on offering me wine and cheese??


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Guest AKA63029

Firstly congratulations.:yes:


But the wine and cheese thing.


Cheese is for the little one, loads of calcium and all that, and the wine, well.


I often found solace in the odd tipple or four after being up all night with my two cherubs. :arghh: You would often find me in a corner 'supping' a box or two of cheap booze, and when I got the munchies the cheese came in handy.:yes:


Cheers Tony.

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:jiggy:Congratulations. A playmate for Satchdog. Will she be prepared to share her paddling pool? I'm sure I read somewhere that it's very dangerous to do any cleaning, ironing or laundry while you're pregnant. Maybe Jon will have to take over those chores?


That's a very valid point - luckily I have been carefully preparing Jon for years in these matters and can now safely say - I do very little housework that isn't actually cooking !!


Although I did scrub the shower yesterday.... and loaded the dishwasher. I promise no more :)


I'm sure Satchdog won't object too much to sharing her pool - so long as munchkin doesn't want her stinky bones :)

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Congratulations! What wonderful news.


As for the food thing, you're right, there is no unpasteurised cheese in Australia. However, that didn't stop the food-Nazi on the cheese counter at David Jones in Bondi Junction saying (in quite a nasty voice) "I hope this isn't for you" when I was buying up a cheese platter for my leaving party from work at 8 1/2 months pregnant. I felt like opening the brie and taking a big bite in front of her....I refrained though! Perhaps she thought I was just fat and shouldn't be eating cheese full-stop!


Good luck with everything.


Stupid people - I have decided to follow a French pregnancy diet anyway :)

More cheese please Grommet!!!


Lol, even on Sunday when we went out for dinner to tell Mum and Dad I ordered Pork Belly with Chorizo and bean cassoulet. And my MUM said - should you be having that?????

I promptly looked at her and said - 'yes'



Hmmmm Jamie Oliver Gingerbread sounds good - for lunch today is left over chilli con carne with a jacket potato, CHEESE and some yoghurt :)


Yesterday I was bad - I just had a muesli bar for lunch, luckily nobody apart from my boss knows I'm up the duff yet so I didn't get any lectures!


And now my toast is cooking so I can have it with PB before walking Satchdog and heading off to work.....

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Cheers Geoff :)


We'll see you on Saturday - it'll be a busy weekend as we're heading to Brighton dog beach on the Sunday as well !




I've just caught up!


Many many congratulations from all of us!


Now I understand why you were keen for Jon to find a job, all that spare time on his hands has clearing let his mind wander on to other activities and I'm not talking 'brew or yourself'.....


.....although my warped sense of humour did find that last sentence amusing!


Hope to see you Saturday!


Take (extra) care


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