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Primary schools- mandurah Perth


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Hi Tony, there are a few primary schools in Halls Head, our daughter (who is 11) goes to Glencoe.. We have only been here just over 6mths... She likes it, so I think thats the main thing.. I have heard very good reports of South Halls Head, someone I know took their kids out of private school to send them there... But remember you have to live in the catchment area...

School term 1 started on Feb 1st, the next break is easter, then July, Sept and finally big hols Dec.. They have 2 weeks off at a time here.. Hope this helps

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Hi Cassy just wondering if your daughter started school in Mandurah half way through a term? I have a 10 year old boy and 7 year old daughter (he will be turning 11 and she will have just turned 8 by time we get over) hoping to be over in October. Have been trying to research good primary schools but i suppose it will depend on what area we get a house etc. Halls Head seems really nice!

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Hi Shauna, yes she did. We arrived here last year on Aug 19th, and she started in school about 10 days later.. Think it helped her settle better, and plus she had already had a long time off. She had to go back into year 5 though untill they broke up Dec for summer hols. And yes halls head is a lovely area, my friend has lived here 5yrs.. Good luck with the move..

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