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Further medicals required?


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Hi everyone,


I have been anxiously awaiting an update on my partners medicals. He has a minor condition which we manage with medication and an annual visit to his psychiatrist.


His medicals were referred (as expected) on the 13th. I've been checking every day for an update and today I see that on the 16th, his section was updated with "further medicals required". We did include a report from his psychiatrist which the panel doctor asked for.


Is this something to be worried about?



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Potentially you might be worried - but you can help yourself by knowing that the crucial question is the expected cost to the taxpayer over the next five years. In most cases, it's about averaging out the many people who will cost nothing and the unlucky one or two who cost a great amount. If you know this, you need to see whether the doctors can think of reasons why your partner is more likely than others to be in the costing very little category and less likely to "go wrong". Reasons that might support you include compliance with a medication regime over a period of time; absence of adverse episodes in the past; proof that the medication is effective; absence of co-morbidities, etc.


Best of luck.

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Hmmm okay... well it sounds promising. They actually have cleared him on the costs of medication, they just wanted some information that wasn't originally explicitly stated in the original specialist report:


  • Can he function independently (ie a normal person with a job etc)?
  • Does he work?


We provided a specialist report along with references from his employers giving details of his work, a copy of his CV and academic transcripts showing excellent results (he is studying MBA part time). Hopefully this will answer the MOC's questions :)


Thankfully the reality is that he does lead a completely normal life, it's just making sure that the documentation supports that.


Edited to add - we had previously indicated his prognoses and current condition is excellent and has been for a number of years so that is already covered.

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