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Tax free allowance

Caz Brady

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I know that the TFA for an individual in Oz i 6k but what way is tax calculated for families? I've looked on the website and still can't make it out, (sorry if I'm being a bit dim, but I'll blame the baby brain)


If I'm not working can my Hubby claim my tax credits like here in Ireland?


Can a family of 2 adults and 3 kids live on a salary of approx $55k gross in Perth?


That'll do for starters I suppose!

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Guest GoldCoastMag

The rules in Australia may not be the same, but I dont know so the ATO site may be your best bet.Hope it helpssorry i dont even have baby brain to blame, and see you have already checked the site.

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Guest Guest31881

I think you will find you can get a type of family allowance from Centerlink,,, Not sure how it works, but i think that is where you get the help with Children not a tax credit....

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Hi - Ive also been doing a lot of digging - found this web site very useful ... https://www.moneysmart.gov.au/tools-and-resources/calculators-and-tools/income-tax-calculator


Also I did a rough budget - this is for two! though! Aus living is expensive by all accounts. We have no kids so sure that you will have stuff to add on to this list. Also I have read that as expats you have to pay more tax in the first 6 months - not sure if that is correct. Lastly below does not include the pension which, I believe, your employee takes 9% of your annual salary for before Tax. So I think as a rough guide - take your annual salary $55K, less 9% $4950, gives you an annual income of circa $50,000. Then run that thru the Tax Calculator your left with $41,450 per annum or circa $3454 per month take home. I THINK!! obviously I am no expert and this is just from what I have read - would be interested to see if anyone can comment on this. (Rent below is for a place in Brisbane I have been looking at)



[TABLE=width: 225]







[TD=align: right]$2,000.00 [/TD]



[TD]Water rates[/TD]

[TD=align: right]$90.00[/TD]



[TD]Water usage[/TD]

[TD=align: right]$30.00[/TD]



[TD]Contents insurance[/TD]

[TD=align: right]$45.00[/TD]




[TD=align: right]$150.00[/TD]




[TD=align: right]$50.00[/TD]




[TD=align: right]$150.00[/TD]




[TD=align: right]$500.00[/TD]




[TD=align: right]$70.00[/TD]



[TD]Hospital cover[/TD]

[TD=align: right]$105.00[/TD]



[TD]Other GP expenses[/TD]

[TD=align: right]$60.00[/TD]



[TD]Car Insurance[/TD]

[TD=align: right]$40.00[/TD]



[TD]Car Tax[/TD]

[TD=align: right]$45.00[/TD]



[TD]Car Service[/TD]

[TD=align: right]$50.00[/TD]



[TD]Car Repairs[/TD]

[TD=align: right]$50.00[/TD]




[TD=align: right]$200.00[/TD]




[TD=align: right]$35.00[/TD]




[TD=align: right]$3,670.00[/TD]



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Guest Guest31881

Sorry but that is wrong, if you are on a salary of $55000 then that is your salary, your employer will pay your superannuation on top of your salary, I believe it is actually illegal to claim the super payment is part of your salary.


So when you see a salary of $55000 that is what you get, nothing is taken out for superannuation.

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I don't know how it works with families/kids, but I think you would struggle big time on $55k with a family of 5. I would think you need double that


Yeah was sort of thinking that, the only hope was if there was some sort of tax break like you get here.

Guess it's back to bar work for me cause childcare is wicked expensive over there! Will have to wait till DH gets home from work!

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Generally if the say you will be on a package of x amount then that will include super and any other fringe benefits you are entitled to eg car, health insurance etc. Like others have said if you see an ad stating a salary then that should be your gross payment, your super shouldn't come out of that. If in doubt make sure you always ask

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