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How long for shipping stuff back to the UK


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We are moving back to the UK (hopefully soon)

Just wondering if any of the recent returners to the UK can say how long their belongings took to arrive back.

We're not to the point of getting quotes yet as selling (or not selling more like) the house is a very slow process to say the least.

Just trying to work out how many members of my family are going to have to put up with us, and how much time we have to find a rental, depending on how long it takes.



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We only sent back 4 boxes so have to fit in someone else's container but our stuff was picked up 1 November and hasnt arrived yet although they did say "February" so any minute now really. They said it would have been quicker if we had needed a container of our own.

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Would it be rude to ask how much these containers are costing people? Am starting to get quotes at the moment but the move is a few months off yet.


We got a sole use 40ft container with 6 weeks free storage in UK (if we need it) for A$10995

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