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Not Sure About Moving Back Home/Worried


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This is my first post on Poms In Oz but I have follwed other members experiences/stories for a while now and found it really helpful.


To cut a long story short I've been in WA for exactly a year now and after lots of problems with visa applications etc I'm finally working and meeting new friends and feeling a bit less homesick and more settled. The problem is my relationship hasn't worked out and it looks like we will be splitting up very soon. My other problem is that I will have to come back to the UK as my visa is attached to my partners 457 through his work.


I am just really worried about getting a job when I get back home and having to live with my parents again etc etc.


Any advice or thoughts would be greatly appreciated.


Thanks in advance x

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Hi Roo, and welcome to PIO!

I can’t help in terms of visas and possible options for staying in Australia, but if you do decide to return to the UK your job prospects may depend on the area you return to. Like the rest of Europe, Britain is in the grip of an economic downturn but the impact does vary depending on where you live. The north seems to be having a tougher time than the south and the southeast seems to be one area that is faring relatively well. Going back to live with parents after living independently on the other side of the world could make for a challenging time, so maybe you should use the internet to research local job vacancies, salaries and places to rent before making any final decisions.

Good luck with everything. Having decided to join the PIO community you are not on your own, you now have somewhere to go for advice, support or just a moan!Take care x

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Guest The Pom Queen

Welcome to the forum, I am so sorry things haven't worked out for you. Have you had a word with an agent to see if there are any other options open to you?

If you do go back at least you have your parents there for support whilst you get back on your feet.

Hugs :hug:


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Hi Roo101


You splitting up with your partner does not mean that you have to return to the UK. I would firstly check out the state sponsorship list for WA and see if your skills are on their wanted list before you decide to return home (that is if you want to stay) I would definitely check it out with a migration agent to see what your options are.



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Thank you to you all for your kind words. It makes me feel so much better knowing that there are lovely people out there that are willing to give their support.


I will check out my options with the migration agent tomorrow and see what they say. It won't be the end of the world if I go back home to friends and family, it will just mean I will be planning my next adventure from there!


Thanks again xxx

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