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what do i need to do to prove my 18yr old is a dependant?

Sharon taylor

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my eldest son is 18 in a months time and were are at start the visa process, he is a full time A level student re-taking year 12, he lives at home and is reliant on us for everything (as most teenagers are!!)

i reallly need to know what evidence i need to provide for him on our family ss 176 visa and will he be classed as a dependant until he has completed his Alevels?

any help would be great


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we have a ss 176 visa and have had it for 2 years we thought this would be really difficult for us my son was 21 at the time in an apprenticeship as a carpenter on a good wage live at home with us paid us no board had a car and motorbike and we really thought he would never be allowed on our visa so much so we employed an agent to act on our behalf which we didnt need. wether this is because im a midwife and my job is in so much need in oz i dont know my son also had a really rare or i should say has a rare muscle wasting disease and we had no problems at all.


we just sent a list of what he paid out for his insurance running cost of car and bike obviously we told them he paid us we were told to send a page out of ur local paper for properties to rent if we left him at home to prove that he could not afford to live on his own and we said we would be making him hiomeless. we also gave costs of gas and electric, council tax as much info as possible to make them realise that he can not afford to stay in this country. please dont stress its easy if my son didnt have a problem and his wage was good even for an apprentice then dont worry we read many posts on here that made us stress, all for nothing.


good luck



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Hi There, ours may be different were on a 163, but our eldest is now 21, 18 1/2 when started the process, however he was on a gap year from Uni. We had to prove he had his uni place although on a gap year (letter from Uni) and also show his bank account statement (for the previous 12 months) to prove he was financially dependant on us. Not sure now if we also had to provde proof that we were still receiving child benefit for him (as this proves he is still in full time education.

hope this helps and good luck

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