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How many bank statements ?? 309/100 Visa


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Just beginning to put together my application and evidence. Hope someone can help with the first ( probably of many..!! ) of my questions.


We have been together for 7 years and have joint bank accounts and evidence for most of that time. This weekend pulled everything out and covered the floor in the lounge in paperwork !! After seeing all that I am unsure so the question is this, how many should I include ? Should I be providing evidence/statements for every month of the last 7 years ?


Any advice gratefully recieved...thanks

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What is it you are trying to prove?


We are lodging our visa app this week (exciting) and are providing bank statements to support our claim for work experience points- salary going in etc. We had the same dilema as you but have opted to upload March and August of every year going back 10 years.but thats just us! It doesnt say how many should be included

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For the partner visa I have to prove that we have been in a "genuine and continuing" relationship ( minimum 3 years for a permanent visa I think ) and I understand that joint finances are a large part of illustrating this.


Yes....you must be excited if you are posting yours off today - good luck !! . I am rather more behind and am at the stage of looking into the requirments and feeling a little overwhelmed. I wonder if as your visa is different we might have different requirements if you need only send a document for each year...I think I might need more that that, hopefully someone will set me right.



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Guest Guest31881

I sent a couple in from each year to show how long we had held the joint account. I also asked the bank for a letter confirming that we had held the account for 10 years, they charged £10 for this but its decent evidence of joint finances.

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I went the whole hog and sent in a copy of one from every month we had held the account - 18 months in total. However, this might not be practical for 7 years' worth of statements. If it was me I would be tempted to put in every month for the last 12 months and then maybe two or three from each month for the preceding years. Or, if you're aiming for the immediate grant of the 100 visa then you could go all out and put in a copy of each month's statement from the past three years. Depends on how many pages the statements occupy I suppose. Your CO can always ask for more if they need.

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We had the same situation - we included a statement from every year as well as a letter from the bank confirming our joint bank account and how long we'd had it open. This was in addition to all the other financial proof in sharing bills (included electricity bills addressed to both, phone bills, etc). And wrote in the stat dec for that section how our finances are managed together.


Good luck!

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