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Pets and Rentals.

The Fisheys

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Thanks you have been very reassuring, I think sometimes it is really difficult to imagine something / a situation when you are so far away from it, if that makes sense. I have read so many threads about people struggling to find rentals because they have pets.


We like you are responsible owners and so far our little one´s have never done any damage whatsoever. They are both good, and only small which hopefully will help us.


Also I am hoping that the area we are going to be looking in is saturated with nice rental properties, fingers crossed, we will have references and also a job contract which shows that we can pay the rent et. et.


Yup, thankfully we didnt have the stress of having to find a place knowing our dogs were en-route or anythign so my heart goes out. I would say that spend time on an application pack. I put together a great little folder along with the rental application form - showing we had paid rent in full, on time etc. Also provided a statement about our character, we offered to pay extra on the bond in the unlikely event of damage etc. The agent was really impressed at it that he actually recommended that the landlord choose us over the other person applying even though he had no pets (or the intention of getting a pet). We have a good relationship now with the agents and we also make sure the neighbours are sweet (in case they ever get asked how we or the dogs are) ..however we all have dogs anyway so everyone is pretty chilled about pets round here.


Hopefully this will work since the attachment didn't :)



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Thanks .. yes just a bit. But they are worth it - ive had ups and downs in settling here but whenever i am away i always want to be back home with my boys. And i know it;s cheesy but home really is where the heart is .. so i guess whenever anyone asks me whether home is the UK or Oz my answer is always gonna be wherever they are lol!

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Guest The Pom Queen
Thanks .. yes just a bit. But they are worth it - ive had ups and downs in settling here but whenever i am away i always want to be back home with my boys. And i know it;s cheesy but home really is where the heart is .. so i guess whenever anyone asks me whether home is the UK or Oz my answer is always gonna be wherever they are lol!

I want a hug :hug:

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Yes they do tend to make a house a home, we went back to the UK a couple of months ago and arrived back late at night, our two where still in the kennels due to our late arrival. The house was empty without them, even though most of the day they are relaxing anyway and we don´t always know they are around, but knowing that they are gives us so much comfort.


We had a dog who died a few years ago and I begged my OH for another dog, and at first he refused, but he came round eventually, now we have two, and I wouldn´t have it any other way.

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