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The Waiting Game

Guest Chenny

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Guest Chenny

Hi everyone,

Just wanted to say...How much longer !!!!! I feel like I am in Limbo . I check the post everymorning like a small child on it's birthday only to see no visa :cry: . It feels like forever. I can't wait anymore i just want to start packing, doing things, shipping things off. Does anyone else feel like this.?

Feel much better now ....... thank you . :)

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I know EXACTLY how you feel!! Our visa (frontloaded) has been in 4 months 10 days now and still not a word!


We are supposed to be moving out of our house at the end of Sept. and I haven't even packed a cup yet! I know it's going to be a mad rush towards the end but I make the excuse that I work better under pressure!!


The waiting is unbearable...I also check my emails every morning first thing then feel totally deflated for the rest of the day coz theres no news............how sad am I?? :lol:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Yes I know just how you feel. We are sitting waiting for the phone or email from our agent. We are in week 10 of waiting now which isn't as long as some but we are worrying as the regional was supposed to be faster?? It is totally depressing when by 10am we now its not going to happen today. YUK!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I know exactly how you are feeling. Makes you wondered why you bothering - then you remember all the plus things!! Keep your pecker up, it`ll happen when its supposed to.


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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest abeattie

Know exactly how you all feel, its been 5 half months wait for us and still no sign, applied for skilled 136 on modl. Sent in meds & pcc end July not had any news since, do they normally acknowledge when they have received these or, do you not hear anything until you get the visa ? this wait is killing me :cry: :cry:


Like you all, I get up every morning and the first thing I do is check my email for that all important one but, as yet it hasn't arrived :cry:


Starting to get a little worried now :?


Sorry for whinging :shock:




Angie & Sean

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Guest markyblueyes

yet another anxious family!!! got no nails left now, we are all doing the same thing- checking our mail as soon as we wake, we are like kidz at xmas just wanting that amazing gift. we we are week 18 on modl as nurse wife as physiotherapist - i thought things were processed at speed!!! we too have not heard site nor sound of our case officer- i think they hibinate in the ozzie winter!! everything has been sent meds over 6 wks ago, but we do know that our meds were recieved in sydney and have been passed on to adelaide- is that a good thing!!!!! :shock: for all you who are worried about whether the meds got their i found an email you can use- they will tell you whether the medicals have been recieved though they wont say much else, here it is




www.immi.gov.au/allforms/local clearance unit.htm[/size]


when you get to that page click on the link that says "how to contact the LCU


hope this can ease the mids of the worried few


it wont be long now - I HOPE!!



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Guest abeattie
yet another anxious family!!! got no nails left now, we are all doing the same thing- checking our mail as soon as we wake, we are like kidz at xmas just wanting that amazing gift. we we are week 18 on modl as nurse wife as physiotherapist - i thought things were processed at speed!!! we too have not heard site nor sound of our case officer- i think they hibinate in the ozzie winter!! everything has been sent meds over 6 wks ago, but we do know that our meds were recieved in sydney and have been passed on to adelaide- is that a good thing!!!!! :shock: for all you who are worried about whether the meds got their i found an email you can use- they will tell you whether the medicals have been recieved though they wont say much else, here it is




www.immi.gov.au/allforms/local clearance unit.htm




Hi Mark,


That link is not working, can you advise where you found it :wink:






when you get to that page click on the link that says "how to contact the LCU


hope this can ease the mids of the worried few


it wont be long now - I HOPE!!



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Gah - I wish we were that far on. I'm still waiting for white or black smoke to rise from the ACS. The skills assessment has been in for four weeks or so, so hopefully there won't be too much more of a wait :(

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Hi Guys


It is so good to read that I am not the only one behaving like an adolescent and checking my mail each morning. I have had my occupation assessed and now waiting for my agent to tell me they have submitted by 136 visa app.!


Like you all I feel I am in Limbo waiting to start moving. Don't want to sell my house until I have my visa as I have had friends at work whom have had difficulty with the visa process at the last minute. One friend worked her notice gave up her flat then refused entry due to something on her chest xray and now no job or accommodation and no visa and a worrying time over her health.


The waiting is the hardest part, character building they say! :?


Really loving this web site to do my whingeing as the folks don;t like the Aus talk!


Cheers all for listening!!


Sharon n Seth



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Hi Choobs


4 weeks for a skills assessment would be great! I've been waiting for mine for 11 weeks now!


I was originally told I would hear within 6-8 weeks but contacted them a month ago and was told due to a backlog it was now 10-12 weeks.


With all the recent publicity about the Australian government wanting skilled people, I think I have got in ahead of the masses, but it is so, so frustrating!



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