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This one is from my sister TFN


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Hi all again.

As you no we are moving to Melbourne in 34 days can you tell i'm counting. My sister & her family move to Brisbane in 13 days They arive on the friday & she starts work on the monday (Talk about stress) She has been told she will need her TFN for her induction in such a short space of time could anyone advice the quickest & easiest way to sort her TFN out ?

I would be really gratefull for your help especially as i would look really clever if i had the answer before her lol sisterly love.


Thank you in advance


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I doubt she will get it that quick, it normally takes a couple of weeks minimum. Most employers are happy enough with a refernce number saying you've applied for one and you just give them your TFN when it comes through.


Cal x




you can apply online and takes about 2 weeks to come through.

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