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Days prior to flying?


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Our dog flies out on the 27th feb and we've been told its a good idea for our dog to spend a couple of days with the pet shipper to get her used to the crate etc. she hates travelling in the car and where she has to go is atleast 2 1/2 hours away then she would have to do another car journey to heathrow. I would prefer her to go straight to heathrow from here as its only 1 hour away. Has anyone done that or do you think she should spend a couple of nights getting used to her crate? So don't know what to do she's such a softy doggie gonna be worried about her :(

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Hi there


I would have thought that the less time they spend in the crate the better and as you are only an hour from Heathrow it makes sense for your wee girlie to go straight there doesn't it? Mind you, I think that they have to check the pets over before they go out don't they so it may be that she has to go back with them for one night. We are shipping our cat out - it's worrying hat to do for them for the best isn't it. Hope all goes well for her.

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Hi we dropped our Dog Maggie off at the airport just before Xmas.


I will be honest it is a cargo centre that you go to and not the best place to be when emotional, well I was.


However, I felt much better as I got to talk with the vet that checked Maggie over before the flight. However do be prepared to sit around for 2/3 hours.



If you have any more question don't hesitate to contact me.



Best wishes,



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If you're worried about how she copes with the crate, get them to deliver it to you as early as possible so she can get used to it.

We did just that for Satch and she was fine - I, of course, was an emotional wreck and hated every second that I knew she was in the crate!



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I agree get the pet carrier to drop the crate off a.s.ap. Have it round the house so she can have a sniff at it then after a few days put treats inside and her blanket and toys. Leave the door open so she can come and go as she pleases. She will realise its not a bad place. No need for her to spend time at carrierd, that would prob stress her out. Take her to heathrow urself if thats what feels best to you. If i could i would do the same.


Our poor babies just had rabies shots now and are either going to have to do 6 months in boarding kennels here before flying over!! our oz adventure had been very rushed and with the new rabies regulations a nightmare. Dont know how we are going to cope with the seperation plus we wont be there to crate train them and give them hugs before their flight.

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It depends a bit on the company that you are using, but you should still have the choice.


We used Golden Arrow. They wanted the pets for he last few days before the flight so that they could be sure the paperwork was perfect and be responsible for the final vet checks and treatment. They also didn't make the dog crate until he arrived because they wanted to make sure it was exactly the right size. It suited us as they were nearer to us than Heathrow. It would have been hard for me to get them to Heathrow, and impossible to do it the day before we were due to fly. They looked after them really well and didn't mind my frequent phone calls.


If you want to take them yourself, speak to the carrier to see if it is possible. It may be that they need reassurance about you getting the vet checks done and the paperwork sorted. Who would be liable if you were late to the airport etc. Maybe you could keep them at your house until the last day, then someone else could collect them to take them to the airport if it might be too emotional or stressful.


I hope you can arrange it for a way you feel at ease with. It is very stressful and upsetting but your dog will be fine. The less stressed you are, the less stressed she will be.

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Hi that's who my dog is going with Golden Arrow!!! Glad to hear they looked after your dog well! I guess I've got to bite the bullet and go with the flow. Have to put her out of my mind for a few weeks :(. Looking forward to it all being over and we can start life all together in Perth and hit those doggy beaches!

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