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Arghhh!!!!!!! I can't cope with secrets...


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Arghhhhh!!!!!! Thats what is happening in my head right now.


I am trying to register as a teacher at Victorian Institute of Teaching, BUT i havnt told my current employer yet. And now I am worried that I have just sent my current employer an email from the registration website/form. OMG OMG OMG. I cant cope with this massive secret anymore its driving me crazy. It was fine before i got granted, but now its always on the tip of my tongue and I am worried I ahve really let the cat out of the bag. Has anyone had experience of online registration with Victorian Institute of teaching. It says that if it is a Victorian school then an email will automatically be sent to the school; it says if it is a non victorian school then i need to give the school a form that I can get from clicking on a link. However when I come out of the application form and look at my status it says pending - awaiting response from school. ARGHHHHH!!!!!! Why do i do this to myself. Sorry ranting and stressing..... If anyone has any experience of this please let me know. :arghh:


Also people who dont work in teaching, when have u told your employer and has it made things really uncomfortable. I dont think i can keep this a secret anymore but im not looking forward to the response. :eek:

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Why would you want to keep it a secret with your colleagues? It's not as if they will fire you.


I know i just dont want them to treat me differently (atmosphere, etc.) Im not worried about telling some people, there are just a few that might make it unpleasant. Think i may just get it over and done with in January though as its driving me crazy now.

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Guest James W

We spent all the last 12 months keeping it from our employers & it drove us nuts. We're a very open couple and didn't like it but felt we had to do it.


However, when it did come out they weren't surprised at all & wished us well.


Zidden - we knew someone who had made noises about moving to Canada and when the company went through redundancies he was selected despite being one of the best sales people they had.


So have had both sides of the coin on this, however, if you trust the people in charge I'd say tell em.

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I work in the NHS and I have been really up front with my managers throughout the whole process.


They have been really helpful giving me helpful advice and even offered me a year extended leave in case I want my job back.


In my experience it didn't make for a bad atmosphere - I think I'd I'd have kept it secret that would have been worse.


I'd just tell them - they might surprise you




Sent from my BlackBerry 8520 using Tapatalk

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I told mine straight off the bat - I needed a reference for my skills assessment - but made sure to tell them that the application process is a long one, without an actual guaranteeof a visa at the end of it, and that when the time came to move, they'd have a decent advance warning of me moving, and they've been really supportive of it...

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I in no way want to worry, scare or panic anyone, but I am so so glad I didn't tell my boss until I did, and even then I wish I hadn't had to (but as you know we have to hand in our notice by certain times to leave at the end of term etc in teaching).


Basically, my head is really horrible, as in a complete and utter nutter (as shown by her actions ever since I handed in my notice), but once I had handed in my notice she called me into a meeting with just her, called me a prostitute based on a photo she found online of me in fancy dress. I then was signed off sick and she kept harrassing me, sending me letters telling me she was stopping my pay (she couldn't) and that I was malingering (my GP and occupational Health didn't seem to think so) and making it all up. I am so so so glad I've left now (or at least, will be in two days! hurrah!). I have to point out that my head had been bullying me ever since she arrived at the school, along with a couple of other members of staff that left a couple of terms ago due to it, so its not like it was completely out of the blue, but none-the-less is was really really horrible and traumatic tbh. Would point out, I'm not a 'victim' type person, I know exactly why she didn't like me, but unfortunately teaching is one of those jobs where bullying is rife and completely un-checked.


If you haven't had any previous issues with your SMT, then I wouldn't stress and just let them know - when I emigrated to NZ years ago I let my school know as soon as I knew I was going, and they were fine, had no issues at all, so they could prepare really well for my leaving - at this place SMT are really terrible though, lots of issues in the school tbh, so its a different kettle of fish altogether. The best judge of if you think you could/should tell asap is you as an individual, as only you know the 'vibe' at your place of employ really - if its one of those pressure pot schools, I'd keep quiet if the reality is more observations, more targets and so on, equally though in those kind of schools it can very much lead to a 'well Ms x is leaving anyway, so we won't bother including her in this observation cycle' - only you on the ground know what kind of place it is with regards to that :)


Again, I don't want to scare-monger anyone, but felt it was worth a mention - really my life has been a living hell, as has my husbands due to my school acting, pretty much illegally re: harrassment, as well as data handling issues (that's something related to the initial allegation though, and involving my husband).

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Arghhhhh!!!!!! Thats what is happening in my head right now.


I am trying to register as a teacher at Victorian Institute of Teaching, BUT i havnt told my current employer yet. And now I am worried that I have just sent my current employer an email from the registration website/form. OMG OMG OMG. I cant cope with this massive secret anymore its driving me crazy. It was fine before i got granted, but now its always on the tip of my tongue and I am worried I ahve really let the cat out of the bag. Has anyone had experience of online registration with Victorian Institute of teaching. It says that if it is a Victorian school then an email will automatically be sent to the school; it says if it is a non victorian school then i need to give the school a form that I can get from clicking on a link. However when I come out of the application form and look at my status it says pending - awaiting response from school. ARGHHHHH!!!!!! Why do i do this to myself. Sorry ranting and stressing..... If anyone has any experience of this please let me know. :arghh:


Also people who dont work in teaching, when have u told your employer and has it made things really uncomfortable. I dont think i can keep this a secret anymore but im not looking forward to the response. :eek:


I am going through the same thing right now. I am a teacher and I have not told anyone in administration. However, I don't have a visa grant or CO yet. Going by the trend I'm seeing on the Priority Group 4 threads, I should have a CO in a month or two and then he/she will probably call my employer to verify employment, and/or require me to get a reference letter. Then, I will be forced to tell them...


Now, I teach in the US. One of the reasons I'm leaving is because the US public educational system is collapsing around us. Every school district is broke, cutting back every year, and everyone seems to hate teachers. School administrators, parents, politicians, and the public at large blames teachers for everything. Colleagues are so overwhelmed and downtrodden that we all seem to hate one another. So, I work in a very hostile environment everyday. If I don't end up getting an Australian visa, I'm going to have to leave teaching. The school district has already signaled that there will be a wave of lay-offs (I believe it's called redundancy in Europe). It is that bad.


So, I haven't told anyone because it would just add more misery. However, if I were in your shoes, I would hold my visa grant letter up in front of them and do a happy dance and song routine that would basically tell them: "I'm getting out of this place! See you miserable suckers later!" I don't know how it works in the UK, or wherever you teach, but they can't fire me until the end of the school-year in June.


My advice would be to tell them if you can't be fired in the middle of the year. You have your visa and they probably won't be that upset. Yes, teachers treat those who are leaving differently, but your days are numbered: who cares?

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My advice would be to tell them if you can't be fired in the middle of the year. You have your visa and they probably won't be that upset. Yes, teachers treat those who are leaving differently, but your days are numbered: who cares?


In the UK its not that easy to fire a teacher, you can make them redundant only if the position is redundant (and don't employ a new teacher to take the position over), and generally the council have to try and re-deploy you in another school - or they can go down a route to 'fire' a teacher by way of them not being up to the job, but that's a long path - unfortunately it is a living hell really for the teacher, as it means lots and lots of observations, joint planning sessions, mentoring and so called 'support' (which is really just used as another tool to beat teachers down further), extra paper work, targets to be met - basically its really really horrid, having seen someone very close put onto capabilities its a really horrid tool that is horribly misused a lot of the time in the UK.


Obviously gross misconduct doesn't factor in that, when you can be instantly let go, but generally that's not an issue.

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Guest tandcmum

it's abit of a nightmare isn't it, i was very open and honest with my boss when i went for my first interviews way back in march and she has ben great, not treated me any different, a few monthsback things ere looking shaky as to wether we were actualy going as hubby got very cold feet and i told her we weren't going, i've just had to tell her today that it is abslute definate dependednt on visa and im not sure it went down to well as i think she had got used to theidea i was staying forever, i feel really bad now cos i do like my job and get one really well with my manager but i have to do what is best for my family and moving it is. I have no idea wether my last few months at work now will be hell or not we will have to see

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