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Hi Guys!


I haven't been on here for ages as I'm usually able to get my queries answered on the PIA site but I now need help from people in WA.


One of my good friends is taking part in the Outback Marathon Challenge in aid of Leukaemia Foundation on 28 July 2012 at Uluru, NT.


This race is a full 42km marathon, and costs in the regions of $2500 to complete the race ...(inc travel, accommodation and entry).


So far his flights have been booked and paid for and deposit for race entry, accommodation and insurance thanks to kind donations from corporate sponsors so far SDS Drilling and CvO Consultancy


He desparately needs coroprate sponsors to cover the remaining $1650 costs before Christmas so he can concentrate on raising the $10,000 target he has set himself!


All donations are welcome however for those businesses who donate $250 or more he will use the respective company logo’s on T-shirts and Running Vests which he will wear during any media releases up to, during and after the event. A great PR opportunity at a relatively low cost!!


Remember blood cancers and related blood disorders can develop in anyone, of any age, at any time. Around 11,500 Australians are expected to be newly diagnosed this year, equivalent to 31 people each day. The need is great and your support is vital.


Please PM me if you are able to help or if you know someone who can and I will put you in touch with each other.


Thanks in advance.


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He's tried the Radio and TV stations but no luck so far - perhaps he's been too gentle!! He was in the local freebie paper last week though.


Perhaps people are just waiting to get Xmas out of the way as July seems so far away.


Thanks for your suggestion Ali x

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Radio stations would be a great idea , Link for quite a few radio stations in perth




Obtaining Business or corporate sponsorship from this side of the wate would be a tough nut to crack without a proverbial foot in the door .


Best of luck to him tho , Great cause .




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Yeah, lots of appeals and stuff leading up to xmas. which radio stations did he try here? Mix 94.5 are usually promoting things, agree that it may be tough trying to do it from the UK though. Is the Leukemia Foundation an international organisation (sorry showing my ignorance)

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Thanks Lee.


Ali - I'm not sure what Radio Stations he has tried but he lives in Perth - he investigates Bush Fires - he's also trained in fire fighting so he can be called upton to help fight the fires too. He's always doing something for Charity and has recently done the Surf to City run.


Jo x (in Adelaide)

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